Taka's New Friend - Parts 1&2 (Salapet)

Another comic I made a while back. I never actually got around to finishing it, but maybe I can figure something out later. Just decided to err on the side of caution with the controversial images category.

Also I could have just deleted this before looking at it and remembering that I once drew a fluffy penis, so you’re welcome. :fist::pensive:

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The Nightman Cometh


I guess she’s gonna get in deep trouble this time, well thats the deal but I dunno if her owner knows or dumb having a stallion is not a good sign .


This is why fluffies can’t have nice things.

Because humans are assholes?

I mean, I concede that the abuse here is clever, but its not the fluffy’s fault that the human bought two fluffies without intending to actually provide for both of them.

Also, I don’t understand the last couple of panels–did the guy deliberately get a rapist fluffy or something?

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I think we should all use “biggest pweasies” more - love it and it’s so very punchable

I dont understand what’s happening in this comic