Subject 773 for battle fluffs (by wolfysmagic0130)

This is test subject 773. Average injured fluffy but due to an excess funding of a small lab, they decided to implant a few hydraulic systems to cause sudden propulsion of sharp, barbed spears into whoever or whatever touches him. A lack of care for the poor boy means he gets constant infection leaving the exit wounds super inflamed and painful.

The scientists got tired of his constant complaining of “worstist hurties” and decided to give him bionic wings and a horn, partly to invoke the rage of alicorn hating smarties, he hate he is now a “meanie munsta” he just wishes for hugs and love like all fluffies.

The spears produced from his spine are decided to injure, trap, and cause damage for any “sowwy enfies”. The spears by his ribs will puncture the lungs and flesh of any kind fluffy wishing to “gib huggies fow make feew bettew”. The cheek spears ensure nuzzling any “speciaw fwend” will cause fear and pain, often resulting in chunks of flesh being ripped away. Finally the scientists got drunk and decided to replace his dick with a spear to add insult to injury.

Subject 773 does not want to participate but is being forced to by the scientists to “end da huwties”, really they just want to watch him die and were told to “stress test” first. They can only move him with a cattle prod since any bit of physical interaction will set off the mechanism and won’t retract for a whole 5 minutes, they just find it easier to make him walk or get hurties, placing him in a metal carrier when traveling long distances, the force of the hydrologics causing deformities in the metal constantly. Good luck Subject 773 and may you at least take out 1 other shitrat before you perish.

Submission for battle fluffies, bring on the blood


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Pretty much but much more painful and definitely not cool