You are Fireball, a fluffy with light yellow fluff and an orange mane. You have the nicest daddy in the world, even if he acts silly sometimes. You have a big, comfy saferoom, and the best toy in the world. You have a car! Sometimes you get stuck on corners, but you’re still getting the hang of it. Daddy and his friend have been teaching you how to make it go better, and you even have another fluffy friend just like you who has a car!
You weren’t always like this though. Many forevers ago, you lived in a big place with all sorts of fluffies. Your mummah and siblings were the most important to you. You always listened to your mummah, you were never mean to your siblings, and you always made good poopies in the litterbox. You loved to play, and run, and hug other fluffies. You always greeted the nice mister when he came in, and he always gave you good scratchies behind the ears.
You and your siblings loved each other, and took care of one another. Mummah didn’t have any favorite babies, she loved you all the same. She even loved your poopie brother! You don’t know why some fluffies called him poopie, but he didn’t seem to mind. He just smiled and said “Am da bestest poopie ebah, fwuffies awe aww jeawous!”
One by one, though, your siblings were adopted. You thought it was okay at first, all the people who took them in seemed nice, and you want to believe that they’re happy, but you aren’t so sure. You thought your new daddy was nice too at first. You hope they’re okay.
One day, it was your turn to get adopted! You were so happy, but a little sad too. You and mummah gave each other big huggies. The nice mister explained to you that you were going to a good home, and were going to get all the huggies and love in the world. He said that your new daddy would play with you, and take you for walks, and let you eat sketties, and all the other things a little fluffy like you would want.
Then you saw him. The man who was gonna be your new daddy. He looked so nice! He gave you a big hug, and then took you to your new home. Your new home was so nice! It wasn’t as big as the big barn and field you and your family lived in, but it was really cozy. It had all sorts of toys, the comfiest bed, a nice litterbox, and an interesting thing daddy called a Teebee.
You and daddy were happy together for a few bright times. He would play with you, give you sketties, take you for walkies, let you watch other fluffies on the Teebee, and all sorts of things. You were happy for a while, until one day daddy told you something that changed your life forever.
You had been playing with blockies, when he took you aside. He said that it was a special day, and that you were going to become a pillowfluff. Daddy said they didn’t get to run, or play, or give huggies. Daddy said that pillowfluffs get their leggies cut off. Why would anyone do that to a fluffy? Fluffies are for huggies and love, and running and playing is the best! What would anyone do to deserve that? What did YOU do to deserve that? You’re a good fluffy! Right?
“B-buh, w-why daddeh du dat tu F-Fiwebaww? Fiwebaww am bad fwuffy?” He looks at you with the same smile he always has. The one that made you feel safe when you were scared, the one that made you happy when you were sad. But now all it’s doing is scaring you. Daddy can’t be serious, why would he want to hurt you?
“Because I want to.” You let out scaredy poopies when he says this. You turn to run away, but he grabs you before you can. “Oh no you don’t little guy, don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
You try your best to get out of his grip, but he’s too strong. You try giving him sorry hoofsies, but he doesn’t even notice! “NU WAN BE PIWWOW! WAN WEGGIES! NEED FO WUN AN PWAY! FIWEBAWW AM GOOD FWUFFY!” He ignores your pleas, and throws you into a sorry boxie.
“This isn’t happening because you’re a bad fluffy, Fireball. You’re just unlucky.” You cried and cried and begged and begged for daddy to change his mind, but he just laughed.
You and daddy wait in a scary room. It has bright colors, toys, and other fluffies waiting with their mommies and daddies. They’re talking to each other, and playing with toys. One fluffy hits another fluffy and calls him poopie, and their mommies and daddies make him apologize. You wish you weren’t in this sorry box.
“Number 413? Fluffington the Third? Check up?” Every second is terrifying. You make scaredy poopies everytime they call for someone. “Number 44? Reggie Jackson? Vaccines? These numbers don’t actually mean anything, I just think they make it sound cooler.”
“Hey, if I had known it would take this long, I would have brought a litterbox.”
“Huu, s-sowwy fo make bad poopies daddeh.”
“You’re still becoming a pillowfluff.”
After a few forevers, daddy takes you out of your sorry box. “D-daddeh gib Fiwebaww huggies? W-wet Fiwebaww keep weggies?” Maybe he’ll change his mind?
“Nope, just know that it’s coming soon. And I’m not giving you ‘huggies’. Sorry little buddy, but you’re still getting the surgery.”
