Say the line Oculus (by Booperino)

@Oculusfluffy had to be done



“Unfortunately, fluffy can’t read.”


Told you!


This needs to be a hotkey on the site. We need to be able to just type something like “:signtap:” and have it posted as an image reply. :laughing:


The only bot this site needs


My headcannon says it doesn’t depend on the headcannon. Checkmate :sunglasses:



The witness forgets that by default if your headcanon says something doesn’t apply, it only applies in your headcanon, hence making it still dependant on your headcanon.

AA theme intensifies


I’m not aware of another fandom that truly has no canon. I’m sure such things exist, but it has to be very rare.

The fluffy fandom is entirely self-created. While there was an extremely tenuous link to MLP, fluffies are in no way a fandom or parody of MLP. There are certain very basic criteria that define the outer limits of what the community will accept, but beyond that, anything goes. If someone comes up with an idea that others like, it may get added to the quasi-canon, while less popular or useful elements will get unceremoniously dropped.

Its ALL headcanon, and its fascinating.


Its perfect. Thanks for this @Booperino

Off the few examples I can think of in my head

Slenderman. Or at least initially until the movie came out, but Slenderman started as digital folklore with no “definite” canon. Marble Hornets was created in an attempt to give some background/lore to the character, which then fueled other series such as TribeThirteen and Everyman Hybrid. However, those series do not have any ties to each other afaik. Even the Slenderman games such as Slender: the eight pages and Slender: Arrival could be considered their own independent stories, even though they use the same character. It is this fact that makes the Slenderman mythos a fandom with no definite canon

SCP Foundation was originally without a definite canon. It is possible it still doesn’t have a definite canon, though there had been attempts to make certain works “more official”

Two other fandoms that fluffies have also often been compared to yukkuris and jissous


Ooh, those are good examples. Slenderman came out of Something Awful, did it not? Or was it 4chan? Either way, the similarities are obvious.

I’m familiar with SCP but I don’t know where it originated. That has a bit more structure than the other two, in the the SCP Foundation tries to enforce a level of coherence, but the Foundation evolved organically from the fandom.

Fascinating stuff. I’m not familiar with the other two, I’ll have to look into it.


Yes it did. SCP came from 4chan’s /x/

Jissous are very old, and I could see them not catching on as their design still calls back to Rozen Maiden, thats over a decade old now.

Yukkuris are interesting to me. People within our circles have talked about its abuse, but yukkuris are more interesting as a meme. Hell, Skullgirls had a yukkuri reference!


Ohhh, the head things! Yeah, I’ve seen those, they are sorta like fluffies, only creepier.

Ah, I remember when /x/ was good, oh so many years ago.