Taking them home..Pt1(RATONDA)




Still love the art! I’m having trouble reading the text, though. Don’t know if it’s my phone, my awful vision, or the images.

I tried to edit it due to restrictions and it is blurry… but ima try to edit the full version rn! Think they got lifted? not sure

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Yeh now it’s more clear

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Very nice art.

I’m guessing red baby is likely going to become a smarty and “bestest” will be another bitch to deal with. Best to deal with them before they cause more trouble.


Def right bout red babeh :smirk_cat: bestest is gon be a spoiled brat


ahhh such cute babys! its a shame the mother is a bitch, she had such pretty colors

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Some of the panels could stand to be zoomed out… You’ve got cute art, but the lack of zoomed-out shots makes it hard to tell what’s happening! For most of the comic, there’s no indication the mare even has babies, and it teleports directly from the alley to the sink. And when she got water in her eyes (I think), I can’t tell if it was on purpose or she was just staring up at the tap.

Also, love that fatty white foal. It looks very squishy, I wanna roll it in my hands.


I seriously hope the Alicorns get abused, with either a breeders ending or worse. This would be a fresh change from the stereotypical formula.

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Ya I’m still working wit that n tryna make it more understandable I rushed thiss :sob: But definitely trying to clean it up I’m still working with different styles so it’s kinda off

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I would keep the mum just to be a breeder as she seemingly produces good colored foals to sell.



White with blue hair

Oh baby we got a live one let the money roll in chooo chooo toss grumpy boi on sale, breed out the white and pink once its old enough and dark boi can feel the bottom on the steel cap boot! then we breed this bitch out again and the money print continues

:heavy_dollar_sign: :chart: :chart: :chart: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :heavy_dollar_sign:Yeeehaaaww boi we making money now :money_with_wings: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:


Very cute art, can’t wait to see more! The foals are so so cute. I love the starving one. :black_heart:

Don’t worry about censoring yourself, you’re more than allowed to swear in your work here. :slight_smile: