Sympathy For The Devil [By BFM101]

This story contains descriptions to the after effects of sexual assault.

The colt screeched as Victoria Harkness burned his infantile genitals with her cigarette, specks of black and red dirtied his pretty white Fluff as any hope he had of being a stallion was singed away from him. Had he not met Victoria he might have had a rough life as Vincent’s next stud, but Victoria saw the value in a white stallion and requested her brother allow her to burn that value away into nothing.

A few feet away, hiding her remaining two children behind an upturned table, was the colt’s mother, a ruby Alicorn called Shimmer.

“PWEASE NU GIB BABBEH MOWE HUWTIES!” Shimmer cried out hopelessly, torn between saving her already caught son, and protecting her as-yet-unhurt remaining children.

“Sorry what was that? Give him more hurties? Seems a bit mean to me but ok.”


“SCRRREEEEE!” The cigarette burnt through the final layer of skin and touched fresh nerve endings, sending the colt into another frenzy. Victoria chuckled and pulkled out her lighter to give the cigarette another boost of heat.

“Wai munstah wady du dis? Babbeh am gud babbeh, nu desewve dis.”

“Why? Cause fuck ‘em, that’s why.”

“Bu Shimma nu undastan, Fwuffies nu du aneefing to munstah wady, wai wady wan huwt Fwuffies?”

There was a beat of silence followed by the cigarette landing on the floor, Victoria stood statue still for several moments, then her body started to very softly vibrate, as though something was trying to break out of her.

“Munstah wady? Am yu ok?” Despite everything, Shimmer’s natural affection towards humans override the fear of what she had just witnessed.

“Why do I want to hurt Fluffies?” Victoria asked in a soft, sad voice, quivering slightly in her throat.

She looked down at the colt in her hand, his white fluff was contrasted against the blacks and pinks and red of his burnt testicles, now without the fog of war it just looked ugly and pathetic. Without saying a word, Victoria knelt down, placed the colt on the ground, and stumbled over to the wall, where she leaned her back against it and slid to the floor.

“Fuck me I’ve never thought about it before, I’ve always just… hurt Fluffies I never stopped to wonder why.”

Shimmer rushed over to make sure her white son was ok, her was shivering and crying, but he was alive. Carefully she maneuverered him on her back to join his siblings before turning back to Victoria. Even with the memories of her son’s torment still fresh in her mind, Shimmer couldn’t help but take a step forward to the defeated and depressed looking woman on the floor.

“Am wady ok?” She asked again. “Sowwy if Shimma gib wady heawt-huwties.”

“No, no, it’s ok. I just… I guess you’ve caught on a thread I’ve left dangling for too long. I know why I do this and I understand my reasoning, I’ve just tried to avoid the truth I guess.”

“Wha twuth am dat?”

“It goes back to… fuck what am I doing, I don’t need a Fluffy to act as my fucking therapist.”

“NU! Nu pwease, it am gud tu tawkies. Make heawt-huwties gu way.”

Shimmer shuffled forward and laid down, placing her chin on Victoria’s knee, ready to listen. Victoria glared at her for a few seconds, before that glare dissolved into a sad but overdue smile.

“Ok, I guess your right. I hurt my first Fluffy back in college, that’s a type of school in case you didn’t know. Some Smarty prick raping a mare in an alleyway, nothing I hadn’t seen before but this time was different because… because….”

Victoria took a deep breath and reached over to softly pet Shimmer’s soft Fluff, the red mare pulled herself closer to Victoria to allow her to reach more of her Fluff.

Victoria smiled again and continued her story. “….Because it was just after my boyfriend at the time raped me.”

Shimmer gasped. “Wady’s speciaw-fwiend gib hew bad speciaw-huggies? Dat am wowstesh fing, Shimma am su sowwy wady hab du gu thwoo dat.”

“Thank you, and you’re right, it was the worst thing. Not just the rape, but the betrayal. We had gone to a party and gotten hammered, looking back I think he was egging me on and on to keep drinking but I didn’t think anything of it. After a point I blacked out, woke up in my bed the next morning completely naked and bleeding from my anus, I could barely even walk that’s how much I’d been hurt. I thought I’d been attacked by a stranger and went to my boyfriend to tell him, hoping he would comfort me, keep me safe. Instead he laughed, asked “Was that good for you too?” and basically admitted everything he did to me. And like the stupid fucking girl I was back then, I did nothing, convinced myself that I couldn’t do anything, how do you prove your own boyfriend raped you? Eventually he grew bored of how distant I was with him, and dumped me, I didn’t even have the guts to leave him myself.”

