Hi everyone. Third part of this small series. Decided to go less story focused and more fluffy killing fun for this part. Hope you enjoy.
The tv once again showed the vampire tv host and his fluffy witch companion in their dungeon. The vampire sips from a wine glass filled with blood as the witch fluffy sits in the vampire’s lap.
“Dat wastes’ stowy was saddies. Fwuffie nu sabe wittwe mummah.” Said the witch, a bit sad.
“Well that fluffy didn’t deserve a happy ending. But welcome back my guest.” The vampire host said to the camera.
The witch fluffy hops off the vampire’s lap and runs to a fireplace as she rolls a log towards the flames.
"Dis wastes’ stowy am diffewent."snorted the witch as she shoved the log into the fire and the flames grew.
“To close out the evening, please enjoy ‘close encounters of the fluffy kind’.” The vampire host said.
A lone house sits surrounded by wild unkempt fields of grass and weeds. The is in major disrepair. Around the property are many roaming fluffies as scattered here and there are also the remains of long dead fluffies. Inside the dimly lit house a old woman sits stroking the back of one fluffy sitting in her lap. Around her the house is a mess of broken furniture and piles of trash mixed with shit and piss of the numerous fluffies the old woman has taken in.
The woman hums a soft melody as then suddenly she springs to her feet sending the fluffy in her lap sailing and landing in a pile of fluffy crap by the tv.
“RRREEEEE!!” The fluffy cried before being silenced by the shit.
“Come come my babies. Time for lunchies.” The old woman huffed out.
“Reee nummies?!”
“Soon mummah nee’ nummies.”
“Smawty nee’ mummies mobe!”
" 'ou nu smawty dummeh! fwuffy am smawty!"
Cried out the hoard of filthy fluffies. The woman shuffled toward the kitchen as she weakly reached into a large bag of fluffy kibble and poured it into a large bowl. Before she could even pull back the bowl was set upon by the wild fluffies all wanting the food so badly. The smarties and toughies of the packs all shoved and bit or stomped their way to be the first to eat. Those fluffies unable to eat cried or threw tantrums.
The old woman didn’t seem to notice the fluffies fighting to eat as she simply poured more food into three more large bowls and then went back to her comfy seat and watched her tv. As she sat down she unknowingly crushed three small foals who hoped on her chair. The crunch and cracking of their tiny bones unheard by the woman’s failing hearing.
Back at the fighting pits for food. One fluffy managed to drag one of the bowls away from three fighting smarties who didn’t notice him swiping the food. He quickly scooted the bowl with his nose towards a box that lay half open among one of the piles of trash. As he pushed the bowl in he heard a happy gasp.
“Speshuw fwend get nummies?!” Yelped a pegasus mare.
“Samuew get nummies fo’ Wosie.” Said the white earthie stallion.
His pink mate cooed happily as she hobbled to her legs and went towards the bowl. Her movement wakes the five sleeping babies that are also in the box. There were two yellow earthie females, one red unicorn male, a fat white pegasus male, and the smallest a dark brown unicorn male.
The babies all peeped or chirped as they awoke and the first to get up and move was the largest. The white male wobbles with his fat legs as he goes towards his mother’s teats.
“Bestes’ babbeh wan’ miwkies!” Demanded the white baby.
The mother looks down at her bestest baby and complies as she turns on her side to let the fat brat suckle. The other babies all went for the second breast as the brown unicorn got there first. He chirped happily before he was shoved back by his own mothers hoof.
“Dummeh poopy babbeh nu get miwkies.” Rosie spat at her baby.
The baby was about to complain but he was shoved aside by his siblings as the red unicorn got to the teat and began to drink. The two yellow females chirped as they used their hooves to paw at their mothers’ breasts wanting milk too. The brown baby began to cry.
“Waaa! Nu faiw nu faiw why poopy babbeh nu get miwkies?!” Poopy cried.
