Tex the BisonFluff (carniviousduck)


“Actually it’s not the redness that angers bulls, it’s the movement that provokes a defensive reaction in them, causing them to lash out.”

“Yeh, bu Tex DO hate wed fings. It nu a pwetty cowuh.”


You do realize that your avatar is a Red Fluffy right?

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My opinions on red and Tex’s are separate.

Also I’m pretty sure Crimson is more blood than Fluff at this point


Awesome as always bro :sunglasses:

Hah yet another stoopid poopie little shitra… HOLY SHIT LOOT AT THE SIZE OF THIS UNIT :concern:

I… i never said anything, ive alwasy had a soft spot for brown fluffs, anything brown really i just… boi… aint you neat… all brown and all… please dont stomp me into a fine paste :face_with_peeking_eye:


Let it happen.

Aw, look at Tex’s little nose ring.

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Just sayin, a fluffy with horns and a temper sounds like a nightmare to domesticate

Probably funny to let loose on wild herds though