Tesla (Story by Arazur) (Artist: PeppermintParchment) (FB ID: 40904, 41090, 41650, 41948, 43361, 43452, 45693)


Oof that’s rough.

His life is still fairly decent all things considered, the son didn’t have to pay for his daycare, but without the love of a human to give him purpose what is it all for? A comfortable depression is still depressing.



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Unfortunate. Tesla had much love to give.


Inb4 son is an abuser.


Is there something I’m missing, why are you guys acting like they’re sending him to a shelter. Tesla is just a dumbass that stopped listening at “send to shelter” and not “your owner’s’ son is happy to take you and give you a new home”


Oh,I don’t know who uploaded this for me,but thanks!
For anyone curious,this story was a collab between me and an old Booru user Arazur. He wrote the story,and I did the drawing. As you can see,this was very soon after I got my art tablet,and I hasn’t quite figured out text bubbles and how to line up the words and stuff,haha.
We were good friends,but we both started using the Booru less and less,and Tesla was never finished. I don’t quite remember exactly how Tesla’s story was supposed to go,I only have a general outline,and unfortunately those PMs with all the plot were lost in the death of the Booru.
However,if people are interested,I could attempt to finish it eventually. I’ll stay as true as I can to what I remember of Arazur’s plot,and if he happens to come back,I’d love to continue this story officially with him.


He’s a Tesla. When is he gonna spontaneously combust?!

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I’d like to hear how it finishes. It may be best to write the ending first, then figure out how to draw it. That way even if you can’t draw an ending you can post how the story would end.

The way I see it the ending is most likely one of the following:

  • Tesla gets adopted by the son after a few days (easy but has many unresolved subplots).
  • Tesla somehow leaves the daycare and is picked up by Fluffy Control but gets saved because of their collar (payoff for the collar subplot).
  • Tesla somehow leaves the daycare, is helped by the fluffies they helped earlier (payoff for the helping fluffies subplot) and gives them his collar to protect them because he doesn’t understand how it’s meant to help (payoff for the collar subplot). Tesla then dies because they don’t have a collar.

Holy fuckin shit that was solid gold

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