“Bwuddah nu pwetty wike Spwinkwe dat why.” Said one of the yellow females.
“Ow wike Spawkwe.” Said the second yellow female.
“Ow am tough wike Appwe.” Said the red unicorn as he stopped drinking milk for a moment.
“Ow bestes’ babbeh wike Snowbaww.” Said Samuel as he stared down at his own baby.
Poopy sobbed to himself as he went back to lay in the corner of the box, his stomach growling loudly. His daddy ate some of the kibble as his mother made Apple stop drinking to let Sprinkle have a turn. Sparkle still batted at her mothers teat wanting milk too.
“Tummy huwties.” Poopy sniffled.
“Mummah wub babbeh, babbeh wub Mummah, babbeh hab miwkies, gwow big an’ stwong!” Sung Rosie happily.
After some time Samuel moved Sprinkle away and let her sister have a drink. It was then that with a loud burp Snowball had drunk the teat he was on dry and peeped and flapped his wings. The fat foal curled up next to his mother’s warm fur and fell asleep happily as Apple and Sprinkle began to play with a paper ball.
As evening turned to night the old woman again was still in her chair not watching tv but rather sewing something. Not seeming to care at the skewered baby fluffy on the end of one of her large sewing needles. She then looked at her clock on the wall and smiled as she set her needles and yarn aside and stood up.
“Dears it’s time for dinner, come now come come!” She called out as she shuffled back towards the kitchen.
Due to the lunchtime brawl some fluffies laid dead on the floor here or there joining the growing numbers of dead animals around the home. The old woman looked down at one of the fluffies as she smiled and bent down and patted the dead fluffies head and went about again filling the large bowls with kibble. And just like before the rushing hungry fluffies swarmed the bowls. The woman just smiled as suddenly her kitchen light flickered for a moment and she looked up at it curiously.
Back at the fluffy family nest Rosie awaited Samuel to bring more food. Her three desired babies all sleeping soundly curled up at her side as her bestest baby slept on her back. Rosie then perked up as she heard someone approaching the box and smiled, but then frowned as she saw Samuel coming in with a bleeding nose, black eye, and missing an ear.
“Speshuw fwend hab owwies!” Cried the mare as she stood up quickly.
The very sudden move woke her babies as Apple, Sprinkle, and Sparkle all looked up confused and then frightened and sad at the sight of their hurt daddy. Snowball on his mothers back shat in his mother’s fur and began to cry upon being woken up.
“Samuew am bad speshuw fwend, nu get nummies huu.” Samuel said as he started to cry.
“Nu am bad speshuw fwend! ‘ou am bestes’ ebew!!” Rosie huffed.
Rosie sat on her shit encrusted ass and hugged his distraught mate causing the crying baby on her back to tell off and hit the floor of the box with a soft thump. This just causes Snowball’s wails to grow in intensity.
Apple and his siblings went towards their mommy, daddy, and their tantrum having brother.
“Nu cwy bwuddah, huggies make boo boos go 'way!” Sprinkle said and hugged Snowball.
“Spawkwe wan’ gib huggies too.” Sparkle said and hugged Snowball too.
“Nu cwy daddeh, Appwe dancesies fo’ 'ou.” Apple said and began to wiggle and twist around in an awkward attempt to dance.
Poopy just watched his family from the corner. As soon his daddy calmed down and this allowed his mommy to tend to the still whining Snowball. The family all sat there as the light above them flickered and then went completely dark. Many shrieks and farts were let out on the fluffy filled home.
“Dawkies bad fo’ fwuffy huuhuu!”
“Waaa mammah!!”
“Dummeh bwite baww gib back bwite time!”
“Screee! Nu can seesies!!”
Fluffies cried out in the pitch black. The old woman looked confused at the light and flicked the light switch a few times. But then through the windows light returned to the home as it was flooded with sickly green hue. The old woman heard the screams and cries of the fluffies that were outside. She curiously went towards her front door and opened it.
