Spike's Prickly Problem. [By Biorb_McBiorb]

Spike was a Plant-Fluffy, specifically a Cacti-Fluffy.

Spike sprung into this world as his ‘Mummah’s’ Offset. When Spike first opened his eyes, he looked and saw a beautiful Green-house, home to all manner of other Plant-Fluffies! While his every instinct told him to play, he couldn’t! He was still attached to his Mummah!

“Peep! Mummah! Mummah can Babbeh gu pway wiff nyu fwends?” the little offset asked, only to be surprised that his Mummah screamed! “NU MUMMAH HEWP! MUMMAH CI-CI HAB BABBEH! NU WAN DUMMEH BABBEH!” She cried out.

“B-buh Mumm-” The little offset began, only to be interrupted by his mother, again screeching out for help.

“WHAT?!” Came another voice, it was shrill and smokey sounding, and as the little offset looked on, he saw where the voice had come from, a mean looking woman!

“Ugh… That time again? Okay hold on… annoying ass cactus.” The woman mumbled as she grabbed a set of plant sheers. “NU PWEASE NU HUWT BABBEH! NU AM BAD BABBEH!” Cried the offset, only to see the sharp blades go around his head, then his body, then his rump.

Before the Offset could plead, the woman snipped him off of his mother. “YAY! Mummah sabe bestes’ Cactus! Wub Mummah!”

The Offset cried, chirping and pleading for love, all while it’s mother cheered and giggled as it became free of her. “Peep! Peep! M-mummah hewp! Chiwp! Why nu wub babbeh?” Cried the Offset.

“Nu! Mummah nu wan babbeh! Buh Mummah nu can contwowe when hab babbehs, Mummah, pwease take meanie babbeh 'way!” Cried the Cacti-Fluffy Mare.

Without another word, The Cacti-Foal was picked up, placed into a clay pot, and moved out of the green-house.

That was the last memory Spike had of his ‘Mummah’. Fluffy memory is not all that it cracked up to be, and so now, Spike sits in his clay pot, a Walkie-Talkie Babbeh, patiently waiting for his new Daddeh to love him.

Spike’s new Daddeh was… Well he was okay, he wasn’t the best Daddeh, but he took care of Spike, giving him nummies, and love when he needed them, but Spike knew his Daddeh smelled like Fluffies a lot. But Spike never saw a fluffy around.

Spike had been placed in his Daddeh’s “Off-ice”. A place where no toys were aloud, and Spike had to be quiet when he was talking to the small black boxie. One night, Spike’s Daddeh came home, smelling of bad-juice, Spike got worried, and began to ask his Daddeh if he was okay.

"D-daddeh? Am 'ou o-"Spike was interrupted by a rough smack across the face. Spike became silent almost immediately “HWHAT DID I SAY ABOUT EIONG FUCKING QUIET… Little fucking… Shit… Plant?” Spike’s Daddeh said, tossing back another swig of the whisky he had brought in.

Spike said nothing, while being able to walk and talk, he was still helpless in the face of his… ‘Loving’ Daddeh.

Spike remained quiet for as long as he could, his Daddeh blissfully downing more and more until his eyes caught the Fluffy quietly sobbing into his pot. “Ugh… Why do I even keep you… In fact… I don’t need to now that the old broad is gone… Wait… I don’t…” Spike’s Daddeh got up from his seat, picking up Spike in his pot, and rushed out of his office.

Spike looked around frantically, trying to figure out what was going to happen to him, all the while, being silent, not wanting to endure his Daddeh’s wrath.

As Spike was moved out of the house, he caught a glimpse of what looked like a bunch of Fluffies… Spike saw a Flash of color, as his Daddeh began to open the front door.

Spike looked on in pure horror as their laid three fluffies, dead, even a small chirpy-babbeh lay dead, flattened.

Before Spike could scream for help, he was tipped over into a trashcan, his pot tossed to the wall beside him, smashing into pieces. Again before the Cacti-Fluffy could speak his Daddeh leaned in close, his face contorting into something fierce and evil.

“I hope you starve… I never loved you…” The words crushed the poor foals heart, something he had never had never felt before stirred inside his little body… Terror. Spike’s old Daddeh didn’t even bother putting the lid on before walking away.

As Spike cried, he curled up into a small ball, and rocked away his sadness in the pile of trash he was placed in.

