Speculum Magica Equuleus, the magic mirror for mares
Here’s an obscure little fact for you. Of course it’s not exactly obscure if you know all about it.
Especially if you’re a long time MLP fan.
Before MLP: FIM, how did they explain foals being born in the original cartoon?
The answer: a pony would have to look at her reflection hard, real hard probably, and an exact duplicate of her as a foal would be born!!
Appearing from out of nowhere!!
(They couldn’t get away with clopping no.)
Thankfully, fluffies don’t breed in this way, though you’d be hard pressed not to believe it considering how many there are.
That would be too much of a nightmare. Fluffies are good at two things.
Shitting and pumping out more shitrats.
Some would say that’s the same thing.
So why do I mention this little fact for you?
Funnily enough, there’s a company that knows of this little fact too.
Enough to want to try and make money out of it. Because why not? Everything else rips off pony.
As we all know, once they reach sexual maturity, mares want foals.
Want! want! want!
But their poor, suffering owners do not want the burden of any more fluffies in the household.
Especially as foals do not stay foals for long. They’re practically half grown after 8 weeks.
And then after a few weeks, the mare will forget that her brood were even her Babbehs. The Mummeh game complete.
This is how a lot of fluffy incest happens. I got it all on tape y’know.
No, I will not post it.
A mare can produce a large number of foals in a short period, and can become pregnant again RIGHT AFTER birth should they be put to stud again.
So again, even more foals and mouths to feed.
And of course, it’s not like you can just make money from foals unless they look special. This idea that you can make a lot of cash from breeding fluffies at home is a pretty damaging urban myth.
Maybe if you get an alicorn foal, but it’s not like you’d get a lot if you’re not a trusted breeder either.
With all of this in mind, mares are vulnerable to the baby-brain and won’t think of anything else and their maternal instincts will mean they want more, regardless of whether they can care for them or not.
Or whether you want them or not.
Nor are they forward thinkers. Their programmed mind only understand instant gratification unless they’re taught patience.
This of course can lead to ill-discipline and behaviour problems in a fluffy.
Why not neuter?
If you neuter at such an early age before the filly’s first season then you bypass baby brain. An easy solution.
Not every fluffy owner wants their fluffy to go through the process.
Quite simply, in case they do eventually decide that they want to actually let their mare have foals.
Neutering a mare past a certain age just means they can’t have foals, doesn’t mean that they don’t want any at all.
This company, with all the above in mind, thought they’d come up with a solution to the broody problems.
The Speculum Magica Equuleus ™
The Magic Mirror, designed to create the illusion that your mare has had one foal.
Essentially, it’s just a mirror designed to distort your mare’s reflection to make the reflection look smaller, and look more foal like.
Creating the illusion that your mare has had a foal of their own.
Yes, fluffies are dumb enough to believe the reflection is real.
What’s more, the Bestest Babbeh phenomena, in which a mare chooses which babbeh will be her most favourite, will be perfectly replicated with the Magic Mirror.
Bestest Babbehs are often those that closely resemble the mare, what better bestest babbeh than one that looks exactly like her!!
They’ll never even consider asking for more babbehs ever!!
Danny and Hannah were a young couple and they had a pastel blue coloured foal called Bella, a unicorn type.
They both loved fluffies and enjoyed the company of a fluffy and keeping one. They’re just so cutesy, and uni types will always try and do something cute.
Plus they’re the ones that make the most house-friendly fluffies.
They’d had a male fluffy before called Rex, unfortunately he was to die from a gangrenous infection following a play date he had in the park.
Never trust swings.
It was around this time Hannah took ill.
She was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a particularly painful illness.
She found some days where her movements would cause her no end of pain.
Her life had changed and she was unable to enjoy things as she had due to fatigue.
A hysterectomy had also been undertaken to reduce her suffering.
Hannah had wanted a fluffy during that time to cuddle and to keep her company, she missed Rex deeply and she missed playing hide and seek and his smiles whenever she played.
