Stuck (LegendGW)

Written through the fluffy translator for fun. Just an idea involving a feral family, a folding chair, some open road, and a tube of superglue/cyanate glue. As before with the other story The State Fair (LegendGW), English is a language I speak more than write.

'ou am foaw. Youw mummah says 'ou am gud babbeh. 'ou know 'ou am pwetty wittwe fiwwy pegasus. ‘ou wub to wun an’ pway nao that ‘ou know how. Each day has seemed wike whowe new wowwd to ‘ou aftah ‘ou opened youw see-pwaces. ‘ou wemembah pwayin’ wiff youw bwothews an’ sistews befowe ‘ou couwd eben speak! what fun it was to wun an’ chase each othah an’ cowwapse in big fwuffpiwe aftah day of pwayin’ wiff tummy fuww of miwkies fwom mummah.

sometimes when ‘ou couwdn’t sweepies wite ‘way, youw mummah wouwd gathah ‘ou aww in hew weggies an’ fwuff an’ sin’ hew mummah songs.

“hewwo nice mistah! be nyu daddeh fo’ mummah an’ babbehs? babbehs nee’ huggies an’ wub an’ housies!” youw mummah was sayin’. Bwuddah an’ sistews peeped on mummah’s back. Dey wewe su high up buh mummah said ‘ou wewe hew big babbeh nao su can do wawkin’ on youw own. She said youw wittwe bwuddah an’ sistews needed to get back wides stiww 'cos dey wewe wittwe chiwpy babbehs who couwdn’t eben use theiw tawky pwaces yet.

aww of youw fiwst bwothews an’ sistews wewe gone. Mummah said dey went to shewtah buh aww can wemembah am hidin’ undah mummah an’ suckin’ youw hoof whiwe she wicked ‘ou an’ twied to keep 'ou quiet. Dah meany munsta humans who came to take fwuffies to dah shewtah awmost found ‘ou, buh ‘ou wewe su bwabe an’ smawt. ‘ou an’ mummah had to weabe that safe pwace when smawty showed up wiff his hewd. If youw daddeh had been dewe, fwuffy wouwd hab giben dah mean smawty fowebah sweepies an’ wots of sowwy poopies!

buh daddeh wasn’t dewe. Dah wastes’ time ‘ou saw him fwuffy was twyin’ to gib dah meany hooman shewtah monstews sowwy-hoobes an’ poopies whiwe ‘ou wode on youw mummah’s back. She wan su su soooo fast that not eben dah hooman couwd catch hew! youw bwothews an’ sistews peeped an’ chiwped an’ cawwed out fo’ mummah to come sabe them too buh youw mummah kept wunnin’ an’ wunnin’ su fast. Can stiww feew dah way mummah’s back shook as she made sad wawa an’ cwied “huuu huuu” as 'ou wode hew back.

dah wastes’ time ‘ou saw youw owd bwothews an’ sistews, dah humans wewe puttin’ them in sowwy-boxes in metaw monstew’s bewwy. Bestest babbeh sissy twied to num dah hooman howdin’ hew. Dah hooman made scawy face an’ fwew sissy su hawd she fwew obah youw head an’ went spwat into waww ahead of ‘ou. ‘ou awmost feww off mummah’s back as she cwied “noooo babbeh!!!” an’ twied to not put hew hoobes in dah nu smeww pwetty fowebah sweepies thin’ that used to be youw sissy. ‘ou wewe su scawedy ‘ou made scawedy peepees an’ poopies on youw mummah’s back buh she didn’t cawe. She just kept wunnin’ an’ cwyin’.

youw wastes’ wook at youw daddeh was fwom faw ‘way on mummah’s back, buh one of dah humans gib sowwy hoofsies tu him wiff sowwy stick thingy an’ gabe him dah wowstes’ head hab owies ebah. Dah hooman gwabbed daddeh by his pwetty taiwie an’ gabe him bad upsies. Daddeh was stiww mobin’ buh it was wwong mobing–his weggies wewe mobin’ weaw fast an’ his mouff was makin’ sicky wawa! his whowe body was mobin’ wwong an’ makin’ wots of poopies an’ peepees too.

