It’s been some time, have some new ideas! As always: I won’t write them so if you want to write any of these, go ahead! Just tag me if you do, I want to see the results.
- * New! * A family of bat fluffies live in a church and the priest allows it because honestly they’re no worse than the regular bats living there. But one day he hears the fluffies panicking and checks in on them to find they just gave birth; and one of the babies has horns. A demonfluffy has been born right there in the House of God.
- * New! * A timid and squeamish man can’t bring himself to abuse fluffies for real but still wants to know what it’s like, so he downloads a virtual pet fluffy with abuse capabilities. He soon realizes the program goes way, way more in depth than he could have ever imagined, being more of an AI than a regular entertainment program.
- * New! * FluffiesSuck69 downloads the above program. It is malware. He can’t even get it off his computer, much less abuse it.
- * New! * A man wants to set up anti-fluffy defenses/torture devices, but isn’t allowed to by his landlord/the local HOA. The entire story is just him trying to set things up and being stopped. Once he finally gets permission to set a device up, he returns home to find that the fluffies have left on their own so there’s nothing to use said device on.
- * New! * A great chef’s fluffy has evolved a very distinct palate, and after she gets pregnant she notices her weekly sketties don’t taste quite right. She asks her owner, who says he’s just trying out new recipes and won’t explain why. You can imply it’ll be horrorbox or abuse or anything you want … until the reveal: the reason he won’t make his usual recipe is that it contains parsley, AKA babies-b-gone herb, and he doesn’t want the babies to b-gone.