Sweet Bebbeh Cannibal (ambitiousleather8309)

@BFM101 i think Scarlett would hate chibi fan art.


“Wha da fuk at Chi-bee aneeway?”

“It’s a form of Japanese caricature drawing wherein the subject is deliberately exaggerated to have a smaller limbs with a more rotund body. Some people consider it cute.”

“Scawwett nu wike it, make Scawwett wook wike fat-ee Bestesh babbeh.”

“We’ll you have been eating a whole bunch of them lately, you do look like you putting in a few…”

“You watch yuw fukin mouthie-pwace Jon.”


Ha Scarlett’s getting chubby

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Tubby cannibal is tubby.

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I’m honestly surprised no one has referenced the Rick and Morty episode all about literal tummy spaghetti :spaghetti::spaghetti::spaghetti:

I wanna pinch those cheekies but she’d probably eat my fingers.

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Could do with a nice bowl of tripe, actually, in this abominably cold weather

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When I’m anemic I crave organ meat hard. Offal pie, with the gravy and potatoes? Yes.

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