Tater-Tot's Endeavor (a study by Cruddyfolly)

Subject name: Tater-Tot

Subject description: A fat brown foal, about two months old. Male. Having difficulties with potty-training.

Day one: Subject has been separated from his litter, and moved to a safe-room with a bed, food bowls, various toys, and a television. The foal is in healthy condition. Researcher X is with the Subject.


X: Hello, Tater-Tot. How do you like your new safe-room?

Subject: Tae’teww-Taww nu wike sabe-woom!!! Wan’ mummah an’ bwuddahs!! Nu wike dis pwace… The Subject puffs his cheeks, and stamps his hoof once. Tears are welling up in his eyes.

X: Awwe, don’t be sad… You’re here for a very important reason. You’re a special fluffy!

Subject: Tae’teww am… Speshuw? Almost instantly, the tears are gone.

X: Mmmhm… And, you know what? While you’re here, you get to have spaghetti, every time you eat!

Subject: SKETTIS!? AWW FO’W TAE’TEWW?!? The foal begins wiggling uncontrollably, and shits on the floor from excitement.

X: Tater-Tot!! You made bad poopies! Why didn’t you use the litterbox?

Subject: Uhmm… Tae’teww fowgott wittabocks… Nu can hewp it… Am onwy wit’tow fwuffy… Am sowwy… The foal hasn’t noticed that there isn’t a litterbox in the safe-room. He’s feigning renyway.

X: If you’re going to say in this safe-room, I have one condition… No bad poopies! And since you’re too little to help it… X reaches into his back pocket and pulls out one FlexFluff Durability Diaper, foal sized. You’ll have to wear this! Before Subject can realize what’s happening, he’s being picked up and the diaper is fitted almost instantly. He can only manage to squeak out a few chirps in protest before it’s over.

Subject: Nuuuu!!! Tae’teww nu am diapey babbeh! Tae’teww promise tu ma’e onwy gud poopies fwom nao on!! Pwease ta’e diapey off fwuffy!!!

X: I’m sorry, but you have to wear it until you learn to make good poopies, okay?

Subject: Huuu… Nu wan diapey… The Subject puffs his cheeks again, and Researcher X leaves the safe-room.

Day two: The Subject is in clear discomfort; his diaper hasn’t been changed in almost 24 hours. As Researcher X enters the safe room, the Subject rapidly waddle towards him.


Subject: Mistah!!! Pwease, pwease, pwease ta’e off diapey!! Tae’teww-Taww hab WOWSTEST itchies!!! Huuu!!! Nu can gib scwatchies be’cuh poopies in dah wae!! Huuuuuuu!! The foal demonstrates his plight by scooting his rear on the floor, leaving a streak of shit. X seems to ignore this.

X: You don’t like your sketties and your T.V.? I guess I could take you back to your old room…

Subject: Nuuuuu!!! Wub sketties! Buh diaper am suuu itchies… Wan stae in nyu woom, jus’ wan nyu diapey!

X: Well then, Tater-Tot… I’ll change your diaper when you start making good poopies. Maybe a new friend would help you take your mind off things?

Subject: Huuu… Huu… Nyu fwen?

X: Sure! A mare, even! Send her in, [Researcher Y]! The safe-room cracks open, and a small pink filly, hereby known as Subject-A, trots into the room. Almost immediately, she winces. Researcher X slips away.

Subject-A: Ewww… Nu smeww pretty in hewe… The filly does her best to hold a hoof over her nose

Subject: H-Hewwo, pwetty mawe! Am Tae’teww-Taww! The foal’s tiny eyebrows wiggle. Fluffies are fucking gross when they’re horny.

Subject-A: Tae’teww am poopie… An’… a diapey babbeh? The filly recoils.

Subject: Nuuuu!!! Nu am poopie diapey babbeh! Jus’, uhm… Jus’ wea’w diapey as jokesies!

Subject-A: Says nothing, simply stares in disgust at Subject’s sagging brown diaper.

Subject: Pwetty mawe… Be speshul fwen?

