Not interested in a mass production farm only because it would imply it would be hyper efficient. It would have to be either a long the lines of the “free range” movement or their food is used as an exclusive desert or delicacy.
I like the idea of a group of employees making sure the farm is the best experience possible and once a month, a second group of employees is tasked with collection and slaughter. This occurs at night because the 1st group doesn’t feel comfortable with this and to create less commotion while they work. I’d imagine the first group is similar to young adult girls I see working volunteer shifts at the SPCA, working at kennals and dog day cares, and vet techs. The second group id imagine would be one or two middle aged men who are all business, don’t talk to the fluffies, and are very efficient at what they do.
I love mixing hug and abuse as we all do and this has excellent promise.
I’m not really a fan of the fluffies knowing about their impending doom, because it turns into a Logans Run situation. It would add psychological decomposition to the fluffies if they knew it was coming, but it would be over time, which isn’t something I’d be into for two reasons. First, it creates an idea that the fluffies would be too depressed to enjoy the first 2 years and just become boring crypillows. Secondly, I enjoy a fluffy’s emotions to dart up and down based on changing situations and using surprise, shock, fear, tension, bargaining, acceptance, and other spontaneous emotions.
HOWEVER, the impending doom would be a fantastic plot device if ONE fluffy knew the problem but could not convince his compatriots. Let’s say he found out from someone from the day shift who was on her last day and wanted to tell her least favorite fluffy something that would ruin his life. Now he’s Chicken littling the entire complex, turns into a pariah, and spends his time alone and isolated in paradise. He suffers his existential crisis alone, but the farm doesn’t seem interested, as he’s still eating and therefore will be fine to slaughter. Eventually he makes an incredible personal triumph on the understanding of life and death, accepts his fate, and returns to the herd. The herd is skeptical to see their least favorite friend return, but quickly change their mind when they see that he is only interested in living life to the fullest, playing fun games, being hyper social and altruistic, and being a great teacher to the young fluffies.
He keeps the impending doom to himself until one night he is chosen. He remains calm while he and 9 of the other fluffies are taken with him by the second shift to the slaughter room. He’s accepted his fate, and does not fear death because he lived a full life.
Then he watches the first fluffy get killed.
He’s not a human, he’s not intelligent, and he’s not in control. Everything he’d told himself before was a lie. He does not want to die and is scared to death. He should’ve been focused on escaping instead of accepting his fate. Why did no one listen to him?
The second fluffy is killed.
His screams continue. Why is this actually happening.
The third fluffy is killed.
He is tired from screaming and collapses in a pile of tears and shit, but can’t look away from his impending doom.
A fluffy attempts to run away. He’s caught immediately and puts up a hopeless fight as he’s brought to the mechanism I haven’t even imagined that kills these things.
Finally it’s our heros turn. The remaining fluffies continue to cry as he’s picked up above them and flies to the other side of the room in the arms of his executioner. His crying and staggered breathing turn into an accelerating crescendo of hyperventilating breaths. His eyes are red from crying but he can’t bring himself to blink. He continues to scream between breaths quicker and quicker.
Too tired to think of how he dies
And the story ends. It just ends on a black panel. Maybe he was cut off during a last second bargaining attempt. Maybe he did a final cry for his mummah. Maybe it was just a ghastly scream. It depends on my character development I suppose.
I enjoy a bit of world building after a climax, maybe I drop in some nonchalants occuring between the second shift workers who are treating the night like any other work night and nothing particularly exciting is occuring, after the reader just got done finishing a story where the main character was having the biggest night of his life.
Aaaaaaanyways. I can’t draw until April anyways until I get my new house sooooooo, maybe some other artist beats me to it. I doubt it tho, I’ma prolly draw this.