Hannah had accepted that her fatigue wouldn’t allow her to play with a fluffy properly or give it the proper attention if she needed to rest.
Danny had done his research, he needed a fluffy that would be perfect company for her.
A foal would be nice.
She’d raised Rex previously from a weaned foal to a fairly healthy stallion.
Males like to play games?
No good for her, she wouldn’t feel like playing all the time.
Females? Shorter legs, softer fur under the body. Perfect for hugs?
Sounds about right.
Horned fluffies like to play games independently and can interact well with humans.
This sounds the perfect choice to pick.
Hannah had liked taking Rex to walk in the park but female fluffies had shorter legs and would be much slower.
Perfect for slower walks but you’d be there all day! The choice seemed obvious now.
Danny picked out the perfect foal, weaned and toilet trained and he named her Bella (he knew of Hannah’s secret love of Twilight).
He took her home and Hannah was immediately in love with her.
As a short time passed, Bella had reached maturity. Her mane had begun to grow and her body looked softer and more round.
Her fur had remained soft and grew outwardly fluffy and her limbs had grown a little more and she moved a little quicker (but not much) and grew out a beautiful silver mane.
Bella was going to be a big fluffy now.
It wasn’t long before she began to ask if she could have babies.
Hannah after her operation couldn’t have her own children.
It was a particularly painful and sensitive thing to talk about. It wasn’t something that she really wanted to do but she had no other choice if she didn’t want to live painfully.
Whenever Bella asked if she could have any babies, Hannah felt on the verge of tears. It was a sensitive subject she hadn’t put thought into. She didn’t want to think about it. She had wanted her own kids. Growing up as an only child, she knew how lonely it felt without brothers or sisters.
And now it was no longer an option.
“If I can’t, then at least she can”.
Fluffies aren’t exactly well known for emotional intelligence or tact. But Bella was so happy that her mummeh said she could have little babbehs to play with and give milkies and Huggies.
Bella even promised to give Hannah a good babbeh.
Danny hadn’t thought it through either. He really wanted to see some cute little foal himself. But he truthfully wasn’t ready to be a father either. Being Bella’s “Daddeh” was more than enough for him.
But he could see how sad Hannah was…
He could tell each time it was mentioned about babies, it hurt Hannah. She’d smile and pinch its cheeks or would stroke Bella and tickle. It was to get off the subject. Bella often stopped asking if you distracted her.
But then Hannah said yes. Was it another diversion?
Hannah hoped to have had kids before 30.
Not now.
Danny really wanted to breed Bella, if anything he had a feeling her good colours would make her pretty valuable to breed.
A unicorn type that didn’t display asshole smarty tendencies? Why would that not be a draw to anyone?
His landlady disagreed.
One Fluffy Only per household.
Not that she was a fluffy hater but the mess a lot of them made was expensive.
Miss me with that fluffy shit she’s say. One couldn’t argue with that.
Adopting another foal wouldn’t work either, Hannah was attached to Bella despite her growing pains. Plus you’ve for another fluffy. Breading the landlady’s rules.
Bella asking to have Babbehs was actually a real problem now, and was becoming more of an annoyance.
Danny decided to go online for a solution. As one should always do.
The second page of Google, No Mans Land, shown an interesting option.
The Illusion of Foals: Created with our Magic Mirror, Speculum Magica Equuleus. Your Fluffy will see a foal when they look into the mirror. $99.99
Jesus that’s expensive.
He checked the reviews out. ……Mare stopped asking for babies…. This stuck out a lot.
Why not? It’s not like she’s allowed to have babbehs.
He ordered the mirror and it came in about a week.
Bella couldn’t wait to see her present.
She began asking when it was coming.
And if she could have babbehs.
It finally came one sunday and he installed it in Bella’s room. Bella played inside the box while she was waiting for Daddeh to finish making her new toy.
