What should happen next?
They are thrown in the trash, just where they belong.
Discard the sensitive babbeh, then use the mummah alicorn into a breeding mare.
I’m trying out different styles as everything I’ve uploaded was drawn on one single night. (and my first time drawing anything since I was in grade school) The babbeh’s body was actually made from cutting/pasting parts of the speech bubble function on microsoft paint together lol (the body, cheeks, and tail)
Wait for them to have heart attacks.
don’t forget your name after the title
Let the fat fucks use their fat stores for food. That’ll teach them to overeat and shit all over the place
Holy shit and I thought my fluffies were fat.
Big? Yes. Strong? No.
That thing is gonna roll over one night and smother itself to death.
As to the question on what happens next. Either got the self-suffocation route, or have the foal get so heavy that they break Sugar Plum’s back.
Rip the legs off sensitive baby and feed them to Sugar Plum. Then throw the rest of it into a fire.
Kill the SBS in the longest and most painful way possible
How is the mummah able to support the weight of her incredibly chubby, special needs foal?
Let her choose. Her babbeh’s health, or her sketti.
Then laugh and laugh as it grows too massive to support its own weight with its fragile foal leggie-bones.
“Let’s play a game” -jigsaw mask-
-Prepare a little death trap with an arduino, a couple weight sensor in 3 different plates, eache far enough from another to prevent participants from saving each other, and whatever mechanical device you can come up with. The longer it takes to kill a shitrat, the better
-Gather as much shit as possible, be it from the litter box or even the floor where they shit. Just gather it and store it in a heated place
-Tie sensitive bestest to one of the plates, the other foals on another with an added weight to make them weight more than sensitive and an enourmous plate of sketties on the last one.
-“The game is simple. You must make the 3 plates weight about the same. On each plate you’ll see 3 LEDs that will wit up. The plate with the most LEDs wit up is the heaviest, and the one with the least is the lightest. You can eat sketties to reduce the weight of the sketti plate, but you can only take weight away from the sketties. If you need to add weight on any plate, you will have to shit on it. You only have 10 minutes to do so. Your sensitive babbeh will have wowstest huwties if you run out of time”
-Add all the rancid shit on top of the sketti plate and stir to make it uniform.
-Let the game begin
You honestly expect fluffies to understand concepts like weight? Too complex.
They’re just gonna run in circles for ten minutes screeing.
I expect them to fail and die