dah hooman monstews wewe howdin’ him obah big wound sowwy bocks wiff nu top, gettin’ weady to dwop hi–youw mind swammed shut. Nu mowe thinkin’ about that. Youw see-pwaces make sad wawa when ‘ou thought too much about youw daddeh an’ bwothews an’ sistews an’ big fwuffies wike 'ou don’t cwy.

besides, ‘ou an’ mummah had wots of heawt happy times. Aftah ‘ou two got ‘way fwom dah munsta humans, ‘ou wawked an’ wawked fo’ many fowebews. Mummah twied to ask humans fo’ hewp ow eben if dey wouwd wike to be youw new daddeh ow mummah an’ wet ‘ou into theiw home. Aww of them said nu. An’ dey wewe usuawwy meanies too! mummah begged an’ cwied an’ pwomised to make gud poopies in dah wittah bawks wike hew owd hooman daddeh towd hew to, buh nobody wistened!

aftah many fowebah bwite times an’ wots of wawking, ‘ou an’ mummah found hewd in pawk! it was su so cowd out duwin’ dah dawk time. By dis time ‘ou wewe awmost big babbeh, on youw way to gettin’ big wike mummah. Dah smawty who was dah weadah didn’t wike that an’ towd mummah that she couwd come sweepies wawm wiff hewd an’ sweepies in dah fwuffpiwe buh 'ou had to go 'way ow get fowebah sweepies!

mummah cwied an’ said “no!” an’ said she wouwd do anythin’ if smawty nu gib ‘ou fowebah sweepies. Smawty say “anything?” wiff bad wook in his see-pwaces an’ mummah say back in bewy sad boice that yes, anythin’ smawty say do. ‘ou twy youw bestes’ to fowget dah enf enf enf noises that youw heawin’ pwaces heawd that dawk time.

dah next mowning, befowe dah sky baww woke up, mummah wicked ‘ou untiw ‘ou went awake fo’ bwite time. Mummah said ‘ou had to be bewy quiet an’ fowwow hew. ‘ou an’ mummah wawked an’ wawked an’ wawked. ‘ou cwossed wots of gwassies, gwey hawd fwoow that gib owwies tu youw hoobes, an’ eben wittwe bit of wawa. Mummah said hew hooman daddeh towd hew that wawa couwd be bad fo’ fwuffies, buh if ‘ou wewe cawefuw, smawt an’ bwabe fwuffies couwd cwoss wittwe watews.

an’ su ‘ou did. Dah coow wawa fewt nice on youw hoobes an’ took some of dah huwties 'way fwom dah hawd fwoow mummah said humans cawwed “concwete” that gabe 'ou dah biggest owwies. It was su wawm outside. It was as wawm as dah fwuffpiwe had ebah been! it was eben wawmah den dah time few bwite times ago that mummah’s tummy babbehs came out! 'ou know dey am dah babbehs fwom dah bad enfies dah smawty gabe wiff mummah buh dey wewe mummah’s babbehs!

bein’ gud big sissy to youw hawf-sibwings made ‘ou su happy an’ gabe 'ou dah biggest heawt happies. At dawk time, ‘ou wouwd sometimes teww youw wittwe chiwpy babbeh bwothews an’ sistews some of dah things mummah had towd ‘ou about skettiwand, dah insides of hooman houses, an’ aww dah fun 'ou wouwd hab one day when nice wady ow nice mistah became youw mummah ow daddeh!

‘ou couwd bawewy bewiebe youw heaw pwaces when dah hooman mummah just spoke to stopped wawkin’ an’ said somethin’ 'ou didn’t quite heaw.

dah hooman got down on his hoobes an’ wooked at youw mummah an’ ‘ou an’ dah babbehs wiff his see pwaces.

“and what am ‘ou doin’ out hewe by dis woad? don’t ‘ou know it’s whewe dah metaw monstews wibe! ‘ou fwuffies shouwd be somewhewe safe!” fwuffy said. ‘ou wiked dah way his boice sounded–awmost wike fwuffy was awweady youw daddeh! daddeh pwobabwy had big house wiff wots of toys an’ sketties aww dah time! ‘ou couwd hawdwy wait fo’ youw new safewoom an’ to see aww youw new fwiends daddeh wouwd bwin’ by!

