The Abuser Files: Ron (TheMan)

If he did get paid for it, Hasbio™s, by now highly experienced legal team would fix that in a jiffy. They may have lost any real means of enforcing copyright on fluffies, but at least they can prosecute commercial espionage attempts.

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Thank you! I’m glad you had fun reading it!

Hasbio’s legal team at this point is a guy who lives in a trailer and screams at his reflection, so I wouldn’t worry about them too much.

Ron’s valuable research will still probably never get the funding it deserves, unfortunately.

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Oh Hasbio™ still being around is but my headcanon on why more official research has not been done upon fluffydom.
Though the idea of the company being reduced to frightful extremist loners, maddened at what they have wrought, does have its charms :thinking:

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It’s perfect