Survival of the Foal-ist Part 2: Nu nummies. (Story by: Nundevwizer. Art by: NekuChan )

Dammit, I re-read the comic from the beginning, and realized some things:

  • the smarty stealing from the picknick table is the one who killed the colt’s father

  • the mare lost two foals while escaping, one of it being her “bestes babbeh”. The pink one must have taken the title immediately, while the mare didn’t have time to spoil it

  • So she lost 2 chirpies on her way to the bush, had three other chirpies on her back, another three foals grown enough to walk but not weaned yet and her oldest, the blue colt. That makes 9 foals she had at the beginning of the story to care for. Even with three foals lost, that’s a lot for a single mare to take care for.


Indeed, the text story has way more details and background for the fluffies than the comic since I’m limited to certain panels, still it’s incredible how she can take care of all those foals and even I wonder if they’re all from the same stallion or after the blue one they are the red smarty’s children.


Base on your panel it seems the blue one was the only survivor or only one from the original father,and those smaller foals are from that red bastard.

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The way Pink is is all her fault. Letting one of her babies be killed so it doesn’t annoy her, but Bestest literally hates her and demands from her and she protects it and caters to it more than the others. Whatever, if anything ends up happening to the mare or it, it’s well deserved.

And I think I remember reading the story. Shortsighted attitudes are never good to follow. Though I don’t like Blue either, at least Blue realised helping the mare was a waste of time.


As soon as she figured pink Unicorn was dead, like ten minutes later, she is trying to find a Stallion to knock her up again.

Its all she does.

Also, pink inherited Bestest but green inherited Poopie since the brown Foal was left behind too. She figures there must be both.


Its not all her fault.

The loss of the herd was that same day, and its only been minutes since they opened their eyes and started speaking.

Pink turned into that within hours.

Pink was clearly already a little bastard.


Someone who lets their child be killed doesn’t get a pass. And minutes seems like a very weird time frame. It’s fine though, she’ll probably end up being killed at some point.

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She is a feral who kept that many Foals alive until two dogs ate them.

The only issue is her obedience to a milk sucker because he is aggressive and male, complete submission to her programming, and actual desire to have a stress toy baby. In the text version she tells Blue he’s a good baby for beating and killing the green Poopie.

Which is why I said earlier that the writing has unfortunate implications. The males show cleverness, agency, and deeper thought. She’s basically an organic robot.


I mean, I know the blue one watched the red smarty kill his dad, but I’m not sure if it was while a little baby or happened recently, that could make the pink unicorn and the talkie babies the blue’s dad children as well, with the chirpies being the smarties, or the blue might be the only one left from his dad.


He’s still described as a baby in the narrator text rather than just by the mother, and Fluffies age fast. Plus, the text states outright that she completely forgot the two babies left behind as soon as she had a new Bestest and Poopie, and she had forgotten about all her old Foals and Smarty before the human owners of the dogs even found pink. Her only thought was a reset back to getting pregnant again.

That means she likely got pregnant the second she could, so Blue is probably less than two months old. He’s a weanling Colt.


yeah, but fluffies have so many baby stages than I’m not too sure exactly where the timeline is. For the babies left she noticed the orange “bestes babbeh” was missing, but was way too scared to go back, doesn’t even mention the poopie one not like she cares about it. For the new ones I believed she already had preferences for the pink one as a second bestes, the green one was not only a runt but had an underdeveloped leg so even with a bright color might end up dead anyways for being “ugly thwee weggie babbeh” kinda like the alicorn thing, can be the best color but are still monsters.


In the text she realizes the Poopie is gone and is happy about it.


If the red smarty survive i wonder if they will met again and have his revenge.

I guess it depends on the writer, will just wait for the next chapter and comic :blush:


the red smarty dies in the Birthday Party Poopers story that came before this


Ah ok thank you, hope to read the next chapter soon :blush:

  1. The mare didn’t deserve that
    exhales the foal needs to burn in hell

I would agree if she hadn’t just allowed blue to beat her other foal to death for being disabled

Death to the pink cunt and other smarties like it.

Page 2 Frame 2 is meme potential. Also I’m glad the “bestest babbeh” got hit by the chonky blue fluffy.