Taken from Mammeh (artist_jberg360)

I was playing with an idea along these lines last night. A breeder who doesn’t punish their mare for declaring ‘bad babies’ and trusts her evaluation, but also asks her to try with some possibly high-value runts. No trying to kill the instinct and having her act out later, rather acknowledging her feelings and having her try if they deem the foals worth it. Probably easier if she’s seen some bad babbehs recover in the past. Not sure what direction I’d go with it, though.

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If you riff off the smarty being a successful businessmen pushing their kid, you can get some traction.

Foal becomes it own version of success
Foal fails under pressure
Smarty destroys itself in forcing to Foal to succeed at something
Foal overthrown smarty
Smarty give shit advice, foal leads herd to doom
Foal become killer under stress
Foal learns to take credit for others success but dies because it never learned the actual skill


I’ve known a few people like this (without the dying, at least when I knew them.) One who was still a decent person, one who was… not.

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Picks up the dead runt, and places a soul of a verile, loyal, and strong Fluffy. After a few minutes, the foal’s body slowly adjusts to having to support the soul. It grows thrice its size, and a loud snapping of bones, and flesh tearing is heard faintly but it doesn’t come across as such to the mare; it’s sounding more like a bag of chips where being opened. I then seal the soul into the runt, along with giving it a few rubs. It’s joints are now adjusted to the new size of a normal foal. I gently place the foal on the mares bare teat, and I reduced there size and stress to her as well. Cooing to the newborn, and noticing that it’s still smells like her foal, she’s not bothered with me and helping her into a mobile crate so we can go home.

@jberg360 Oh that’s brilliant. I need to find some runt-spritz tales.

I think the problem is that the favorite often turns very bratty in stories. How do you avoid that?

My first answer to that is not a hugboxer-friendly answer. But if fluffies are both smart and empathetic, I’m sure they’re amenable to reasonable discipline and being taught.

@Pink Shock collar. I’d love to see where you go with it too.


Fluffies tend to use superlatives pretty liberally. “Wowstest ouchies”, “biggest huggies”, “bestest babbehs” and so on. The whole idea of this being any kind of objective hierarchy was literally invented by hellgremlinists just to make their fluffies even more unlikable.


Amazing work as always, love the distress on the mummahs face <33

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No shitty fucking idiot first you let a foal dying. Now I show them how it feels didn’t getting any food and how painfull it is dying from hunger.

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Nah. She can die horribly.

Well and the other foal needed it also. So no we sell your foal.