Ted and fluffies 58 [Eded_ted]

My pets always panic when the fireworks explode.

I think pinkey has the same problem!


Ìt would be even worse with fluffies/
They’d be screaming in human ish voices and shitting all over the place.
Best to lock em up in the bathroom.

…in a carrier case.


Ha ha haaa hahahaa

Yeah I have a small dog this is way too relatable.


This is my dog,pray for me fellas.


Same shit different year.

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High quality safe rooms are soundproofed, because even the hugboxiest of higboxers needs a break from the endless high pitched chattering of the typical fluffy.

This has the additional benefit of keeping the fluffy from crapping itself in fear on New Years and the 4th of July (or equivalent).

For those who can’t afford a soundproof room, a soundproof closet with soft lighting will do.

In extremis, there are anti-anxiety drugs, but these can have unexpected effects and are recommended as a last resort.

Earplugs are not recommended, as fluffies assume they’ve gone deaf, and will freak out even more. Some fluffies even suffer permanent hearing loss through some sort of psychological effect.


No wonder! I just keep my fluffies in my living room!

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The term ‘safe room’ is misleading, it isn’t primarily to keep the fluffy safe, its to keep the rest of the house safe from the fluffy.

‘Fluffy containment area’ is probably more accurate.


All the bad poopies!

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My little dog doesn’t seem to have a problem with fireworks, but he’s something of a weirdo. Plus, he was on the streets before we got him, so who knows what kind of crazy shit he’s seen?

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Relatable. My dad slept in the coach to comfort the dogs. He himself is a multiple tour Vietnam vet so he’s had a hard time with fireworks as well.

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I’ll take your entire stock

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Sadly so was my old doggo :cry:

Surprisingly my cats was like :neutral_face:

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