Thanksgiving Guests (by Booperino)

Attempt of a quick bait and switch :stuck_out_tongue: after adoption they are now named Cramberry, Gravy and Sweet-Tatoes :3


I would love to have them for Thanksgiving dinner…

The smallest turkey I could find was 15 pounds, that’s a ton for just 2 people.


So cute and how they eat love their expression :heart_eyes:


I saw the bait and switch
But knew that is was a set up for more cute :heart:


Just get a ham next time. Less waste.


Yeah it’s hard to find a reasonably sized industry bird. You might have more luck with a local farm (depends where you live) but expect to pay more per pound bc it’s hard to meet that consumer expectation of low cost when you’re not industry supersized. I ended up just getting a turkey breast tenderloin for 2 bc we don’t want to be eating turkey leftovers into December.


Actually, a Fluffy breed with good memories and a basic idea of how streets works could find a survival niche as a provider of directions since you don’t have to fear being stabbed or mugged trying to get someone to point you to the local pharmacy at 2 in the morning.

That would be a rare adaptation and the breed would have to survive by being instantly recognizable through some kind of physical variation unique to the breed. Unless you just ask any Fluffy you see and wait for one to respond with “Weww, yu take Awdew down fouw an fouw stweets untiw ou see a big wed sign, den tuwn dis hoof way untiw ou see da big gween weaf sign.”


I have a visceral dislike of ham, I find it unpleasant and gross.


Pork is terrible.

Bacon is an exception, but honestly because its a great texture as opposed to actual flavor.

Plus, pigs are smarter than dogs and their skin and organs are so much like ours that it can be grafted to us. Human meat is literally described as being like rancid pork, due only to our old natural defense of being toxic and foul-tasting prey.

Best off just abstaining from it. Plenty of religions are for that anyway, in case you are of the “I dunno, I just try and be good and hope for the best” religious persuasion.


Plus flicking to Emelie feels less weird since I mostly stopped eating pork.


Yeah, this is my exception too but I’ve even been switching over to alternatives as they have been improving as well.

But yeah, no religious reasoning or anything. I just dislike the taste, texture, etc. It just doesn’t do it for me.


Oh my goodness the wee babbeh hiding in it’s mummah’s tail fluff! So adorable!

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Gon’ sit around and eat pasta and desserts and get all fat and sassy

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Do we have a “Bait and switch” tag?
If not, can we have one?

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Sub-sub breed: Tour guide fluffies


Since it’s only my mum and I, we just get 2 game hens, enough for just the two of us. We do go for the obligatory sides and accompaniments. After we boil the hell out of the carcass for soup.


Can a faol eat spaghetti sauce? I thought by long a foal need milk other real food can fuck up their stomach. Or am I wrong about this?

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depends on how old the foal is, id imagine they could lick the sauce if they are being introduced solid foods

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I see, sounds logic.

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Happy Thanksgiving fuckuzzz

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