It was like any other mirror that stood, and was bigger than the fluffy!!
In fact, it looked like one of those funhouse mirrors. Was this a con?
Danny had noticed when he looked into it, his reflection shrunk.
Is this all it did? Shrunk your reflection down.
How could a fluffy think that was a foal?!
The advertisement made it look like a real foal in the mirror.
An overpriced funhouse mirror though? A fool and his money are often parted.
Bella, however, loved it
Nyu babbeh? My babbeh?! Wub babbeh!! Bestest babbeh!! Tank oo daddeh fo nyu babbeh. Wub! Wub! Wub!
Bella has gazed into the reflection and looking back was her own distorted reflection.
If she smiled, it smiled.
Every movement mimicked.
Jus wike mummeh!!!
She thanked her Daddeh so much for letting her have a babbeh.
She felt like such a good fluffy.
She promised her Daddeh she would be a good mummeh.
The bestest babbeh ever!!!
Such a good babbeh!!
A closer look at the mirror, you could see slight reflective flecks in the mirror to create a sparkly effect. It made the “foal” looking back look sparkly.
It was a pretty nice effect.
As far as Bella was concerned, she was looking at her baby.
Her bestest babbeh.
Her eyes kept on gazing at the mirror. And she barely moved.
She sang and made happy cooing sounds. She looked really delighted.
Danny closed the door, was this a problem solved? Would she stop asking for babbehs now?
Days passer and she still stayed in front of the mirror looking at her Babbeh who looked back with love at her at all times.
Bella didn’t grow bored of the mirror either.
Bestest Babbeh was a happy babbeh!!
A singie babbeh!!
Bella knew no better.
The Babbeh didn’t need feeding, nor made any bad poopies. Bella wasn’t even suspicious that she didn’t have a milky place to give milkies to babbeh.
Such a gud babbeh!!
Bella didn’t move from the spot at all.
She slept right by the mirror, waiting to see bestest babbeh looking back at her smiling!!
She didn’t move to go to eat her food and she didn’t move to use the litter box.
The room began to stink. Even after cleaning it and applying the sorry stick to Bella’s ass.
After each sticking, she’d go back to sitting in front of the mirror.
And shitting.
The landlady would indeed flip the fuck out.
That crap leaves marks, he knew from experience.
Bella had remained rooted to the spot looking directly at her reflection, her babbeh. No matter what steps were taken. The sorry stick was the only thing used.
And she didn’t care about eating egg noodles or Skettie, or her real favourite, pierogi.
She had the bestest babbeh ever.
Danny had only used the sorry stick sparingly on Rex, and that was his own fault, he’d not put the litter back in his room.
Bella was toilet trained and there was always litter ready (following the lesson learned with Rex).
He beat Bella on her hind several times, she whelped out in pain and begged him not to hurt her babbeh. Pwee nu hewt bestest babbeh!!! Pwee nu!!!
Why wouldn’t it work?!
He made her promise she wouldn’t do it again.
But this was for every time she did it.
And then went back to shitting on the carpet again.
Over and over.
The sorry stick was becoming pointless.
Bella promised each time no more bad poopies and telling Daddeh she was sorry, and her gaze went back to the mirror.
Babbeh had been crying seeing mummeh get hurties.
One afternoon, Hannah had phoned Danny to confirm she’d be back late from her appointment.
Bella had managed to get close to the litterbox.
Close but not in it.
Sort of progress but more cleaning required. At least she was considering moving away from the mirror.
But not by far.
The marks in the carpet were becoming more pale and white. Bleach isn’t a good idea to clean with but it masks over the stench of fluffy shit. Overpoweringly too.
Danny was quite happy to hear that, more time to clean up!!
He’d managed to sort out Bella’s room.
She made no fuss as he cleaned up. But why would she? She’s in front of the mirror again.
He’d noticed her food hadn’t been touched that much either.
Bella remained rooted to the spot, bestest was looking back at her with love. And that’s all that mattered.
