Subjective... Or not? - LostDauphin



I believe in fluffy equality: That they should all equally get their asses kicked on the reg.


Oh no, a Fluffly killed my LostDauphin :sob:

I’ll found you, poop, I’ll found you




One is a total bitch that will run away and have babies or will leave because your home is ugly

The other is meek and won’t talk back to you after a constant life of neglect


You talk just like the mooks on Reddit.

‘Oh the bad colored one will bake you cookies and shit roses’

That’s just foolish behavior. The only good fluffy is the one beneath your boot.


not saying its perfect it has a ton of problems that it is almost afraid of it own shadow and would shit itself at the first sight of potential danger which can lead to it being returned


Personally I never minded the brown ones. A good chestnut brown is easier on the eyes than some of the other colors. Piss yellow and puke colors I’ve always found more distasteful, they look like walking diseases. But looks aside, it fucking cracks me up how Fluffiest think they’re better than one another just because one came out piss yellow or hot pink. All Fluffies should be made to know that regardless of color, they are all shit. Poopie Fluffies just know that already.


I care more about personality than color. A boring or gross-colored fluffy with a good personality gets good treatment from me, an amazing-colored fluffy that’s an asshole gets the sledgehammer. And the same thing if the colors are reversed.


kill fluffys, behead fluffys, roundhouse kick fluffys into the concrete, slam dunk a fluffy baby into the trash can, crucify filthy fluffys, defecate into fluffy food, launch fluffys into the sun, stir fry fluffys in a wok, toss fluffys into active volcanoes, urinate into a fluffys gas tank, Judo throw fluffys into a wood chipper, twist fluffys heads off, report fluffys to the IRS, karate chop fluffys in half, curb stomp pregnant fluffys, trap fluffys in quicksand, Crush fluffys in the trash compactor, liquify fluffys in a vat of acid, eat fluffys, dissect fluffys, exterminate fluffys in the gas chamber, stomp fluffy skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate fluffys in the oven, lobotomized fluffys, mandatory abortions for fluffys, grind fluffy fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown fluffys in fried chicken grease, vaporize fluffy with a raygun, kick old fluffys down the stairs, feed fluffys to alligators, slice fluffys with a katana.


I chuckled. Nice work!!


because you can’t tell how much shit is in their fur if they are brown.
saying you don’t care if a fluffy is brown is like saying you choose not to wipe.

If you can’t tell fur from shit you need to go see an optometrist

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Great work as usual!

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Lovely artwork. Id wipe that whore makeup off the first one though


sensitive are superior :smile_cat:

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throw them all together and find out if the “poopieh savior babbeh” myth is a real thing

wouldn’t it be funny to see that the high quality, high dollar fluffy is actually better than the shit colored alley foal

It’s not a question of which one is better than the other or which one is better in personality… I simply often find the earth-colored fluffy designs prettier than the conventional “impressive” looking unicorns.


This reminds me of how television sees chicks, not to wax poetically, but women Ive met irl or just random chicks Ive talked with look prettier than a lot of hollywood