That's gonna leave a mark (Federalchemical1728)

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i haven’t actually introduced the Tea Wizard yet i dont think… ive got a whole intro comic thumbnail’d out, but i never fully finished it & now i domt remember the order of the panels or which caption goes with which picture

i imagine the guys who tortured Sammick tracking him down to finish him off, but they get a little trigger-happy & shoot his owner as well. they flee, leaving the bodies behind, still not realizing that neither of them can actually die.

their brand of immortality doesn’t come with any kind of healing factor or even infection resistance, so uh… have fun with the toxic shock & lead poisoning. the carpet’s gonna be ruined.

((blessedly uneventful))

i mean my aunt’s been drinking, my mom’s an ass, my grandma is a non-stop whining machine, & i’m going to have to change therapists after this week. but other than that, not much has happened since my last public diary entry.

i did forget to take my meds for a few days & it wiped me tf out. i slept pretty much all weekend.

the cat managed to lose her collar again, but we had another & ive got a handful of extra jingle-bells so it’s really nbd.

ive been playing a lot of pokemon go. i dont leave the house much, but sometimes my gps glitches out & launches me across town which is always funny.

drawing’s been kinda hard, but i could just be burnt out. which sucks because drawing is my Happy Place & where i’d like to be while i recover from burnout. but i pretty much always feel burnt out these days. im burnt out on being burned out. i wish i could tell what’s going on in my own head.

it feels like my brain is stuck in a pothole, but it’s too much energy to dig myself out of it so im kinda just lying here clipping halfway through the floor ctrl+alt+deleteing until the program ends.

running around screaming & flailing my arms seems like it could be refreshing, but i dont even have enough energy for a light jog. it’s like nothing can excite me that much anymore (or ive already become a jaded old fart at 23) more likely i’m just tired & traumatized & depressed. how much fight do i have left in me? will it be enough?

i think my cat’s got the right idea. a nap in the sun sounds nice.


Great art as always.

Regarding the uneventful

I’m sorry to hear about the burnout and the feeling that nothing can spark your interest anymore. I used to have the same problem and I ended up having a discussion with my doctor about my medication. They changed what I was on and there was a world of difference. It takes time and I know how hard that is to deal with while you wonder what’s happening to your mind but maybe a change in prescription could help you too. You’re one of my favorite people on here and I hope that things can change for the better.


Well, maybe you don’t feel like you got much faith in yourself or fight, but know that I’m rooting for you.


Small advice for the cat collar

If you’re getting regular cat collars, they’re super easy to take off, even by your cat (I lost a dozen before wising up) if the problem persists, get a small dog collar, make it able to slide on/off the cat, but not enough to come off my it’s (the 3 finger rule), duct tape to make the collar smooth, prevents it getting hooked on stuff and your cat’s claws, attach bell
Works like a charm, oh, and leave a little area of fabric to write your phone number on it


Oof, I feel too much of your RL situation. (HUG) I hate when I can’t write. In my case, it’s usually stress and exhaustion. Try napping and maybe meditation or something. If possible, try to hang out at a coffee stop or library a day or two each week. Stay away from family as much as you can.

Good luck with getting your mojo back! You’re a fantastic artist, and I’m always happy to see your work. (Poor Sammy. He’s not going to be happy.)

ETA: I just realised that the wizard looks a lot like a friend of mine. He’s an old hippie.

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Harm coming to the elderly is a really big upset for me so the first image was so sad :frowning: But I’m glad neither the owner or the fluffy can really die. Sucks about the non-regeneration and infection tho. But I mean thems the breaks I guess. Hope things can start turning around for you soon.


I’m curious now- the immortality thing but no abnormal heal factor, what would happen if they beheaded the wizard or Sam- or burned them to ashes? Being a pile of ashes that’s aware of what happened to it doesn’t sound like a great fate. Or being a severed head.


Is this the fluffy John Wick?

Just started playing it and I had that issue too, kept springing me back to my old house (even though I didn’t start using that phone until after moving).


i didn’t really think that far into it, it’s kind of just a Magical Bullshit Handwave type thing. the limits of their immortality isn’t what’s being explored in the story.

i imagine being burned to ashes would do them in, they wouldn’t die of smoke inhalation or heatstroke, so they’d have to be entirely consumed by the fire.

in his og form Sammick actually had a relative who was executed by guillotine & just kinda picked his head up, put it back on, and walked away. he also had his leg eaten by an alligator & couldn’t get it back to reattach it so it’s gone for good.

i guess it’s kinda just whatever the story needs it to be. it definitely isnt fun for any of them tho.


oooooo lovely art!!

Ohh im sorry you havent been feeling great, though, honestly a nap in a sunny spot normally dose help me
Pretend your a happy fluffy pony who just had a long morning of play and now gets to snuggle up and nap, you deserve a happy nap

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This art is nuts. You’re nuts. How are you this good?!