“Darlings, are you okay? Did someone need a cough drop?” She called out.
The old woman walks out into her yard leaving her door wide open as she looks up curiously at where the green light was coming from. She smiled at the light.
“Hello dear, would you like to come in for some tea?” She asked.
A pillar of white light came over the woman as she began to float up gently towards the sky; she mumbles confused as she does slow flips in the air towards the glowing light.
“Oh dear…. Well if not tea how about some milk and cookies?” The old woman asked as she vanished into the light.
At that point two very slender figures lower out of the light and hover just off the ground. Their limbs impossibly thin and long as their skin was ashy white. Their head was far larger than any humans as the eyes are large pure black ovals. The fluffy family inside the house sit confused. Hearing their fellow fluffies starting to cry out.
“Nu gib owwies tu fwuffie!”
“Hewwo munsta fwend wan’ pway wiff baww?”
Apple, Sprinkle, and Sparkle all hug their mothers legs as Rosie holds the again sniffling Snowball
"Huu bestes’ babbeh nu wike noise mummah."He sobbed.
“What goin’ on speshuw fwend?” The worried mare asked.
“Nu know, fwuffy go find out.” Samuel said and walked out of the box.
The family remained there for what felt like forever. Rosie began to worry and set her bestest baby on her back and went out of the box. Apple, Sprinkle, and Sparkle all followed behind her not wanting to be alone. Poopy lagged behind them all.
The house was almost entirely quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the quiet crying of fluffies who were hiding among the piles of trash.
“Speshuw fwend?” Rosie called out.
Just then a loud electronic zap was heard followed by a fluffies shriek. A small stampede of fluffies stormed out from the living room and scattered into the hall going into any room they could. Among them was Samuel who saw his family.
“SPECHUW FWEND WUN!!” He yelled out.
The family then watched as a tall monster held a hand out at Samuel and the zap sound was heard as a red light came from the outstretched hand.
Was all the daddy got to say before he and ten other fluffies were washed in the red light. It vanished in an instant and large piles of ash poofed over where the fluffies once were. A wash of ash hit Rosie’s right in her face going into her eyes and mouth.
“Reeeee! See peace owwies! Diwt nu taste pwetty!” She huffed and coughed.
The mother blinked a few times as tears helped wash out her eyes from what was once her lover. She then looked up at the tall monster and backed up as a second monster appeared. Rosie shit and peed herself in fright. The pee pooling around her back hooves as the crap sprayed all over Sprinkle and Sparkle who hid behind her. But then Apple stomped up in front of his mother. Holding his head high as he puffed his cheeks out in anger.
“Dummeh munsta! Toughie babbeh gib ‘ou foweba sweepies fo’ gib owwies tu mummah!” He chirped and charged.
Rosie smiled proudly at her baby defending her being so sure she was saved. As Apple’s siblings all looked impressed as well. He ran with everything he had with his nub of a horn aimed at the monsters. But with a swift move one of the monsters picked up Apple.
“Scree! Chirp!! Bad upsies! pwease munsta put babbeh down huuhuu!” Apple cried as he shit himself.
“Nu! Pwease munsta nu gib babbeh owwies! Am onwy wittwe babbeh!” Rosie begged
All Apple’s family watched in horror as the monster flipped the struggling baby upside down and seemed to look at his shitty ass. The monster then used it’s free hand to pull out a small silver cone with a ball at the end of it. The monster then inserted the ball end of the thing into the baby’s ass.
“Waaaa mummah poopy pwace huwties!!!” Apple cried.
The monster then let Apple go as he fell to the ground and landed with a thump. Apple immediately got to his hooves and ran towards his mother. As the cone sticking out of his ass began to spin and make a sucking sound.
Rosie bent her head down towards Apple as he suddenly stopped moving yet his little legs still kicked as if he was trying to run. His crying only growing louder as he realized he stopped moving.
“Babbeh?” Rosie asked.
