Some firewood for the winter! (LaPonkisuwu)

When winter comes, it’s necessary to reserve some firewood for the cold uwu
I hope you like this piece! Is one of my favorites ^^



Love the black and white look with all the blood.
And the fluffy’s expression is amazing.


The compositon of this piece is amazing, and I’ve actually known people who insist on putting a foam matt over the log before the first strike. Replace the matt with a fluffy and you’ve got a fun festival tradition!


Amazingly done, between the deep of field and the use of light. The expression of the fluffy its just magnificent.

The only thing i could suggest is to change on how the axe is hold, you won’t hit full force holding it like that.

I’ll be waiting for your next work


why not? ^^


That look of terror is palpable. I love it!


“Nuu! Nuu choppies! Pwease- SCREEEEEEEE-


You’re right life is short

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Why the foam Matt?

What an exciting way to chop wood

No clue, I think it’s cause they dont wanna dull their axe or something but can never get a straight answer.

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My depressing post-commie shithole childhood would have been enriched with a fluffy to chop along with the wood.

i feel weird yelling “die! die! die!” at something so cute but im going to anyway :relieved:

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Chop chop. You can never have enough.

That is one of the most brain dead things I have ever heard. You tell them that

Alparecer ya estás viendo tu contenido a la web , tu trabajo es grandioso y tu estilo hermoso <3

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The color pallette reminds me of a animated series called Autodale. Where the everything was black and white except for blood. So this is nice

love the background (I’m gonna copy it)