Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake that babbeh~
Shake, shake, shake señora, shake your body line
Of course it’s the only one worth a damn color-wise that she smashes. Figures.
I dunno about the ONLY one.
That blue one looks pretty good and I know that white one are usually worth a bit.
That’s all entitled fluffies get. Fluffies are far too, be new mommy or daddy for me? I want this, I want that, I want, I want… Well this is what you get. Gez, greedy much
Shake it!
Wack the foal.
It’s not about the money it’s about the fun.
It ain’t about the money bro.
That’s why they all end up fucking up.
Great comic! The expressions are perfect for the tragically helpless fluffies, and the abuser whose only concern is that the foal she’s brutalizing in front of its mother puked on her finger. Such perfect disregard for the lives of the once happy, loving family!
I like Susan