Tales From The Shelter: Peppermint (BunnyBean18)

(This is my first time trying my hand at a anthology series, if anyone likes it, I’ll do more)

One day, a young man came to “Love and Joy Shelter”, and said that he wanted an alicorn. The shelter employee led him to the alicorn section. Upon seeing the man and the employee, Peppermint (named for her white fluff and red hair) gasped.

“New daddeh fo’ Peppamin’?!” she beamed. The man smiled. “That’s right. I’m your new owner.” he said as he held Peppermint. After paying the adoption fee and getting some supplies, Peppermint and her new daddeh went home. “Daddeh, wiww Peppamin’ get skettis and toysies?” the young alicorn queried. Her daddeh was silent, and just smiled.

Upon getting home, Peppermint was given a bath and brought to her safe-room. “Dis am aww fo’ Peppamin’? Thank 'ou, daddeh!” she gasped before laying on the floor. The man knelt down to Peppermints level, and explained that when she was older, she’d get a big surprise. This made Peppermint very happy.

As the days went by, Peppermint was so happy to have a safe-room and home, and was given sketties once every two weeks. Then one day, her daddeh entered her safe-room.

“Hey Peppermint, remember when I said that when you were older, you’d get a big surprise?” he asked, knowing that fluffies aren’t really great at remembering shit. “Yes daddeh.” Peppermint answered, her wings fluttering excitedly. Daddeh smiled. “Well, now you’re older, and today you get that surprise!” he explained before scooping up Peppermint.

“Yay! Peppamin’ am so 'cited!” Peppermint beamed. As daddeh led her to a part of the house where her surprise was, she wondered what it could be. New toysies? A sketti machine? A special friend? Or a litterpal that actually responded whenever she thanked it? Little did the alicorn know, none of that was the case.

After a few minutes, Peppermint and daddeh arrived at the basement. “Okay Peppermint, it’s time for your surprise.” Daddeh stated in a tone that was both happy and matter-of-fact. Daddeh set Peppermint down on a table, and told her to wait while he got the surprise.

“Peppamin’ nu can wait fo’ suwpwise, but if daddeh say to wait, then Peppamin’ wait.” Peppermint thought to herself. Shortly afterwards, daddeh reappeared with a funny looking machine. He strapped Peppermint with some velcro and told her to hold still.

Albeit somewhat nervous, Peppermint held still. Then suddenly, she felt something hit her weggie. “EEP! Daddeh, why am weggie have huwties?” Peppermint queried. Daddeh remained silent, and something hit her weggie again.

This went on for 2 hours until all of Peppermints weggies were broken. Visibly terrified and crying, Peppermint looked up at daddeh. “D-Daddeh? Why gib Peppamin’ huwties? Peppamin’ am bad fwuffy?” she asked, huu-huuing between words.

Daddehs face contorted to a horrible grin. “Because fuck you and your kind, that’s why.” he answered, eerily calm. The next day, he tossed Peppermints body into the garbage, and went to another shelter to get another fluffy/victim.


(NOTE: If Gayroommate even thinks about dubbing this I will be pissed so don’t try anything)


this was 1000% funnier with the petulant end comment, please do more

This guy must really hate fluffied to do that to an allicorn