Story ideas/requests [RampagingFoal]

An escape story could be interesting.


Do one about a fluffy roaming around a serial killers house

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Homeward Bound but with fluffies.



Didn’t ace already do that one? :ahahaha:


I don’t think so. I might have missed something, though.

What about Fluff and Order? Speciaw Fwiendies 'Ounit would be hilarious.

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I have a thread where people share ideas and concepts for anybody to use, if you want to look through it.

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I haven’t personally read them, but I remember seeing it in my feeds.

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Oh, thank you!


I think my favorite recent concept is fluffies watching and then imitating kids cartoons.
The specific example I put forth was Rikki Tikki Tavi, but the concept would work with lots of cartoons

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Heres two ideas.

  1. A fluffy that gets framed by a sibling, gets thrown out and tries to get revenge on said sibling.

  2. A fluffy mother who gets adopted from a pet shop without her foals, constantly cries and beg for them everyday but owner refuses, mare gets angry, does something to piss off owner, results in mare getting pilowed, spayed and tongue removed.


Ty, ty!

I was thinking more along the lines of a show called Fluffy Court. There could be a FluffTV version, with harmless punishments and genuine apologies; and an overnight version with the same cast, where fluffies get shouted at Judge Judy style, and subjected to anything from anal corking, to pillowing, to spay/neuter (while awake?), to slow and painful death. Make it a new kind of industrial abuse.

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What do you want? Hug, sad, or abuse?


A drug-sniffing fluffy who feels guilty for being a narc.




Fluffiest used for illegal games or gambling, you can do some sort of Kaiji Ultimate survivor story but around fluffies or how maybe some mafia or Yakuza drug up or buff a fluffy for an illegal race and the consequences for losing or being a shitty fluffy that doesn’t earn em money.


Smarty-fighting, akin to cockfighting, would be a huge thing


What about some like like a pov of a fluffy who thinks is in sketiland and playing tag for food with brothers n sisters and when it’s about to get the food, the pov changes of a salary man seeing a malnourished fluffy with strong legs, who is clearly dopped the fuck out to make it run faster, ignoring the screams of pain of the other fluffiest while they feel the sharp glass that’s been loitering their race track thanks to angry customers who lost a lot thanks to them.


Hugbox, owner discover’s pet fluffy has excellent smell and can find truffles since they smell like a special nummie their owner likes.

Sadbox, feral sneaks into in a big store like a target or walmart and gets locked in when it goes out of business and starves to death.

Abuse, feral family gets adopted and a foal is forced to choose wether its mummah, its daddeh, or its siblings dies. Its a Xanatos gambit because the foal ends up dying no matter the outcome which each ending written as a different timeline.