Spineless Piece Of Shit [By BFM101]

“Wet Bawk gu dummehs, ow gib yu aww wowstesh sowwy-hoofies. Bawk am bestesh Fwuffy, nu desewve dis.”

Augustus ‘Gus’ Kemper and Pete Langford stared at the mahogany coloured alicorn stallion currently tied down on Gus’ table, Gus sneered at the stallion and turned to Pete.

“Boisterous little cunt isn’t he?”

“Don’t fucking start.”

“What the hell you doing with a shit-stain like this anyway? I get the Alicorn gene but the prick’s as brown as my morning turd.”

“Yeah turns out that’s recessive, Bark here has a magic nutsack, his kids are the shiniest bunch of little shits I’ve ever seen, 90% Alicorn, about 5% brown. He’s a fucking goldmine, which is the problem.”

“It got to his head?”

“It got to his fucking head. I could take the demands, nothing a sharp smack across the fucking mouth couldn’t deal with, but the wee cunt thought he, and only he, should fuck the mares. By the time I found him in the nursery he’d raped three of my dams into miscarriages and was working on a forth.”

“Dem dummeh mawes nu hab Bawk babbehs, Bawk hab bestesh babbehs.”

Pete took a step forward and backhanded Bark across the jaw. “That doesn’t mean you fuck the kids out of them you narcissistic cockwomble. Those were good kids you killed, EXPENSIVE fucking kids.”

Gus took a moment to light up a cigarette. “So… what you want done with him? You wanna kill him?”

Pete shook his head. “Nah, at least not until his kids are old enough to see if they can replace him. No I’m thinking something else, simple yet permanent.”

Pete reached over and run his finger-tips over Bark’s spine, gentle knocking each vertebrae as he passed over them. Gus got the hint and smiled as he picked up a long, thin needle.

“I think I know exactly what you’re after.”

Bark tried to keep scowling at the dumn humans, but he couldn’t help but feel a little scared.

“Huu, wai weggies nu wowk, Bawk wan wun an pway.”

Bark whined in the carrier cage as Pete brought him out of the car and into the shed, he wasn’t sure what Meanie Mistah Gus did to him, but he couldn’t feel his back legs anymore, hell he couldn’t feel anything below his waist anymore. He spent most of the journey home looking back to make sure his legs and genitals were still there.

“Wai can Bawk nu feew weggies? Wai can Bawk nu feew nu-nu stik? Nu wike dis, wan wun, wan pway, wan enf pwetty mawes.”

“It’s you fucking the mares that put you into this situation shitstick. Your legs aren’t working because you’re a baby killer fuckwad and they don’t want to play with you anymore. Same with your nutsack.”

“Bu… bu Bawk am gud Fwuffy, wai weggies nu wike Bawk?”

“Good Fluffies don’t kill babies.”

Bark was left to whine in his cage as Pete took him through to the stallion pen, there was about six or seven of them in today, all working off the energy of pre-enfie excitement. As soon as Pete entered their room, all of them rushed forward, some panting with anticipation, other already half-chubbed.

“MISTAH PEET, MISTAH PEET!” A young emerald green unicorn called Lime cried out. “Am it time fow enfies, Wime wan pwettiesh mawe tu hab babbehs wiv.”

“Nu nu.” A pitch black Alicorn called Midnight pushed forward. “Pik Mid-nite, make bestesh babbehs eba fow Mistah Peet.”

Pete snarled at the horny little buggers and kicked their pen, rattling the metal wire and scaring them all back. “The fuck have I told you all about begging? Sit down and shut up, the lot of ya.”

The stallions all cowered to Pete’s harsh words and stayed silent as he dumped the paralysed Bark back into the pen.

“There’s not going to be an enfies for a while, Bark here fucked the mares without permission so now I have to clean up the mess and make sure none of them are traumatised.”

A glittering purple Pegasus named Aubergine raised his hoof. “Wha am twoh-mah-tised mean?”

“It means I need to make sure Bark didn’t scare them off having enfies ever again.”

The stallions all gasped. “Nu enfies eba gain?”

Midnight rushed over to Bark and punched him in the face. “Bawk am bad Fwuffy, wai gib pwetty mawes wowstesh scawdies.”

“Nu gib Bawk sowwy-hoofies, Bawk am bestesh Fwuffy, gib dummeh mawes bestesh babbehs eba. Bawk gib YU sowwy-hoofies, uhf… uhf…”

No matter how much Bark tried, his back legs just refused to budge, and with no forward momentum he couldn’t reach Midnight to return the punch. Lime snickered at the pathetic sight.

“Bawk am tuu dummeh tu yoose weggies.”

