Some breeds temper and behaviour.

Artist: Meh.

I have found that each breed of fluffy is suitable for people with a different temperament and attitude. In fact, it’s like dogs.

Carpdimes are obviously quite fast learning ponies and tend to be slightly larger than, for example, Wolfram. Evidently, they are often suitable for working with children.

The mentioned Wolframs are rather fussy, in fact they remind me a bit of some cat breeds. Evidently these are fluffies for like-minded people. Heh, I wouldn’t be surprised if the people who own this breed not for abuse are mostly goths or lonely artists.

Mcgonagall fluffies are great for breeding as farm animals. Look at this fluff and thickness.
However, they seem mean character to me.

Do you have any suggestions for other breeds?


Spoosh breed fluffs would be just prime Feral Fluffies, fr fr


Kitsune fluffies tend to be designer fluffies.
so they are for people who want to show off their fluffies or want something relatively unusual.
They have a fairly mild temperament.

(course i would bring em up i main the buggers)


Oh God, i totally forget about Spoosh. Thanks for memory refresh.

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Squeakyfriend fluffies are … fiddly. They’re like those really smart dog breeds that manage to open doors and stuff - great if you provide them with the proper training/attention, a trainwreck waiting to happen if you don’t. Generally clean and friendly, but just clever/stupid enough to do things like climb into the garbage disposal (they saw you put food in there) or drop their babies out a window (to help them fly).

Really good if you want a well-trained mascot fluff or anything with a bit more personality though.

AMDk7 Fluffs - you get a kitsune no matter what you try to buy.


Pretty much.
Just be carefull they don’t try to staple on more tails

There are many Chikahiro fluffies. I think they’re generally fairly well behaved for their contexts and the ferals capable of being a little smarter than normal baseline fluffies. Not known for excessive pooping and being covered in turds.

Definitely trainable, eager, mostly decent pets, emotionally expressive.

The main trick is I’ve got no real continuity so I adjust as needed for the created content. Fluffy Jobs fluffies exist in their own little bubble. Each one shot story fluffy is it’s own take. Each series had it’s own world that exists unto itself.

The exception would be, naturally, Napoleon and Hippolyta plus any related fluffies. But they’re weirdos for weirdbox. They’re incredibly smart and yet stupid (well, Napoleon is). They’re capable of feats of impossible strength and defecation. Hippolyta might have several PhDs. They’ll casually perform acts of violence equal to early Mortal Kombat fatalities.

They’d make TERRIBLE pets assuming they ever allowed you to adopt them or they adopt you. At that point they just cause frustration, if not exasperation, because that’s what they do to humans.


I thought you created them?

Kinda sorta.
@Carpdime created the originals
I asked if i could expand them and was given permission
So the Carpdime originals are the japanese kitsune fluffies and mine are a uk based designer pet breed.


This panel gave rise to the greatest shit-edit the 'booru ever saw. [I say shit-edit, but it may have been meh who perpetrated it.] I’ll have to see if I have a copy.

Found it!

5981 - arnold_schwarzenegger artist_meh crom featured_image foal foals hardcore mummah


I’ve always loved the Meh breed. I mean, look at it! It’s super cute, and every example I’ve seen has been really friendly!

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Curious what people think of my ‘breed’ so far.

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They definitely have a plus with me because they have large noses.

I do love the big snoots.
I also love small snoots. I might try putting more of those on the babbehs perhaps.

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Bad Roomie fluffies are a superficially attractive but unpopular breed. Their exceptionally thick fluff is attractive, but hard to groom and keep clean, their very short muzzles tend to cause breathing difficulties, and the stallions are very prone to dangerous sexual aggression against mares and foals, even their own.

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