“Am day wai wady huwt bad Smawty? Cos he gibben Fwuffy bad speciaw-huggies wike meanie speciaw-fwiend?”

Victoria nodded. “That was my initial reason, I wanted to hurt that Smarty prick like I couldn’t hurt my boyfriend. I pulled every muscle in my left shoulder from how hard and how often I slammed his body against the brick wall, but the catharsis wasn’t there. Until I saw his victim, and I felt disgusted, disgusted at her for not defending herself, disgusted at me for not standing up for myself. When I wrapped my hands around her neck and choked the fucking life out of her, I wasn’t just killing her, I was killing the part of me that was weak and useless and pathetic. Everything I hated about who I was, is what Fluffies are now, and I tricked myself into believing that by killing them all, the innocent with the guilty, I was karmically balancing the world against my own weakness.”

“Wady nu am weak, wady am gud wady, am nice wady whu hab bad finkie-pwace fwom tuu many heawt-huwties. Bu it am ok nyo, Shimma undastan, fowgive wady fow gibben babbeh huwties. Nu am wady fauwt, am bad finkie-pwace.”

Victoria took her hand off Shimmer and reached into her pocket. “Thank you Shimmer, truly.”

“It am ok. Shimma am hewe if wady need sumwun tu wisten.”

“No really, I mean. Thank you, thank you for listening to my bullshit.”


Shimmer had just enough time hear the spark ignite before the lighter Victoria had placed at her backside sent Shimmer up into a screeching inferno, sprinting around the room trying to escape the hellish flames latched onto her very body.


Her three children were knocked off her back in her panic to escape, a green son landed painfully on his back, desperately trying to find his legs through blind panic and run away, a pink daughter cracked her neck on the hard flooring and had to lay paralysed as the flames slowly cooked her alive.

White son didn’t even have enough time to cry about the burnie hurties returning before his head was caught between the floor and his mother’s hoof and he never had any thoughts ever again.

With a face as cold and expressionless as stone, Victoria stood up from the floor, dusted herself down, and left the room. On the other side of the door, Gus and Vincent were watching the fireball mare through the one-sided mirror. Victoria turned to them, and a wry grin grew on her face.

“I’m finished, in case you were wondering.”

She turned to leave by Vincent grabbed her arm, a more serious look on his face than any she’d seen before.

“Tori wait, what the hell was that?”

“Was what?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, that story you told the mare. Where did that come from?”

Victoria let out a soft, exasperated groan. “You want to know if it’s based on a true story, right?”

“You never talk about college, so yeah, I want to know much of what you told her was real.”

Victoria shrugged. “All of it. None of it. What does it matter, I saw the opportunity to trick the little cunt into getting closer to me with a little psychoanalyse and I took it. Besides, I’ve always believed that if I’m to have an origin story, I’d prefer it to be multiple choice.”

Leaning forward to give her twin brother a quick peck on the cheek, Victoria softly yanked her arm out of his grip and left his store, lighting up another cigarette as she felt the day getting a little bit brighter with ever step.

So after my last Victoria story I noticed a lot of people seemed to really enjoy her so I wanted to give a little backstory to her that would turn out to be several shades of bullshit because that’s the kind of cold hearted bastard Victoria is.

I may delve properly into her history some day, it won’t be as in-depth as Josef’s but I never planned for that either, it just came about when introducing the extended Mongola family. Until then, just enjoy these abusive little one-offs with her.


Oh, thats a typo.

We meant:

Pwease, gib babbeh mowe huwties!




You are brilliant. I have enjoyed reading about every single character, human and fluffy, that I have ever read.

I am so stoked for the comic FallenAngel teased about Scarlett.


Unfortunately the Scarlett comic will not be coming anytime soon. I’m trying to cut down on expenditures to buy a house so until I can work out if I can pay for the comic over a long-term - and it’s a fairly long story so it’ll be a lot of time and effort for FA as well so I want to make sure I can pay them for their efforts - we won’t be touching on that just yet.


Either she is just doing bs for that mare or she did have that very bad experience but from how her reaction we cannot tell. Sheez she is unpredictable. :expressionless:

Good short…in the end part I realized she was in those two torture shop again to vent.


Damn this was a good read


Great stuff as always buddy! You write this kinda psychological stuff that just scratches a particular itch and I love it!

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I adore the subtlety of Victoria, an abuse that I can simply say is a work of art.

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