“SHUDDUP! Bawk can yoose weggies, jus… ufh… weggies tuu dummeh tu wisten.”

The other stallions kept a silver Earthie called Greywind took a turn at smacking Bark in the face.

“Hehe, gibben sowwy-hoofies am bestesh.”

Pete rolled his eyes at the group. “Yeah, yeah, but keep it to sorry hoofies, no killing him and no ripping anything off him. Anything you take from him, I take from you. Understand?”

The stallions all nodded in agreement and Pete left them to grab a beer from the fridge, the sounds of dull thumping followed him as he left the stallions to their justice.

It was a couple hours later and the stallions had stopped punching Bark, the paralysed brown shitstain had lumps and bruises all over him, but he was still breathing, his pride hurt more than his body.

The others however had their own issue to deal with, since enfies were off the table, there were six very horny stallions all with one thing on their mind and no way of finding that one thing. Lime let out a small whine as he tried in vain to rub his dick against the wire fence.

“Huu, dis nu gud, Wime need hab gud-feels ow speciaw-wumps gun bwow-up. Wai Mistah Peet nu wet Fwuffies hab enfie toy?”

“Mistah Peet nu wike enfie toy.” Aubergine explained. “Say it am ‘waste of gud cum’.”

“Wha am cum?”

“Nu knyo, by Mistah Peet wike it.”

“Huu, it nu am faiw, Wime need hab gud-feews ow Wime gun gu cwazy an…”

Lime trailed off as his eyes locked onto the sight in front of him, Bark was still laying down where Pete had dumped him, Bark who was the reason they couldn’t have enfies. Bark who couldn’t move or run away.

Bark who had his poopie-place basically winking at Lime.

“Wime gun… en… gun hab enfies.”

Midnight raised an eyebrow at his penmate. “Wha am dummeh Wime tawkies bout? How am yu gun hab enfies wiv nu…”

Midnight himself trailed off as he saw Lime marching towards Bark, the other stallions watched with confusion and intrigue as Lime, almost instinctively, mounted Bark and pressed his erect cock into the brown Alicorn’s asshole.

Bark, who was lost in his own little world of self-pitying, didn’t realised anything was happening at first, his entire bottom half had lost all feeling which included both his back which didn’t feel Lime’s clambering hoofs all over him, and his butthole which was so numb it didn’t feel Lime’s dick enter him. In fact, Bark didn’t realised anything was happening until a gentle rocking motion started getting more and more aggressive.

“Wha da, wha am yu duin, wai am Bawk shakies?”

“Enf, enf, enf, enf, enf.”

Bark’s eyes went wide as he realised what was happening to him. “NU! BAWK NU AM MAWE, NU GIB BAWK ENFIES, BAWK AM BESTESH STAWWION, GIB YU ENFIES!”


Bark tried to shake off his attacker but with no give in his front legs and no strength in his back to buck the rapacious stallion, all he could do was lay there and be violated. Even the very minor upside of not feeling his arsehole being torn open was nothing to him since he could still feel Lime’s thrusts shaking his whole body and the humiliation of knowing what was happening to him fucked him up mentally if not physically.”

“Huuhuu, pwease nu gib Bawk bad speciaw-huggies, am gud Fwuffy, nu am enfie toy, nu am mawe.”

Lime ignored the shitstains whining and kept humping away until…


Bark didn’t feel Lime’s cum hit his bowels but just knowing it was there was enough to make him want to throw up, how could a great stallion like him be reduced to this. He started to cry in self-wallowing again when he felt his body shake again, he turned round to see Greywind starting to mount him.

“Hehe, Gweywind gib dummeh Bawk bestesh poopie-pwace enfies.”

The thrusts from the hefty Greywind were even more vigorous than Lime’s, and while Bark could feel nothing from the back, his front being pushed repeatedly into the floor certainly hurt him quite a bit.

“Nu. Pwease. Stop. Bawk. Hab. Mouth. Ie. Huwt. Ies.” Every push into the hard floor sent a shake across Bark’s jawline, making his protests difficult to hear, or even understand. Bark could see the other stallions all hopping on the spot, waiting impatiently for their turn, was this all he was good for, a mighty Adonis of a stallion turned into little more than a cum dumpster? No, this would not be his end, he would fight for his honour, he would deny these monsters their satisfaction, he would…

Cry like a little bitch.


There was an incomprehensible grumble on the other side of the door before it was flung open and a very cross Pete stormed into the room.

“I fucking swear, if you whinge at me one more fucking time I’ll… what the fuck’s going on here.”

The other stallions smiled and waved at Pete, while Greywind took one hoof off Bark’s back to wave, all the while not stopping his assault on Bark’s asshole.

