sundae (and her toppings )(fuckignponi)

heres sundae! she does in fact have babies. they’re all adopted

first up is Brownie- a shy brown pegasus rescued right before his untimely demise at the hooves of a (now obliterated) smarty.

Berry, the next- a runt. very small, very mighty. he speaks little but his ass is so fast

and then Bean. terrifying. thats all you need to know about her


All cute but I adore Berry.

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Im joining team bean


Careful, naming all the fluffies after nummies only ever goes one way.

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They eat that topping andlove the topping

this inspires me to write. you aren’t going to like it.

Prettyful, specially lil’berry

Aw, so cute!

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Awww, her name is sundae and her babies are named after toppings. Such as Brownie! And Berry! And… bean…

mate, you do you, I guess

Yesyesyes vanilla bean, I GET IT I’M NOT STUPID. Looks at username Ok, but only a little.