Surprise Gift Adopt for Tia (By: GreaverBlade)

he isn’t kidding…

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Don’t tempt me !
I dont actually have the physical versions of 1 and 2.
I was tempted by that Fallout thing too.

Skyrim was probably on Stadia too.

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I got the physical Elder Scrolls anthology when it came out, I’ve been tempted to grab the fallout one for so long

Correct. I was not kidding. Skyrim will reach Doom levels of available on everything some day.

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I mostly want it for 1 and 2 i have the physical versions of 3-5.
And Arena and Daggerfall are not exactly cheap on their own.
Not that they are any great shakes to play.

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And Quake.

Quake is even on fucking RiscOS.

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Quake has an HTML5 browser port, I think.

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Yes QUAKE : id Software : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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Gonna play Skyrim on our future toasters

That’s fair, I’ll be the devil on your shoulder and say buy it when you can. I quite like mine.

Okay but have you guys seen the person who made Doom playable on their car?

Seen LGR play it on a camera from 98.

And Toom

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That is so fucking cool lol

Trust LGR to have the cool shit.

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Truly a warrior to rival Heracles.

Ah yes a worthy pet to slay evil

I hope my battle fluff is never unfortunate enough to cross blades with this mighty warrior in the arena. I can only hope Barbarian takes mercy on my fluffy.

Hark !
Thy battle fluff shall meet the mighty Pepsi Power in the arena !
Look upon him ye mighty and weep !

I would absolutely adore a little foal like that.

And the wonderful tales it would tell.

I would record them all.

I’ll keep that in mind.