This week is a parody of Get Fuzzy as requested. A little late to the party, but I should be back in the groove on posts soon!
Huehuehue excellent.
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I always hated the political cartoonist level of grotesque detailism of this and Opus.
Edit: My personal favorite was Arlo and Janis
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From what I recall of Get Fuzzy, Bucky would 100% do this.
just finished this whole series of parodies, fucking spectacular stuff man
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Any chance you might return to this series?
I’d be tickled to see a Pixie and Brutus mimic with fluffies
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I may return to this yeah. It probably won’t end up as a weekly recurrence the way it started, but I may end up putting a new one out there some sundays
That said though, here’s a parody of Pixie and Brutus from back in the day
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