“H-huu huu huu… M-maybe daddeh wet Fiwebaww pway wof toysies an say hi tu odah fwuffies?”
“Want to use your legs one last time huh? Sorry little buddy, I’m not risking you making a break for it.”
“Huuuuu…” You cry. You cry and you cry and you cry. You don’t want to lose your leggies! They’re good leggies! And you’re a good fluffy! Right?
After what feels like many forevers, the moment you’ve been dreading finally comes.
“Number 2112? Fireball? Uh, quadruple amputation?”
You let out a tiny bit of scaredy poopies. You didn’t have any left in you.
“NUU NUU! NU WAN BE PIWWOW! NEE WEGGIES FO WUN AN PWAY! PWEASE DADDEH, FIWEBAWW DO ANYFIN!” You say, wiggling as hard as you can. Maybe if you give daddy huggies, he’ll realize that he loves you!
He brought you to a scary man in a white jacket. They strapped you down to a cold, hard table, belly up. Your daddy looks at you, with that same scary smile. “You sure you don’t want to like, pet him, or comfort him in any way?”
Daddy looks at the doctor and smiles. “He’ll be fine, I’m sure.” He pulls out a machine, you think its called a camera, and points it at you. “Alright doc, let’s get this started.”
“Huu huu huu, Nu wan! Nu wan!”
The doctor hugs your front leggie with a weird metal thing. It feels a little nice at first, but then it slowly becomes too much. “Nu wan! Nu wan! H-huwties!”
Then, the doctor twists the thing, and your leggie makes a horrible snapping sound. You didn’t know hurties like this was possible. “SCREEEE! D-DADDEH! PWEASE HEWP FIWEBAWW! NU WAN HUWTIES!!”
The doctor put the weird metal thing around your other leggie. It went snap too. “SCREEE! SCREEEEEE! PWEASE NU MOWE! NU MOOOOWWWEEEE!”
Third leg. Another snap, another wave of pain racks your body. Each time it happens, you think it couldn’t get worse. Each time it happens, it always proves you wrong. “NUUUU! HEWP! HEWP PWEASE! W-WOWSTEST HUWTIES! SCREEEE!”
Fourth and final leg. It goes snap, and it feels like a massive wave of pain its you at once. “SCREEEEEEE! WEGGIES! NUUUUU! WEGGIEEEESS!!”
At least its over. You might not have your leggies, but at least the owwies are gone. Daddy even gives you a pet on your cheek.
“It’s only just starting, Fireball. You still have your leggies.”
You look down. Daddy’s right, your leggies are still there.
“It’s gonna hurt a lot more this time.”
Your eyes widen in abject terror.
The doctor comes by, with a big pair of what looks like scissors. “N-nu, pwease nice mistuh, Fiwebaww nee’ weggies f-f-fo wun an p-pway.”
He ignores you, lining up the blade.
“M-maybe Fiwebaww jus’ sweepin, wiww wake up soon an’ daddeh wiww gif huggies an’ wub…”
Then, as if in an instant, slice.
He lines up the scissors on your other leggie. He cuts that one off too, with no effort.
“SCREEE! MUMMAH! HEWP! SABE FIWEBAWW! NU WAN HUWTIES NU MOWE! N-NU WAN WOSE WEGGIES! W-WAN PWAY AN GIF HUGGIES!” You started yelling for your mummah. Maybe she’ll know somethings wrong, and she’ll come help you.
He prepares to take your third leggie from you. Why is this happening? You’re a good fluffy! This shouldn’t happen to good fluffies! Right? This has to be a sleepie time picture! Right?
“SCREEEEE! MUMMAH! SABE BABBEH! HEWP BABBEH! BABBEH HAB WOWSTEST HUWTIES! NU WAN BE PIWWOW! NU WAN BE NU WEGGIE PIWWOW FWUFFY!” You started calling yourself a baby again, you’re so scared. Everything hurts. This can’t be happening.
“One last one, little guy.” The doctor says, preparing to cut your final leggie off.
“D-dis nu happenin… Babbeh jus’ in bad sweepie time pictchuh…”
“There we go, the worst of it is over. Time to get the instaheal gel on.”
The doctor puts some stuff on your not leggies. They still hurt, but they feel like they aren’t dripping as much booboo juice anymore. “F-Fiwebaww wiww make wakies soon, bad sweepie time pictchuh awmost obah…”
The doctor releases the strap on you. Daddy picks you up, puts you in your crate, and gets back in the car with you. You’ll wake up soon, you know it. This can’t be happening. It HAS to be a dream! Right?