I’m guessing I would’ve failed that test even with no stress.
I mean three is the correct answer, right? That is the only blank field in the diagram. Maybe she got it at the same time the babies were killed.
yeah i would also say owwies after my fucking head got cut off
I agree, this test is entirely unscientific (but really hilarious) unless we see what mummah can do without stress. Plus we would have to do it over a large sample of mummahs and randomize the puzzles to avoid bias.
Well, that and this test is probably set up for the fluffy to fail it. Its not testing the ability to solve the problem, its testing for stress reactions. Would it try and solve something it’d fail? Or have a knee-jerk, try anything reaction?
She was going to fail and probably die regardless.
Hahahaha nice to see the experiments going well.
Another ingenious take on the “going to kill your foals or else” paradigm. The little guillotine is a very nice idea.
Wait is it asking the blank or the dotted line? Either she got much smarter when she had to or the answer isn’t available
Shit, I don’t even understand this setup