“Huuhuu! Babbeh tummeh nu feew pwetty!” Apple yelled.
They all looked at Apple as he began to inflate. He chirped and peeped as tears began to fall from his panicking eyes. His front legs waved at his mother seeking some comfort as his stomach only grew bigger and bigger. Ths cone sticking out of his ass spinning faster as it sucked in more air.
Blood began to spurt from the foals’ eyes, nose, and mouth as with one more shriek out he popped loudly spraying small specks of blood at Rosie’s hooves.
“Chirp peep, bwuddah?” Sparkle spoke out.
“Huggies make bettew?” Sprinkle asked.
The now panicking mare turned away from the monsters bringing her hoof down on Sprinkle and crushing her back legs and ass with a loud and wet crunch. A mix of blood and shit covered Rosie’s hoof as she ran.
“Chirp! Mummah gib babbeh owwies waaaa!” Sprinkle cried.
“Reeee sissy nu wook pwetty!!” Sparkle cried and followed after her mother.
Poopy stumbles as he sees his mother coming right for him as he luckily moves out of the way from his stampeding mother and avoids being crushed too. Sparkle was right behind her as Poopy looked back at the monsters and saw them approaching his injured sister. He shits out of fear as he runs after his remaining family.
“Chirp peep peep!! Mummah hewp babbeh huuhuu!! Nu want gu foweba sweepies!!!” Sprinkle cried for her mother.
The monsters hovered over the badly injured foal and watched her trying to crawl away dragging her mangled back end. Her efforts were pointless as she coughed up blood and her front legs began to feel too heavy to move. She kept crying out for her mother but it too was a waste.
“Huuu… why mummah weabe babbeh?.. Mummah, nu wub…”
The monster saw the last bit of life leave the baby and left the corpse as they turned their minds back to finding the rest of the shit factories in the home.
Rosie ran back towards the only place she could think would be safe, their nest. As she ran into the box she was hit in the face by the hooves of another fluffy. She screams in shock and looks into the box confused seeing inside another fluffy family hiding inside.
“Go ‘way dummeh mummah, dis fwuffy’s hidin’ pwace!” The stallion snorted.
Rosie was about to argue but before she could the invading fluffy hit her face again with his hooves. She sniffled as her nose began to bleed now and started to cry. She turned away from what once was her home and looked around in a panic for another place to hide. She ran as Sparkle and Poopy both followed after her. Snowball is still on his mothers back crying from fear.
With luck Rosie spotted a new hiding place in the form of a hollowed out old couch. She runs towards it and squeezes into the tight opening getting a few scrapes from protruding nails and metal springs. But she finally felt safe as laid down panting hard. That has been the most running she has done in a long time. Sparkle and Poopy ran in after her and they too were panting from their fleeing. Snowball kept crying as he crawled off his mother’s back and went towards his mother’s breast.
“Peep mummah bestes’ babbeh wan’ miwkies!!!” He cried believing the milk would make his fear vanish.
“Nu nao bestes’ babbeh, mummah tiwed.” Rosie sighed.
Snowball just sobbed more and hit his mothers side with his hooves. Demanding milk now and not believing he was being denied what is rightfully his! Poopy felt the same. He hadn’t had much to eat in days and wanted milk or any food badly. But as if his needs were answered by the skies above. Poopy saw something with rain down all over the floor outside. He looked at it curiously.
It was shaped like a star and had every color of the rainbow with a slight shine to it. But what really drew him was the smell. It smelled delicious. He drooled a little as he slowly walked towards the odd food. He looked outside but couldn’t see the monsters so used his horn to stab the food and bring it inside.
He felt his heart pounding as he pulled the food off his horn and sniffed the colorful star. His tummy told him this was going to be very good for him.
“Nummies.” Poopy said in delight.