Spike laid their, for what felt like forever, the passage of time to a fluffy is always a strange thing, but Spike sat in that fetal position for over a week. It wasn’t until he felt the blissful feeling of rain that he stirred out of his spot. As a Plant-Fluffy, Spike didn’t need to make poopies or pee-pees, but he did require two very important things, Light, and Water.

While Spike had Water, for the moment, he still needed light. Braving his fear, he went over to the edge of the trashcan and took a deep breath. After readying himself, he jumped down, falling directly onto his stomach, as the wind knocked out of Spike, he looked up at the life giving water that fell from the sky and began to tear up, the wind slowly filling his lungs again.

“Why nu one wuv… Spike?” Spike said, sadly wobbling closer to the exit of the alley. As Spike sat down, he simply looked up, his eyes close, basking in the pleasant feeling of rain, the smell was a breath of fresh air to the Cactus Fluffy.

As Spike sat their, he heard the curious sound of footsteps coming closer and closer. Opening up his eyes, he saw a hoomin standing above him, staring down at him. “Hi their little guy, are you lost?” The hoomin asked.

“S-Spike nu am w-wost… Owd Daddeh nu wub Spike… Get wid ob…” Spike said, hanging his head. “Well, i cant take you home, but i can take you someplace safe, if you want.” The Hoomin said, getting down low, his umbrella now coming into Spike’s Focus.

“Buh… Nu can gib upsie! Spike am Cactus-Fwuffie, su hab sawp pointies aww ovah!” Spike explained, worried that his chances at a safe place were now much slimmer. “Well… Ill be careful, don’t worry.” The Hoomin said, gently guiding his hands around Spike, making sure to avoid the giant spikes all around his body.

With Spike in tow, the Hoomin took Spike to a Shelter for abandoned Fluffies. The Promise of gud Wawa and Light made the walk so much easier on Spike.

Spike’s troubles began to mlet away as he entered the Shelter, the smell of Fluffies drifted thru the building, causing the poor Spike to feel somewhat more at ease. “Here, play nice with the fluffies here, and ill go get you some water and a place to sleep okay?” The nice Hoomin said, setting Spike down with the other Fluffies in the Play area.

As Spike looked around he saw all kinds of Fluffies, of all different breeds walking and playing along! One even made his way over to Spike!

“Hewwo! Name am Josep! Am Awicown! 'Ou wook diffewent tu! Wan be fwends?” Joseph asked, Spike, being severly socially challenged took this at face value as someone wanting to love him. “Y-yus! Pwease! Oh buh be cawef-” Spike started, but was hugged tightly without care, causing Joseph to releashe and push Spike away. “EEEEEEEEEEEE HUWTIES?! Meanie Fwuffy! Why bigges’ huwties?!” The alicorn said, running away from Spike.

Spike sat their in total silence, not wanting to get close to another Fluffy. Every Fluffy in the play pen thought he had given Joseph hurties on purpose! Spike sat down, and cried.

“Whats going on in here?” A voice came from over Spike. It was the Nice Hoomin who brought him here! Before Spike could have his say, Joseph began to cry and ran over to the Hoomin. “MEANIE NYU FWUFFY GIB BIGGES’ HUWTIES!” Joseph cried. Spike wanted to say something, but was gently picked up by the nice Hoomin. “Spike is that true?” The Hoomin asked. Spike was young, while he could talk and move around on his own, he didnt understand what was going on, so he interpreted this scenario as the one he had with his old Daddeh, so he remained silent, shaking in the Hoomin’s grasp, hoping the hurties would come and go quickly, so he could just be quiet again.

“Hello? Is anyone here?” A voice rang out from behind the Hoomin. With Spike in hand, the Hoomin turned to face another big Hoomin, this one had a Fluffy to, he was Bright Green with a Brown mane, done up in a short pony-tail. The Hoomin who held Spike walked over, setting Spike down in a small Sea-Fluffy bowl. "Yes! Hi sorry about that, just ignore him, we just got him today, but it seems he hurt another fluffy.

As Spike watched the two men talk, he noticed the large Green Fluffy come over, seeing a small horn peaking thru his mane. “Hewwo, am Oingo, wha’ 'ou namesie?” The Fluffy asked. “N-namsie… Am Spike…” Spike replied, hoping that answer was enough to ward off this big Fluffy.

