I love this, some of the best torture for the stubborn racist fluffies
Gotta snip the vocal chords before you pillow them. Can’t have them scaring the product!
Why even have limbs? Just lop 'em off, stick a tube for waste evacuation, and strap them to a wall on a foam pad.
If they still have their limbs there’s still hope of eventual escape. That’s more fun to milk, no pun intended.
Fuck. Her. Up. Honestly just milk her and feel the babies separately. Isolate her. Demean her. Then break every single one of her weggies while she screams and begs.
Dont for get to gag da mama
But…that’s the fun part
I love it. Course I would of just pillowed em and theeeeeen just muzzle them, and chain them up just to be safe. Although this is more satisfying, cause it makes them a much more bold example to the babbehs to not end up like their mom.