As he opened wide to eat, he was suddenly shoved hard and let out a peep, he looked up to see Snowball had headbutted him in the stomach. Snowball now snorted and sniffed at the food Poopy found and huffed. He looked down at his brother and raised his hooves and stomped down on Poopy’s side.
“Screee!!” Poopy cried.
“Dummeh poopy bwuddah! Nummies onwy fo’ pwetty babbehs!!” Snowball said and ate the star.
Poopy teared up as he watched the food disappear and Snowball burped happily. Sparkle and Rosie both looked at what just happened feeling nothing wrong just occurred. But then frowned as Snowball began to hack and cough. Blood came from Snowball’s mouth as he began to breathe harshly and heavily.
“M-mummeh.” Snowball gasped out.
“Bestes’ babbeh!!?” Rosie yelped.
As his mother picked up the gasping foal his eyes began to become bloodshot and bugged out of his head as a bloody stool spilled from his anus. As tears formed in his eyes Sparkle and Rosie both began to cry too. More and more blood and crap poured out of Snowball’s ass as Eosie felt her baby getting softer and softer. It became harder to hold him as he gurgled out attempting to ask for help. The liquefying baby becomes bloody mush in his mothers hands as his remains pool all over Rosie’s legs and teats. Leaving only the husk of fur and skin in the mare’s hooves as it just dangled as a hollow testament to what once was a living thing.
Poopy just sat up as he knew how close he was to being just like his brother and about to cry from the fear of his near death. But then he heard the sounds of the same fate happening to fluffies all over the house and he peeked out to see the monsters throwing more of the food stars around. The sudden rush of fluffies melting caused those who didn’t eat the trap food to run out of their hiding spots, only to be attacked by the monsters. Poopy looked back at his family to see his mother and sister fleeing again out the opposite side of the couch through another hole. He ran again after them. Knowing his family didn’t love him but didn’t want to be alone.
The monsters either used their red light to turn to dust the fleeing pest or had one of their other tricks to dispatch the fluffy masses. As now fluffies managed to get out of the house and run or find better hiding spots. Rosie ran towards the kitchen remembering the pet door she could use to escape. But as she got there she saw it was blocked with other fluffies crammed into the tiny door as fluffies behind them tried to shove the wedge out.
“Mobe dummeh wet smawty go out!”
“Reeeee, nu crush fwu- aggghh!!”
Rosie tried to think of another way to escape and jumped back in shock as an old cup fell from above, nearly hitting her head and smashed on the floor. She looked up and saw fluffies climbing a slope of trash to the counter and then over a pile of filthy dishes to the open kitchen window and leaped to freedom. She knew it was her only chance as she went towards the bottom of the slope and began to climb. Finding it hard to keep her fat self from slipping and losing a little bit of progress with each inch moved up.
Sparkle and Poopy arrived at the kitchen seeing their mother leaving them and both followed her lead up the trash. Due to their size and weight they had a much easier time climbing as they soon overtook their mother and got to the counter top first. Sparkle hops on top of a pile of plates slipping a bit. But she moves too quickly and leaps to a stack of cups and causes it to fall over. Poopy hopped onto the plates, being careful to move safety. He saw his sister fall for the other side of the sink which had forks and knives pointed up sticking out of a cup.
“Mummah!!” Sparkle yelled as she fell.
Rosie’s ears perked at that cry as she finally got to the counter and looked towards the cries for help. She lifted herself onto the plates and looked over the edge where Sparkle fell. She saw the skewered baby struggling to try and get free. A fork stabbing through one side of her hip to the other as a knife held one of her front legs in place. One of her eyeballs was missing from the socket and dangled off another fork.
“Mummah hewp baby pwease, huhu nu feew pwetty!!” She cried out.
Rosie looked back and saw one of the monsters coming and forgot about her baby’s crying and went back towards the window to escape. Poopy was already on the window still and looked down to see most of the fluffies who jumped out the window first died landing on the ground. But they now made a softer landing for the fluffies who came after them. Poopy summoned all the courage he had and jumped.