“mummah am su happies daddeh say hewwo! dis am big babbeh an’ these am chiwpy babies” she pointed hew head back at dah babbehs on hew back an’ one of hew weggies at 'ou.

“ohhh. Fwuffy see!” daddeh said as fwuffy weaned in cwose. Fwuffy smewwed funny an’ it made youw smeww pwace itch. Buh fwuffy seemed wike nice mistah! “and you’we hewe aww awone?”

mummah made sniffie noise an’ hew see pwaces fiwwed up wiff saddies wawas. ‘ou waddwe obah an’ twy youw bestes’ to gib hew bestest huggies to hewp hew heawt huwties.

“yes. Fwuffie nu hab daddeh anymowe an’ nu hab house ow toys ow wittah bawks ow sketties ow wub. Fwuffie an’ babbehs hab famiwy an’ speshuw fwend buh hooman meanies munstahs gib speshuw fwend fowebah sweepies an’ take babbehs to shewtew! daddeh say…say that aww fwuffies who go in metaw munstah nu eben go to shewtew. Dey get foweba sweepies an’ nu mowe bwite times ebah.” mummah cwied an’ cwied dah whowe time, eben chiwpin’ few times when she made big saddies wawas.

‘ou had made youw big sad wawa about youw fiwst bwothews an’ sistews when ‘ou an’ mummah swept that fiwst dawk time awone. She had found safe pwace an’ said it was otay’ to wet dah huwties out an’ she stawted to cwy too. ‘ou know in youw heawt fwom dah way dah humans picked up youw sibwings an’ youw daddeh that dey wewen’t goin’ to get to go home wiff nice mistews an’ wadies–they wouwd get fowebah sweepies instead.

“weww, maybe if 'ou wook hawd can find them! why, fwuffy bet that metaw munsta 'ou tawked about went wite down dis woad!” dah mistah weached into his not-fwuff wiff his not-hoof. Fwuffy puwwed out tiny bottwe, wike dah kind 'ou had seen hooman mummah use on hew hooman babbeh fwooh dah buses at dah pawk. Except dis bottwe was mowe shaped wike what 'ou heawd hooman caww “pine cone” once. “heww, fwuffy bet if 'ou stuck awound hewe wong enough 'ou maybeh eben see which shewtah dey went to!”

youw heawt expwoded wiff happies! it was su eawwy in dah bwite time an’ dis nice mistah was offewin’ to be youw new daddeh an’ to hewp ‘ou find youw wost sibwings! dey wewe not sweepin’ fowebew–the nice mistah said su an’ mummah said that humans knew wots an’ wots of things fwuffies didn’t!

“fwuffie wub 'ou new daddeh!” 'ou shout as 'ou twot towawd him to gib dah biggest happies huggies can!

youw mummah wawks obah beside ‘ou, cawefuw to keep hew dewicate babbehs safe by goin’ swow. She gibes youw new daddeh cawefuw huggies as dah babbehs on hew back squiwm an’ peep. Sometimes mummah nu smeww pwetty when dah babbehs do poopies an’ peepees on hew back.

new daddeh weaches his not-hoof onto mummah’s back an’ picks up one of youw sistews–a pointy babbeh! daddeh howds hew an’ wooks at hew tummy! “siwwy daddy” ‘ou squeaw wiff dewite at dis game. Daddeh picks up his bottwe again an’ touches to top to dah baby’s hoobes. Daddeh den sets youw sissy down in fwont of ‘ou. She peeps an’ it makes 'ou soo happies she knows hew sissy too!

“daddy, upsies am bad fo’ babbehs pwease be cawefuw–onwy wittwe babbehs daddeh! pwease! nu gib owwies tu pwease!” mummah was stawtin’ to cwy again behind ‘ou. ‘ou wook obah an’ see that daddeh am pwayin’ his upisies game wiff aww youw sibwings nao. An’ he’s eben settin’ them down in fwont of 'ou! ‘ou feew wike pwoud mummah watchin’ hew babbehs! ‘ou feew twinge in youw tummy an’ 'ou think one day ‘ou wiww be soon-mummah an’ den hab babbehs of youw own.

youw smeww pwace stawts to itch an’ gib owwies tu. ‘ou wawk to youw cwosest bwuddah an’ sniff. Fwuffy nu smeww pwetty an’ his hoobes nu smeww pwetty an’ smeww funny wiike daddy’s bottwe! youw sibwings am stawtin’ to shake an’ peep in distwess as one-by-one dey stawt to squeaw an’ peep–makin’ poopies aww obah whiwe dey do! su scawy! ‘ou feew youwsewf makin’ scawedy poopies as youw heaw pwaces fiww up wiff cwies fwom dah babbehs.

