After doing surprisingly well in the last contest the well adjusted and sensible owner made some changes to Spin To Win, rather than spinning to release the poop spray the belt has been replaced with a rapidly tightening mechanism which can forcibly evacuate the mare at an appropriate target, which with any luck should blind the target with a brown spray, allowing them to be pushed into one of the house fluffs or other such hazards.
As the flail-foals unfortunately perished in their last round are now more grown up the mounting points are now occupied with whips to keep opponents at a distance, and the spinning can of course still cause the poopnado in concert with the strap.
As a reward for surviving the last contest and to stop her whining about her “poor widdwe babbehs” who “ nebah got tu gwow up big an stwong nebah same aftah battwefwuffs” Their owner allowed them another litter, failing to mention that they had been entered into the next contest and that it just so happened to be around her due date.
Edits: Decided that I didn’t want the flail foals from the last round to be dead, just too old to be flails again.