FluffGen fluffies can finally tell you what’s on their mind! The fluffy randomly runs through a number of status checks and will now regularly remark on how it feels at any given moment. Right now remarks are restricted to hunger, thirst, and social attributes but expect a lot more lines of speech to be added in the future!
I’ve also added a very basic computer system (Which is currently just a big, white cube) that you can use to purchase a fluffy with random lower level breeding points for ten bucks a pop, so money finally has a use in FluffGen! Just click the console and a fluffy will be air dropped right on to your supply pad!
The last thing I’ve got to display this week is a system that allows flowers to randomly grow on your farm. They’ll grow wherever there’s fertile ground not covered by anything else. Hungry fluffies will flock to the tasty flowers as soon as they spring up and gobble them down!
Thanks for all your support and comments! The feedback I’ve been receiving from you guys helps a lot and I’m really grateful for all the engagement I get with this project. Anyways, that’s all for right now but I’ll see you guys at the next update! Have a great week!
Thanks bud. I gotta start modeling some more assets! It just occurred to me in this update how many placeholder objects and incomplete assets I’m using.
Also random question but i just read a comic that had a ‘huggiefluff’ losing his remaining legs due to some disease, any chance we might see something like that in game?
More ideas I had when I tried making a breeder game: Fluffies would have an overall health entirely separate from Hit Points, based on things like quality of food and hygiene, and it would determine the fluffies rate of hp regeneration/degradation. Each food would have a healthiness value that determined what value it moved the health towards by few percents per meal, so if you fed an unhealthy fluffy sketties it’s health would rise towards something like 80%, but if you fed sketties to a healthier fluffy it’s health would degrade towards 80%. This way unhealthy treats once in a while wouldn’t be too bad, but a fluffy fed nothing but poop and candy would have its health constantly adjusting towards 20-30%.
When a fluffy got sick, the game would pick a random disease, and the player would have to figure out what it is to give the correct treatment. For example, a high temperature could be a symptom of two diseases, requiring the player to do additional tests to rule out one of them. This would give a reason to shove themometers up the sick fluffies asses, squeeze them with blood pressure monitors and press them with cold stethoscopes, and then administer painful injections, foul-tasting medicines and uncomfortable suppositories - which still have the chance of being the wrong choice if the player didn’t diagnose the disease correctly. With some diseases being more common than others and some treatments being cheaper, it would give a good reason for busy breeders to take their chances with low-value fluffies while making sure their high-sellers get the best treatment possible.
oh yes, medical abuse. you can also get your fluffs vaccinated to lower their chance of getting sick. it will cost a lot of money, of course, but you can always take a cheaper B1 and enjoy their reaction to the most painful 10 injections in their life.