“Peep!” He yelped as he rolled down the fluffy pile.
He landed in the wild grass and didn’t even look back as he ran away from the house. He was feeling his adrenaline running dry at this point and knew he needed to rest. He spotted an old can to hide inside and crawled into it feeling the last bit of his energy leaving him as he passed out.
Some hours later Poopy began to wake as the faint light of the sun hit his butt. He whines a bit not wanting to get up but forcing himself to awaken as he turns around in the can and crawls out. Around him he can smell death as he’s sure it’s the smell of all the dead fluffies inside and outside the house. The sun is starting to turn the black sky to a blue as he sighs. Around him he doesn’t see any other fluffies or the monsters. He sits and begins to feel nervous, unsure what to do now that he is all alone.
“Poopy babbeh.”
Poopy looked towards his left as he saw walking out of the tall grass was his mother he chirped happily to see her, but then began to cower as he saw she had an angry and hate filled look on her face.
“Mummah, Poopy babbeh hab heawt happsies 'ou hewe.” He peeped out trying to make her happy.
“It poopy babbeh fauwt bestes’ babbeh go foweba sweepies!!!” Rosie yelled and stomped her hooves.
“Peep! Babbeh sowwy! Nu gib babbeh owwies!!” He began to cry.
“Mummah gib sowwy hoofies! Mummah gib poopy babbeh foweba sweepies!!!” Rosie screed and raised her hooves.
Poopy ran from his mothers stomp as he called for help and went for the only safety he had. He went back into the can he slept in. As he shivers in pure fear his mother bats at the can with her nose and hooves trying to get the foal out. But she soon loses her patience and decides to just crush the whole can. As she stands up on her back hooves, raising her front legs as high as she could to stomp down. Just then the monster’s flying ship raises up from the other side of the house. As out from the bottom of it a glowing ball of white light flashes.
“SCREEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Rosie cried.
With a loud thump Poopy only began to hear cries of pain outside the can. He opened one eye confused as he saw something red, oozing, and steaming outside the can. He curiously looks outside and jumps in shock. Laying upon her back before him was what once was his mother. But now her skin and fluff were missing. Leaving her skinned alive crying in agony as all her nerves fired off in pure pain.
“AAGH AHHHH! MUMMAH NU FEEL PWETTY!! GERG, GLUG ERRG.” The skinned mother sobbed.
Poopy could hear around him many other fluffies suffering from the same fate as his mother. He backed away from her to hide back in the can. Watching his mother’s legs kick as she tried to get herself back to her feet but the pain of the slight movement only made her suffering worse. Even her own tears brought her pain as the salty water burned her muscles.
"Munsta mummah, nu wook pwetty."poopy said and hid away again.
Soon police and other emergency personnel were upon the scene. As they searched the area for the odd lights they got reports on. But all they found were a plethora of dead fluffies, trash, and a rambling old woman. One officer walked away from the smiling old lady who was being examined by paramedics.
“Still talking nonsense?” Asked one female officer.
“Yup, saying something about having tea with very tall men. Old bat is senile as can be.” Answered a male cop.
“Hmmm, well with how many dead fluffies there are I imagine she may not be in the best health physically too.” Said the female cop.
“Yeah I bet. Come on, we have to head back to the station and report in.”
“What about this mess?”
“Let the others deal with it.”
The two officers both entered their squad car as the female officer picked up a bundled blanket off the passenger seat and put it in her lap.
“Why are you taking that one with us anyway?” Asked the male officer.
“Little guy seemed so scared and alone. I’ve wanted to adopt a fluffy for a while anyways. So may as well take this little stray.” Answered the female cop.
Poopy slept happily in the blanket. Being warm and full. Beside him was a small bottle that was nearly empty. He cooed peacefully dreaming of all the fun and love he’ll be getting from his new mommy and the happy life he is about to live, almost entirely forgetting about the event he just lived through.