Taking care of amputee fluffies for dummys by InLos

Pillowfluff is the term used for Amputee fluffies, they typically have no legs. They don’t last very long. Without legs they can’t give huggies, play blockies, run and play in general. Keeping a Pillowfluffs are usually very hard to take care of. They require a lot of simulation. How to take care of one is often overlooked by people therefore they last barely a month. This will be a detailed guide to keeping one.

Step 1 - If possible having another pillowfluff around can be crucial to a happy life of a pillowfluff. Having someone to relate to can really help the mental state of a pillowfluff. This can also help you out as the fluffy will require less simulation if around another pillowfluff.

Step 2 - A pillowfluff requires a lot of simulation to keep going. Stroking, scratching is the easiest way to provide simulation, but never touch their stumps. Visual Simulation is the most effiective if you can provide it of course. People usally go with fluffTV but that can sadden the fluffy as it sees other fluffies with legs. The best option is children shows such as cocomelon, peppa pig etc.

Step 3 - Sketties is a favoured treat among all fluffies. Sketties day is crucial for taking care of a pillowfluff as they have something to look foward to. Make it a specific day of the week. This usally keeps them going.

Step 4 - Not being able to move is utterly harrowing to a fluffy. Picking them up and moving them around is simple yet effective. Refer to this as ‘Fly time.’ Another way is moving them around in Wheelbarrows outside, this is risky though as feral vermin pieces of shit fluffies will make fun of your pillowfluff and make it depressed. After a walk give it hugs and treats as a reward for being well-behaved.

Step 5 - If you’re punishing the pillowfluff don’t make it to harsh. A suitable punishment is 2 hours no TV and make sure the fluffy doesn’t feel hated. Let it know that you forgive it, this will ease their mind.

Step 6 - Having bath times will keep the Fluffy from getting infections and have another thing to look foward to. The warm water typically soothes a pillowfluff. Make sure the water is warm, not too cold, not too hot. Add bubbles to the bath, this makes the bath all the funner. Make sure the Bubbles are a safe fluffy alternative.

Step 7 - Take the fluffy to the vet once a week for a checkup. After the check-up see about getting the Fluffy groomed, this will make the fluffy feel pretty and keep them going. Remember to keep the fluffy isolated from others. Other pillowfluffs are fine.

Step 8 - Provide a soft bed for the fluffy. A good night sleep will keep the Fluffy happy. Before putting the fluffy to sleep, tell the fluffy a nice happy story for them to dream about. Provide a goodnight hug. Have a nightlight as the dark can make the fluffy scared as it can’t run away.

Step 9 - If the fluffy ends up depressed, lie. Lie about how weggies are awful and terrible. If done correctly this may cheer up the fluffy and make them feel safe without them. Provide a little more simulation for around 12 days and more special treats.

Step 10 - Never insult the fluffy no matter how pissed you may be. If it makes Bad Poopies, it’s not their fault. Clean it up and forgive the fluffy and remind it to tell you if it needs poopies and peepees.

Follow these 10 steps and the pillowfluff will live it’s life out and die happy.


“Step 7 - Take the fluffy to the vet once a week for a checkup”

Suddenly I have a new perception of which fluffies are the truly expensive ones. Yeesh.


Might as well just chuck em’ in the garbage.

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If you read this properly, it turns into a list of ways to torture a pillow.

Also, once a week??? My chronically ill kitty doesn’t go that often. I actually love her!


Pillow fluffies are more prone to illnesses.

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Once a week is not illness prone. That is the state of BEING an illness.


Please, stimulation and stimulation are 2 different words.

Did you mean simulation?


Honest Mistake, didn’t realise I used ‘simulation’ instead of ‘stimulation’

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"Well, there’s stimulation and then there’s stimulation, if you know what I mean.

Too bad your pillowfluff will never get the latter."

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