Polly’s hugboxer owner married Buttnugget’s abuser owner. They make it work.
What a lovely couple
That owner has a terrible attitude when it comes to babbehs. Buttnugget’s foals might be ugly but if they grow big and strong then they’ll provide tasty meat! Not to mention tallow, bone meal, and other useful things.
A regular Brady bunch.
abuse at its finest
btw, you need to put your name on the title too xD
Kill the owner with a hammer. Save the corpse, sans brains, for creating flesh golem Fluffies.
Plot twist: Polly starts to become a shit factory and Nugget gets decent babies. Even better if this change isn’t sudden but gradual.
…Yeah, I lowkey love karma scenarios
Don’t forget about the name in the title
I am confusion as to how the best color is considered terrible
Mundane colors are considered less special because they stand out less. They’re more natural.
Fluffies live or die by gimmick. If the canon has the Hasbio programming strong then they self-police their own bloodlines for it. Otherwise, its like a white car. By default worth less. Since in most canons Fluffies are all but worthless financially unless the gimmick actually gives them a value, then they are not worth selling or showing off. As a result their only purpose is as a victim or a personal companion.
Kathi’s Chocolate is an example of the latter, existing as a friend that she doesn’t need to use to prove anything as a living accessory/decoration to herself or others. The former is what we have here, a Fluffy kept alive only for sadistic pleasure, albeit in this case a “useful” one rather than just a stress toy (although one likely to inspire Hellgremlining, the karma for owners too lazy to change a litter box).
Green and brown are the colors of nature. Life. Representative of contentment and honesty. In other words, things that will not excite anyone willing to drop $800 on something that’s only worth $1 objectively.
The colors and patterns of anything in nature that isn’t a flower or some kind of exotic beast like a tiger are just “trash”. A Fluffy the exact color and pattern of a real palomino horse couldn’t be given away, a Fluffy the exact same shade of creamy yellow but with no pattern at all is unnatural enough to be worth a soda.
Presumably there is a demand for those Fluffies somewhere. People who love hunting camo colors and also cute things who want shit brown/muck green/neon orange, cowboy lovers who want natural horse colors, artists who want the most garishly ugly seizure-inducing colors possible. But not likely willing to pay enough for transportation to make it worth it for a breeder to keep.
Plus, breeders are almost always either mouthbreather hamfisted idiots or self-important amateur scientists in these stories. They’re not exactly going for the niche market or mercy. Just create Alicorns in Easter colors.
Note the colors of the MLP main characters compared to the secondary characters.
The only reason to treat a fluffy as a loved member of the family is to torment another fluffy.
Change my mind.
Fluffies are mostly honest and the liars cannot successfully lie.
They try to please and derive happiness from success for the sake of succeeding at something rather than a reward.
A Fluffy is happy with a life indoors and can eat almost anything.
More trustworthy than a man, less maintenance than a dog, more obedient than than a cat, more earnest than a rodent or bird.
Besides, nothing is more thrilling than hurting a human and finding out they are less and/or treated worse than a Fluffy and nothing can change that will never stop bothering them.
Green and brown are the colors of nature. Life. Representative of contentment and honesty.
The very opposite of what a fluffy is.
Besides, nothing is more thrilling than hurting a human and finding out they are less and/or treated worse than a Fluffy and nothing can change that will never stop bothering them.
It might be my low reading comprehension speaking, but you’re not really making sense here.
Nothing’s less thrilling than making a person who expects to suffer suffer.
less and/or treated worse than a Fluffy
Nobody can be less than a fluffy, in any sense of the word. One can always have potential.
If you’re treated worse than a fluffy, that means you would have less agency than one, which in a best case scenario is a moronic blissful lifetime of bread and circuses.
you have a PhD in Fluffology, don’t you?
Mentally advanced beyond the average human. Or at least the family of characters I’m developing are.
Bioengineering humans isn’t illegal in Canada!
I love when shit like that happens. The “poopie fluffy” starts to be treated like a pretty fluff. I love seeing the look on the pretty fluff’s face
But just imagine it.