“Hewwo Mistah… enf, enf, Peet.”

“Greywind? Why are you buttfucking Bark?”

“Cos Wime hab bestesh, enf, finkie-pwace pwan. Enf, enf. Bawk mu can move, su Fwuffies fink… enf, enf, he be gud enfie toy.”

“Pwease Mistah Peet.” Bark sobbed at Pete’s uncaring face. “Bawk hab wowstesh heawt-huwties, nu wan be enfie-toy.”

“The fuck did is matter to you? You can’t even feel the buttfucking ya goddamn crybaby.”

“Huu, bu it am embawwassin, Bawk am bestesh stawwion, nu am enfie-toys fow dese dummehs.”

Pete rolled his eyes but stepped into the pen anyway, shooing Greywind away with his hands. “Alright fuck off Greywind, I need to make sure you horny buggers haven’t done any permanent damage.

“Ohhhhh! Buy Gweywind am su cwose tu…”

“I said fuck off.”

Understanding that there would be no other warnings, Greywind pulled himself out of Bark and made room for Pete to inspect the Alicorn. Reluctantly, Pete lifted Bark off the floor and gave him a once over, there seemed to be no bleeding from his anus which was a good thing, if he could take Greywind’s dick then there was no danger of any of the others causing any real damage. But then Pete noticed something sticky on the underside of Bark’s belly, at first he thought it was leaking out of the prick’s butthole but on closer inspection, it seemed to be coming out of Bark himself.

It appeared, much to Pete’s surprise and disgust, that Fluffies had a prostrate.

“Ha, did you enjoy that you little fag, Christ I’ve seen you come a lot Bark, but you’ve jizzed enough here to re-impregnant those four dams you raped.”

“Wha? Bu bawk nu hab gud-feels, how can make babbehs wivout gud feews?”

It’s called biology and it’s working against you because you’re a spineless piece of shit. But still, I think I know how to handle this?”


Aubergine finished inside of Bark and climbed down off of the platform, letting Midnight take his place. Bark silently sobbed as he felt his wooden frame prison tremble as the next stallion too his place, the small suspension shook him, ready to take on the erratic thrusting of Midnight’s horny hips.

Inside of the frame he couldn’t move, the sewing around his mouth meant he couldn’t scream, and the small tube forced painfully into the space between his sewn lips delivering wet slurry of cheap kibble meant he couldn’t starve to death either. Bark was stuck there as a communal fuck-toy while the mares recovered from his attack on their pen.

Of course the mares had gotten over all that days ago, but Pete wasn’t about to tell him that.

There was a short gurgle and bark watched as another spurt of his jizz was taken from him by the mean device Mister Pete had suctioned to his cock, siphoning the jizz away for storage at a later date. Thanks to the other stallions tickling Bark’s prostrate, Pete was able to save money on collecting Bark’s sperm by not requiring a suction power for the collector on his cock, and best of all the wee shit didn’t even feel himself cum anymore thanks to his paralysis.

Pete looked down at the little brown bastard, his body shaking as Midnight went to town on him, and he smiled at Bark’s tear filled eyes.

“Don’t worry Bark, I’m sure you’re leggies will work for you again once they think you’re a good enough Fluffy to deserve them.”

Pete cackled and left the room, leaving Bark to wonder if his leggies would ever work again, or if he was too bad of a Fluffy to ever deserve them.

Through his feeding tube, bark moaned out a ‘Wan die’ just as Midnight fired off another volley of cum into the Alicorn’s numbed asshole.


A milkbag of a different color, indeed! :sweat_smile::joy::rofl:

You’re a monster and I cannot eat my lunch now.

It’s a yogurt parfait. Not happening.



Technically he’d be Studbag wouldnt he?


A dumb little fuck toy that got what he deserves.


I love your characterization of fluffies, you somehow make them smarter and dumber at the same time.


Well thats what you get you entitled fucker.

It would be a funny scene if he werent paralysed and get enf and turns out he loves it and get off on it :sweat_smile: man thats a twisted moment. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Part of me was hoping he got the chip from Fixer and could be given sensation back. Oh well, he can still enjoy his wan die loop.

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In another universe, Bark is the company slut, but sadly this one is in the BFM-verse where even good feels can be taken away from you

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Ha ha ha, that was a great read. I wonder how long bark would last in his new position

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Longer than he’d want

Not as long as the other stallions need him for.

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“Prostrate?” Man there’s a spelling error I haven’t seen in a while…

Dammit, I never thought to check the difference.

I don’t use prostrate in it’s actual context enough to notice it was the wrong word

It’s not a big deal, little funny though.



Just providing some alternative terminology for this particular horror :slight_smile:

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Ok thats another name to call it lol

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