Sprites at work! (Drawn by Quack-man)

"-These tiny flying fluffys, commonly referred to as sprites, have been trained from birth to associate the smell of explosives typically found in buried bombs and mines with the smell of their mother. As they grow up, the milking station will continually release the same pheromones their mother would use to help the children recognize her. As time goes on however, the female pheromone is lessened and is gradually replaced with a chemical which smells nearly identical to that of the explosives used in most landmines.

This gradual replacement means that the Sprites begin associating the smell of explosives with that of their mother, who they are instinct driven to search out. When the sprites are around six months old, they are taken to be tested. The Sprites that successfully seek out the test mines are moved further alone to processing. Those who fail are no longer needed, and are terminated.

The successful sprites are then retested on a weekly basis for however long it takes. This process can take from two weeks to six months, with the occasional batch completely failing, resulting in the complete termination of the sprites. This is to insure that only the ones that search out the explosives every single time make it out of testing. Once testing is complete, each Sprite is tagged with a tracking chip and shipped off to areas that need them.

The extreme rate of reproduction and the relatively little food needed in this species makes them a perfect match for this type of work. Despite their relatively short life of only around two to five years, It’s become more than five times cheeper to train hundreds of them at a single time than it is to teach a dozen bomb sniffing dogs.-"

-Excerpt from the Pulitzer prize winning book-

Planes, Trains and Hand grenades, The impact of Fuffies and their many sub-species on modern warfare and politics-

Hello y’all awesome peeps, I hope you enjoyed this! Let me know what you thought, and if you had any ideas for what i could do next, I’m kinda on a roll with these working fluffy things! :slight_smile:



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I remember those fuckers, they are very dangerous.