A terrible economy. A world wracked by death and famine from Fluffies, which are still being developed and new versions released every day.
Politicians do nothing as the masses are distracted by culture wars regarding what the color of the puppets in a childrens cartoon symbolizes, riots happening over whether Ms. Hoppy is the Moldovian Pansexual Liberation Army flag or the Free North Transylvania Movement flag. Fluffies are ignored as human civilization begins to come to an end because Hasbio political contributions has all first world governments permanently gridlocked.
Megaherds consuming a flora while the diseases that evolved to infect them devastate all fauna, toxins that persist through cooking and seep into the ground from dead Fluffies ensuring they cannot be used as a source of food anymore (probably some fantastic mad scientist altering their genes for such a thing).
You, the heir to a fortune from establishment of the pan-Asian branch of Hasbio, bringing in impoverished humans to your compound. Tell them their job is to constantly care for your obese Fluffy Hellgremlin Smarty who gets everything she wants. They are taking care of her babies, playing with her, listening to her babble. Her demands are so constant they cannot possibly keep up.
Your newest humantoy is the son of a disgraced former politician who dared to imply the head of Hasbio Argentina didn’t have the best interests of his country at heart when he turned forty acres of farmland into a Fluffy preserve. He has brought his family, provided a ration of gruel and simple linen for clothing for his family every week.
Your Hellgremlin complains that her Bestest started crying. So you sever his achilles tendons, ensuring he’ll never walk again. He drops a Foal, you take away his thumbs. He tries to crawl away, and you inform him that thanks to some amusing laws that were designed to prop up the dying uranium mining industry your land is basically its own nation, and the contract he signed made him a citizen while giving up his other citizenships.
You continue like this until he’s a limbless, jawless worm kept alive by machines. Then put him in front of a screen with live feed to the Fluffy room as his wife is brought in, assured that their children will be cared for. A second screen shows them immobilized in small cages in a dark room, hooked up to similar machines. He watches his wife lose her limbs and mobility bit by bit at the screaming demands of the Fluffy family, thanks to him it is now six screaming tyrants instead of one so she cannot possibly hope to keep up. One day she kills the mare in rage, so she is shown the fate of her children as their bodies have grown into the shape of their wire cages and their limbs atrophied into twitching useless flesh-wrapped bones. She and him are forced to watch one die as the oxygen through their machine is cut off. Then she is placed next to him. The Fluffies are given access to the room, and told the space in front of their former caretakers is the litterbox.
You bring in more wandering refugees from the ruins of Atlanta, and have the old toys shot in the back of the head simultaneously so their final moments are unremarkable belief that they will live in that state for the rest of their natural lives. They are dumped into the burning pit outside your home where the bodies of those who try to enter the compound are disposed of, along with their children, the cages being retrieved and cleaned for use with the next family.
Now isn’t that more satisfying than killing a random Fluffy who just wanted love it never knew in suburbia? You played the hearts and spines of a family like fiddles while Earth burns, broken down something theoretically your equal into things less than your happy tiny tyrants.
Because that is the fate that humanity chose. A Fluffy doesn’t choose to be what it is, humans made that choice for it. But every human thinks they are special, and makes choices as if they’re the gods of the Earth that was made only for them while waiting for an even greater reward (like a fat obese Fluffy shitting directly into the mouth of its child so it can make room for a plate of spaghetti ten times its size that belongs only to itself and no others).
Fluffies are echoes of humans. Reflections of their own stupidity, cruelty, ignorance, and greed. To regress a human beyond their imagined superiority, down to their own base existence as the nature of their “greatness” is clarified as merely a better body that breaks the same if only slightly more force is applied?
That, is satisfying.
Because in the end an Abuser is just a human Hellgremlin, wealth is just how a human Smarty wields power, and the rest are babbling idiots toddling around until they meet their sudden end.
Also, the afterlife is more Fluffy than man now, and the Earth is wracked with Fluffy ghosts. Because with Fluffies the natural is super!