Subject-A: Ickies!!! Ickies, Ickies, Ickies!!! Nu wan poopie babbehs fwom poopie fwuffy! The filly boops Subject on the snout, and gallops away behind a pile of blocks. X tends to Subject.

Subject: HUUUUU!!! Wai mawe nu wan be speshul fwen? Nu faiw! Nu wan diapey! Tae’teww hate diapey! Hate itchies!!! HUUUUUUUU!!! The foal is stomping both of his hooves, a trail of piss leaking from the diaper. "Rage messes are common in situations like these.*

X: Don’t be sad, Tater-Tot… What if we try again tomorrow? I’ll bring you a nicer, prettier mare!

Subject: W-weeeaaawyyy~?

Day three: Subject seems extremely distressed by the diaper, it’s sagging to the point where a trail of waste is left wherever he drags it. Subject’s fur is matted in shit, and he seems to have pink eye. Researcher X enters the safe-room wearing rain boots.


Subject: HUUUUUUU!!! PWEASE!!! NU MOWE DIAPEY!!! PWEASE GIFF TAE’TEWW SCWATCHIES!!! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! SEE-PWACES AM ITCHIES!!! NO-NOS AM ITCHIES!!! BUGGY MUNSTAHS NU WEAVE TAE’TEWW AWONE!!! HUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! PWEASE GEH’ WID OF DIAPEY!!! Subject drags himself over to X as fast as his hooves can, and begins desperately stomping on X’s boot.

X: Okay, okay! Calm down… I’ll take your diaper off… But then, you wouldn’t be able to meet your special friend… At this, Subject stops crying entirely.

Subject: Tae’teww… Nu meet sp-speshul fwen?

X: Only if you really do want out of your diaper… You have to choose.

Subject: Huuuuuhuuu… Nu wan choosies… Nu diapey, ow’ speshul fwen… Wan… Wan speshul fwen!!!

X: Without a word, the researcher reaches into his pocket and pulls out an Wumpies Junior Ending Toy, a little rubber replica of fluffy filly that’s been sprayed with pheromones. It will hereby be known as Subject-B. Subject is in awe.

Subject: Woooaaaa… Hewwo, pwetty mawe… Am Tae’teww-Taww…

Subject-B: Says nothing. This arouses Subject.

Subject: Tae’teww am… Tae’teww am gonna gib speshul huggies nao… Subject drags himself behind the toy and, with a great deal of effort, manages to mount it.

X: At this point, Researcher X begins taking pictures with his phone.

Subject: Eheheh… Nao gib enfies to pwetty mawe! Enf! Enf! Enf! Enf… Enf? Wai… Wai nu gud feews? Subject seemingly realizes that he’s wearing a diaper. If he was humping anything, it was shit. Amidst his confusion, he falls backwards onto the diaper, spraying waste everywhere. He begins crying, again.

Subject: HUUUUHUUUUUUUHUUUUUUUUU!!! HATE DIAPEY! DIAPEY NU WET TAE’TEWW GIB SPESHUL HUGGIES!! GIB DIAPEY FOWEVA SWEEPIES!** Subject begins stomping on the diaper under him, hitting his “no-nos” in the process. He begins wailing louder.

X: Researcher X begins snickering like a girl, catching the Subjects attention.

Subject: 'Ou… ‘OU TWICK TAE’TEWW-TAWW!? MA’E TAE’TEWW WEAW DIAPEY SU NU GIB’ GUD ENFIES!!! HATE’CHU!!! HATE’CHU!!! HATE’CHU As the Subject hates away, X loses his sides. Study must be concluded prematurely.

Subject status: Flies have begun laying eggs in Subject’s diaper. Subject will be retrieved and cleaned… When we feel like it.

Research conclusion: Researchers have been payed for making a fluffy roll around in it’s own shit. God bless America.


Oh man I hope tater lives so he can go back and make good poopies then first time he messes up right back to the diaper


At this point all the scientists might as well just point at his dick and laugh


Tater-tot is a shitty, whiny brat and needs to be hosed down with ice cold water!