It happened again later on. Bella pooped in her spot. She didn’t move away from the mirror.
Like a broken record.
But rather than being out of the room when she had shat, Danny was in the room with her.
The smell of fresh fluffy shit brings tears to your eyes.
Danny was furious.
She promised!!!
But she kept on promising!
And she kept on doing it!!
He grabbed the sorry stick and hit her hind very very hard.
He thrashed her ass in pure frustration and anger.
He’d been a light and gentle Daddeh, even with the sorry stick.
Fuck doing that now.
Bella wept out in pain, she was so hurties. She asked her Daddeh to hug her to which he shouted back, Fuck No!!!
Bella looked at the reflection in the mirror. Babbeh was crying too. Crying for Mummeh.
He cleaned the room again and decided to call Hannah. He was worried that Bella may be entering a smarty phase.
Why else was she deliberately disobeying them?!
Bella wasn’t a smarty, and certainly wasn’t calling herself that, and she cried she cried.
She couldn’t believe she made bad poopies again!!! In front of bestest Babbeh too!! How would babbeh learn to make good poopies if mummeh kept making bad poopies?
She had made so many bad poopies!! Too many!! No wonder good Daddeh loved her no more.
She cried and cried loudly. Her hind and her leggies hurt so much! She was a bad fluffy for making all those bad poopies.
She wanted really huggies to make the pain go away.
Babbeh was also crying and crying,
Bella could see in her reflection the sadness. The babbeh had a lot of tears.
She would be a good Mummeh for bestest babbeh and give Huggies to stop bestest Babbeh’s heart hurties and huhus.
Bella reached out to the mirror and began to hug on it.
Her bestest Babbeh would get bestest huggies.
Bella had inadvertently pushed the mirror forward against the wall and smashed the mirror against it.
Colliding with the hard wall and the shards.
Bella shrieked out in pain!!!
Shards were sticking out of her face and front of her body. Boo-boo juice was everywhere.
She began to cry and scream that she’d killed her babbeh, she cried out and wailed. Bestest Babbeh was broken.
Bella eventually bled out.
A long shard of mirror went deep enough and had severed an important artery and veins and she bled out, crying for her lost Babbeh.
Fluffy flesh offers little resistance.
The company which made the mirror eventually went out of business.
Although fluffies have no rights and you can’t sue a company for a damaged fluffy (thank you Hasbio), Humans had been injured by the shoddily designed product.
Although the mirror worked well on fluffies, the product itself fell apart and was easily broken.
This led to a huge loss for the company.
Then there were even more negative reviews posted.
Fluffy behaviour changed and fluffies became harder to discipline with the mirror present.
Bella wasn’t a unique case.
It affected all the fluffies that the item had been bought for. Though not many, every one of them was affected.
That’s a lot of tears. Some didn’t end up dead but the mirror permanently ruined the mares’ behaviour.
No babbeh was bestest unlike the bestest in the mirror.
And that led to a lot of neglected foals.
The mirror produced a hypnotic effect to make the fluffies believe they were looking at the bestest babbeh. The sparkly effect and distortions of the mirror in theory led to a kind of hypnotic effect that changed the fluffies’ behaviour.
Or so they say.
And yet it didn’t affect grown males.
Buying the mirror for your mare was just a completely bad idea. And males just weren’t interested anyway.
A $100 for that?!
Put it this way; the sales didn’t reach 4 digits.
Many owners had complained to trading standards that the company intentionally sold the mirror to damage their property (as fluffies were described).
Though they couldn’t sue the company, a negative social media backlash and unwanted attention from the press damaged the company further.
Who wanted to pay close to a hundred bucks for something that harms and ruins a fluffy you’ve put time and effort into to grow?
The company eventually folded whilst trying to resolve several law suits and not a product remains on sale to this day.
Some say the mirrors were never destroyed and remain in boxes waiting to be found.