But every human thinks they are special,
Because we are. Go out and meet people, get to know them well, and you’ll think otherwise.
and makes choices as if they’re the gods of the Earth that was made only for them while waiting for an even greater reward (like a fat obese Fluffy shitting directly into the mouth of its child so it can make room for a plate of spaghetti ten times its size that belongs only to itself and no others).
Nobody told us otherwise, save for ourselves.
Whether Earth was “made only for us” is up to you to decide, but if you say otherwise, then either you’re speaking on behalf of God, or you fulfil that capacity yourself. Because if you say it was “made”, then it would have to have a purpose, and to have a purpose, it would be up to God, but if there’s none, then it’s up to us, individually to decide.
Or you could pretend you are God, making vast judgements on your fellow man, expecting them to achieve moral standards you can’t even fulfil yourself.
Fluffies are echoes of humans. Reflections of their own stupidity, cruelty, ignorance, and greed.
That is true. They’re also parodies of us, and designed so that a conventional narrative would cover and excuse their actions as morally pure and good no matter what they are.
But we were the ones who determined what “stupidity, cruelty, ignorance and greed” are in the first place. And we have morality, and the potential to defy it.
To regress a human beyond their imagined superiority, down to their own base existence as the nature of their “greatness” is clarified as merely a better body that breaks the same if only slightly more force is applied?
The “Greatness” is the potential to transcend all those things. The reason we believe that we are superior is that nobody except other human beings can tell us otherwise. “Greatness” isn’t physical strength or durability, neither is it intellect. It’s what you determine it is.
Because in the end an Abuser is just a human Hellgremlin, wealth is just how a human Smarty wields power,
I have to agree with you there.
and the rest are babbling idiots toddling around until they meet their sudden end.
You seem to be projecting yourself.
Also, the afterlife is more Fluffy than man now, and the Earth is wracked with Fluffy ghosts. Because with Fluffies the natural is super!
Keep telling yourself that.
Now isn’t that more satisfying than killing a random Fluffy who just wanted love it never knew in suburbia?
No. I’m not tearing down anyone’s worldview, i’m not beating it down with bitter, cold reality, I’m just performing acts within the paradigm of human existence upon one who can imagine it happening to him. Human beings have always been aware of sadistic tyrants. I’m not introducing something new into his world, I’m just abusing power within the paradigm of human society. Besides, I’m stifling what had potential.
And that’s banal. That’s boring. That’s called being a generic slasher villain.
Who’s making judgements? I’m just applying Abuser justification to humans.
I am strong, they are weak.
They were dumb, I was not.
I wield power, they exist because they are shown mercy (or not).
They or someone they are close to did a bad thing kinda, so anything I want to do to two whole generations is totally justice!
Also, if god didn’t want humanity to make Fluffies he would not have made gene engineering so fun and easy. He left his tools out for us to play with.
One little tweak and their blood has the properties of cyanide! Release that into a feral population and watch all other forms of wildlife around them die!
The Fluffies define that is hugs, making their loved ones happy, and making another generation. Thus, Fluffies can achieve greatness by something as simple as hugging a brown daughter or pooping where the others don’t have to smell it.
Fluffies outbreed flies, and have human DNA.
Heaven is now exactly the same as hell for Fluffy haters. They are fucking everywhere. The Earth itself has even more, the ones too stupid to realize they have died.
Hey, I specified it was a family of politicians. They have no potential for anything greater than themselves.
Also, Deadliest Game and Salo aren’t slasher material. As far as I am aware they don’t have a genre actually.
Actually, I was making an allusion to rampant environmental destruction, infrastructure crumbling, hedonistic revelry behind closed doors, and literally not leaving children a financial inheritance in certain cases. As in “this world is MY playground, whatever happens after I’m dead is someone else’s problem, the grandkids will have to deal with it.” Like a Smarty eating all the food, raping a baby, or forcing a mare concubine to lick the shit off his ass.