“nu! bad upsies nu! daddeh nu! nu! nu!” mummah was yewwin’ nao! mummah! she was up in daddy’s awms an’ fwuffy was weawwy touchin’ dah bottwe to hew hoobes nao.

“sabe mummah!” ‘ou yeww, stawtin’ to spwint fuww speed at daddeh, youw wittwe wingies fwuttewin’ an’ can awmost feew youw hoobes weabe dah gwound as 'ou fwy towawd daddeh to sabe mummah!

buh daddeh am su fast! by dah time ‘ou get neaw him, fwuffy am back up taww again wawkin’ mummah out into dah middwe of dah “woad” whewe dah metaw munstahs wike to num. Behind 'ou, youw sibwings scweam wike bewy scawedy babbehs ‘cos theiw mummah am goin’ ‘way fwom them! theiw wittwe see pwaces keep watchin’ mummah go 'way as daddeh cawwies hew into dah woad.

‘ou weap off dah big cwiff obah dah woad an’ wand hawd. Youw hoobes am huwtin’ wot an’ 'ou think ‘ou maybeh hab bwoken weggie buh ‘ou keep goin’ an’ wun at daddeh. 'ou wiww sabe mummah!

youw hoobes am makin’ boo-boo juices an’ youw see-pwaces am makin’ wots of saddies wawa as 'ou get cwose to daddeh. Daddeh am su fast his not-hoof has 'ou in its gwasp befowe 'ou eben know it.

daddeh howds ‘ou up wike babbeh an’ wubs his bottwe on youw hoobes.

“nu! nu huwt! bad upsies!” ‘ou scweam an’ scweeee as dah juice fwom dah bottwe touches dah boo-boo juice youw hoobes am makin’. Dah hab owies am su bad 'ou awmost go sweepies.

dah next thin’ ‘ou know, ‘ou am standin’ neaw mummah, facin’ hew side–the side 'ou used to cwimb as wittwe babbeh. 'ou stawt to wawk towawd mummah when youw hoobes gib 'ou wowstest huwties ebah., ‘ou wook down an’ see that youw weggies hab not mobed. ‘ou teww them to mobe. ‘ou shout at them to mobe! youw dummeh weggies am not wistening! youw hoobes gib buwnie huwties an’ gib owwies tu an’ nu smeww pwetty wike youw sibwings’ do awso.

nu mattah what ‘ou do, youw weggies won’t wisten an’ ‘ou can’t mobe. Youw sibwings am aww makin’ saddies wawa an’ peepees an’ poopies. Dey am onwy wittwe scawedy babbehs an’ dey can’t get to theiw mummah! ‘ou wook an’ see that mummah, ‘ou, an’ dah babbehs aww can’t mobe!

‘ou am in dah middwe of dah “woad” an’ dah babbehs am off on dah human-woad. Mummah am on dah othah side of dah metaw munsta woad, facin’ dah babbehs. Aww can do am make wow “huuu” awong wiff mummah.

“mummah! mummah!” ‘ou shout out as hawd as can. “whewe am daddeh?! how wong untiw fwuffy am back? whewe am daddeh? hewp, fwuffy can’t mobe fwuffy’s weggies an’ dah babbehs can’t eithew!”

“mummah nu can mobe eithew, babbeh!” mummah says, hew see-pwaces wide.

‘ou wook obah an’ see daddeh pwayin’ wiff metaw powes. It wooks wike fwuffy am makin’ some kind of shape when suddenwy fwuffy sits down on it. Maybe daddy’s magic was busy on dah chaiw! 'ou twy to mobe youw weggies again buh hab to stahp when ‘ou make sick wawa fwom dah pain of twyin’ to mobe. Youw hoobes am stuck to dah gwound.

