StudBag ( Gal-With-Pastels)

Any stallion that displays any hostile behavior let alone being a bestest or smarty are turned into Studbags if they have any Valuable traits. Being pillowed and having 2 catheters in no no stick to collect they’re seed , Along with they’re urine. having a tube connected to they’re poopie place to collect any feces. While being securely strapped into a steel box.

Usually the seed of the stud is collect into a tube . yet sometimes Multiple studbags are connected to a pillowed mare.


“Jones? The inventory states that 27 vials were collected from Asswipe this month, but I only have 26 counted for.”

“Yeah I uh…. Well Asswipe was being an asswipe, so I added a little extra flavouring to his feed bag.”


i’m guessing you like this idea?

Shitty stallions absolutely deserve to be punished this way. Or worse. Either or should work.


Good genes are hard to find with Fluffy genetics being 90% luck. You got something that works then you use it until you break it


Art is nice, but idea not.
Smarty gene is trash for normal non-darkhugbox fluffy owners.

and if some offspring develop some of the bratty personality of the father or mother and conssistanly show these natures they are sent straight to be pillowed turned into Pillowed mares/Milkbags ( some having they’re vocal cords cut) or Studbags.


I sorta beileve well Smarty’s are born from Mothers Calling a certain foal the bestest baby , in which later in life they declare themselves as smarties .

Self proclaimed bestest babies is something in my headcannon , Which can occur is a foal Thinks they’re prettier then they’re sister and brothers despite not being called bestest.


was sooo sick of bad and mean studs raping and hurting any fucking mare they found.
Seriously… some days the poop tube would accidentally be switched with the feed tube.
It’s what he deserves :heart:
Edit: this with a foals-to-sketty machine would make the girls so happy!


i’m so glad you like it ;-;


Nerd me wonders how much you could actually get out of a stud that’s been pillowed and fed hormones and stuck in a sedentary place all day. For a fluffy that has to run and play and hug, it’s hell. For a Wannabe alpha fluffy? It must be even worse

An option too often overlooked.
What a glittery boy.


I think sometimes it’s nature and sometimes it’s nurture, but either way it’s not apparent until they start talking.

@NobodyAtAll @FallenAngel007


Their will to live must be 0. Good.

The thing is…

Both sperm and urine come from the urethra, so the tubes would have to be inserted into the urethral opening and go up all the way to the prostate gland, where the urethra splits up to go to the bladder and ejaculatory duct.

Imagine the pain of that. Ouch.

yeah , that is it. honestly i am not the best with biology

His urethra before: .

His urethra after: O

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Ahahha at least this guy still have enough to rant and such :rofl: