Sweet Consequences (InfraredTurbine)

if i am not wrong they are called gamefowl,they are specifically breeded to fight so they can be from multiple species as long as they get the criteria, in some cases they take the claw out and they put a ring with a steel blade in his place,so yeah
i wish i could comission something like a rooster tearing a fluffy apart xD

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i know JAJAJAJAJA , you remind me that i gotta read the last story about the fluckfies

You mean slave labour. That, in most headcanons, would require more attention than their relatively poor capabilities are worth.

I mean they do have at least one confirmed human kill

This fluffy really walked into a farm, saw them chicks and eat them… I feel like the farmer should do more hell I’d try and get them to go down a pigs belly so they can get a free experience of being food, fucking shitrats I’d do torture for years for being that much of a monster

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Hahahaha what a stupid shitrat!

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lea el relato de puyol,es una imagen de como seria un gallo de pelea especializado en asesinar peludos