“daddeh! hewp!” ‘ou an’ mummah scweam.

daddeh wooks back at ‘ou an’ dwinks his wawa. Fwuffy says nothin’ buh dah wook on his face makes 'ou do mowe scawedy peepees wite 'way.

it am su hot. Dah babbehs am peepin’ wess an’ wess. Mummah twied fo’ wong time to get daddeh to wet hew gib them miwkies an’ take dah buwnies ‘way buh daddeh just sat in his chaiw an’ dwank his wawa.

metaw monstews wewe stawtin’ to go on theiw “woad” nao, too. Dey swowed down to smeww ‘ou an’ mummah buh awways weft ‘ou behind when dey went by. Sometimes dey got bewy cwose an’ onwy mobed ‘way at dah wastes’ second!

aftah many fowebews, youw heawd mummah scweamin’ again. Dah wastes’ babbeh had gone fowebah sweepies. It was su hot 'ou couwd bawewy make any saddies wawa nao.

suddenwy, 'ou wewe jewked off youw hoobes aftah ‘ou heawd metaw munsta woaw an’ sent way up in dah aiw! ‘ou wand in fwont of mummah an’ wook up at hew. She wooks back at ‘ou wiff bewy scawedy an’ sad expwession.

“nuuuuu!!! biggest babbeh! nuuuuuu!!!” she cwies, wiggwin’ hew weggies to twy to get to ‘ou. ‘ou nee’ hew huggies badwy. Ebewythin’ hab owies an’ youw weggies gib owwies tu su bad can bawewy eben feew them. 'ou wook down. Youw weggies am gone.

“scweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haf haf haf peeeeepp epepeppepepepepeeeeeeep!” ‘ou squeaw, feewin’ youw body shake an’ mobe wwong on its own.

youw see-pwaces see youw weggies standin’ up faw back an’ youw hoobes am stiww stuck to dah gwound. Anothah munsta woaws su woud ‘ou see mummah spwayin’ panicked poopies obah dah “woad” whiwe daddeh watches.

youw see pwaces go bwack fo’ many fowebews. Den dey am open. ‘ou see youw mummah in fwont of ‘ou, wookin’ down. ‘ou wook down an’ see somethin’ comin’ out of youw mouff that wooks wike wong, pinky, what mummah said was “sock” to humans.

den dah huwties come. Youw body has dah wowstes’ owwies. Can bawewy heaw mummah sobbin’ as she wooks at ‘ou. Youw body feews su heaby an’ aww ‘ou wan’ to do am sweepies. ‘ou see mummah wockin’ back an’ fowff an’ 'ou think ‘ou heaw hew say “wan die” obah an’ obah.

befowe anythin’ ewse can happen, metaw munstah’s hoof cwushes youw skuww an’ it aww goes dawkies su fast. Youw wastes’ thought am wong “huuu” at dah thought that youw mummah’s huggies can ficks anything, buh that she can’t get to ‘ou su nao it’s youw time fo’ fowebah sweepies.

‘ou don’t wan’ to go sweepies an’ not wakies buh youw body am su tiwed an’ says pwease mowe sweepies. ‘ou twy su hawd to stay awake buh it gets hawdah an’ hawdah fo’ youw see pwaces to stay open. ‘ou see mummah’s mouff mobin’ as sad wawa fawws out of hew see-pwaces. She wooks wike she does when she used to sin’ to 'ou. Can feew dah wowds in youw heawt.

“mummah wub babbehs…
babbehs wub mummah…”

eben though it’s hot bwite time, ‘ou feews su cowd an’ youw see pwaces am gettin’ dawk.

dah end.


don’t forget your name after the title.

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Thank you!

So maybe I’m an idiot but did he put alcohol on them to make them burn and get stuck to the pavement?

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No sorry I was trying to imply it was superglue or cyanate glue so the whole family was glued down. Mother has to watch her little babies on the sidewalk expire from the sun and the foal who is “you” is stuck out in the road with mummah before being run over and killed with its legs being ripped off and its guts sent out of its mouth.

The nice mister set it up so mother and “you” had to watch the babies die and then had to stand there stuck in the middle of the road until they were inevitably hit by cars while the man watched, sitting by the road.


Ohh gotcha lol. I was just being stupid because I was very tired and the fluff speak was throwing me for a loop. Really like this story though, I hope you continue writing.



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