“Why in cweaw thing?” Oingo asked. "Spike began to tear up, “Spike… Spike twied tu teww nice Fwuffy dat Spike hab pointy tings aww obah Spike, huu-huu… Nu wan to gib nice Fwuffy huwties… But nu fast enough tu teww nice Fwuffy…” Spike explained. Oingo, looking a bit mad took a second before talking again. “Wait hewe Spike, nee’ tu tawk wiff daddeh.” As Oingo turned and left, Spike simply nodded his head, thinking that he was going to get huties from the big hoomin too.

Spike felt awful. He only wanted love! Why was it so hard to give love? Was… Was Spike not good enough for love? W-was he a bad Fluffy?

As Spike thought these things, he suddenly felt eyes staring at him. Spike looked up and saw the big Hoomin, alongside Oingo. “Well hello their little guy, your name is Spike right?” The big Hoomis says, getting lower to Spike’s level. "Sir are you sure you want him, he will probably be a trouble maker and-… Spike saw the Big Hoomin turn his head towards the nice Hoomin, causing them to go silent.

“I’m trying to have a conversation here, ya mind?” He simply said, shooing away the staff Hoomin.

“Now, where was I… Ah!” The Big Hoomin said, reaching out to Spike. “Nu! Wai’! Spike habe huwties aww obah! nu wan gib huwties! Nu wa-” Spike siad, befor being tightly hugged by the large man. Spike waited for the crys of pain, the smacks, the meanie words… But… None came…

Spike looked up to see the Big Hoomins face was smiling! He wasn’t in pain… For the first time in Spike’s life… He was feeling… loved…

Spike tucked into the warm hug, not even carying how he wasn’t hurting the Nice Big Hoomin. As the staff Hoomin watched, he couldn’t help but look back at Joseph and glare.

When the Hug was done, the Nice Big Hoomin released Spike and set him down on top of Oingo. “N-nyu fwend?” Spike asked longingly. “Ob couwse!” Oingo said, running around the store with SPike on his back, the small Cacti-Colt hanging on, giggling, seeing his spikes had no affect on Oingo. As soon as the two stopped running, Oingo felt two little pinches where Spike was hugging his back. “Spike su happies… Habe bigges’ Heawt happies ebah…”

Oingo looked to the Big Hoomin and smiled. “Wike dis one wots Daddeh Cwint, can Spike be house fwend?” Oingo said, rushing over to Clint. “Sure buddy, But just because his spikes don’t hurt you that much, doesn’t mean they wont hurt the others, so you gotta help teach them to be gently with him okay?” Clint said, handing the Clerk a 50 dollar bill. “This for Spike here, the Micro set, and the Smarty Micros.” The Clerk set a bag up on the counter, from it, the sound of light yelling and demanding came. “Anything else?”

Clint looked down at Oingo and Spike "Unless you guys carry terracotta pots and Plant-Fluffy treats, then nah, were good for now.

Spike, Oingo and Clint walked out of the shelter, bag in tow and heading for a metal munsta.

Getting inside, Oingo let Spike curl up on his back.

For the first time in a long time, all those hard, mean, and awful problems felt like rain, washing over Spike. For the first time in a long time… He felt…

“su happies…” Spike said, beginning to fall asleep on Oingo’s mighty back.

“Me too kid…” Clint said, looking over to the bag of Smarty Micros. “Me too…”

“Oingo happy tu!” Oingo added in. “Nu can wait tu wet Spike meet famiwy and fwends an’ ou’side fwuffies!”

Clint started the car, the screeches of the Micros grew louder, causing Spike to stir in his sleep.

A special thanks to @Gal-with-pastels for letting me adopt Spike, Im going to be doing a few more adopt stories, as Clint has a few that have been resting on the back burner for a while, and i finally feel like now is a good time to write about them!

Thanks again!


Wow seems oingo’s fur is thicker?

I feel sorry for spike his owner’s rule causes him mental trauma and couldn’t even defend himself on what happen when he was tried to hug.

Added the staff just think he was a trouble maker wow thats bright sherlock :man_facepalming:


This was so cute! glad he got a happy ending

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Yeah, and dont worry about that Mossy-Fluffy i adopted as well, it’ll get… SOmething!