Taking Out The Trash [by ChungusMyBungus]

I’m not really for or against anyone in this debate. I’m a neutral party.


Fair enough.

I’m just taking the side of people with the same views I have, man. I don’t expect all of them to be good people.

to think that all this started with a throwaway line about harry potter being shittily written


Really, I just wanted people to know that there’s a name for the phenomenon you described.

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We lost the wrong damn author.

GNU Terry Pratchett.


Exactly. I just figured ‘Hufflepuff’ sounds like something someone would call a fluffy pony, figured I’d toss in a joke about ‘oh dear, can’t talk about that anymore’ and here we are.


I think we can all agree on that. Let’s all agree on that.

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Honestly, I’ve roasted Harry Potter a bunch of times in my own stories, and it never sparked a debate like this.

Wizards in my headcanon hate JK Rowling, and her books. You wanna piss 'em off, ask them if they can get you into Hogwarts. Or if they can get you a date with Hermione.


I brought it up because I genuinely thought there might be something new, lol. Jo has had a lot of bad press and I was sort of hoping for something new to giggle about.

Sorry for triggering this. ;-; I feel bad now.

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i asked my trans lil bro (female to male) if hed be mad if i got the lego hogwarts express not because i like that dumb ass wizard shit, but because trains are really fuckin cool and he said “of course not you fucking idiot”


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I’m gonna sound like a broken record, but Discworld even has a better train.

The first train on the Disc became a literal goddess.

How do you top that?


It’s all good bud, I still love ya. :people_hugging:

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I wish I could play the new games, but I don’t have the money or the computer. =(

The books are badly written, but the movies were a blast, and honestly, the thing Rowling is (or was) best at was world-building (up till about books 4-5. The Wizarding Word is really cool and has so much potential, but then she hamstrung that by limiting everything to Hogwarts until the last book and making the story focus on such a small slice of the world.

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The thing is that the Wizarding World is actually really fucked up, and the only person who wants to do something about that is the main villain.

Voldemort actually had a good point about abolishing the House system. Like half the problems in the series are caused by pigeonholing eleven-year-olds and informing their entire futures by slapping arbitrary labels on them, and pitting them against each other for a pointless prize.

Plus the whole message of equality and tolerance is sabotaged by the fact that the wizards hide from the non-magical people, even when it would be a really good idea to tell them “hey, Wizard Hitler is taking over Britain”.

And let’s not even start on the whole “slavery being legal and the only person who objects to that getting ridiculed” thing.

By the end of the series, none of these problems have actually been solved.

“All was well” my arse!


It’s always nice to see stupid mares and entitled bestest lardrats suffer and die.


10/10 I wished they suffered more

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The thing is that the Wizarding World is actually really fucked up, and the only person who wants to do something about that is the main villain.

If you read the books with Voldemort as a good-guy-gone-bad, it’s so much more interesting and still makes a ton of sense. 99% of the information we know about his childhood is obtained through Dumbledore, save for the Diary–and I mean, splitting your soul and then putting half of it in a book for 50 years can’t be good for the paper half’s sanity.

In her quest to fulfill all her dumb ideological goals, Jo made Voldemort pure evil and Dumbledore pure good, even if we were supposed to doubt the latter at one point. The only remotely grey character was Snape, who is both a creepy necrophile and told he should have been sorted into Gryffindor (by Dumbledore, indirectly).

Making people have good and bad traits is how you write human characters, because real human beings aren’t all good or all bad.


I wonder how much fluffies colored fprthe Hogwarts houses wkuld go for, especially if their personality traits match

I see a lot of controversial takes in a debate … okay that means the story is probably gonna be good …

-reads it-

Okay, this is just sublime and it warmed ny heart. Good to see the trash being taken out~