The American Dream (Part 1) by DreamMLP

A Dream was born… in an alleyway… in a trash can.

Inside the fallen trash bin, a yellow-coated white-haired mare sat. Plump and immobile.

“Why speshuw fwiend nu back yet? Tummeh babbehs comin!”

Being near the back of the can, the only view of the outside was the opening pointing to a brick wall. It was the only view she had seen since her special friend departed for nummies yesterday.

“Soon-babbehs need to stay in tummeh until speshuw fwiend back!”

But it was of no use, a puddle spread around her plump belly.

“Nuu babbehs! Stay in tummeh!”

All at once, it hit.

“Biggest poopsies evah! Huu… speshuw fwiend! Come back!”

At first the mare strained to keep them in. But biology took its course.

“Worstest huwties in poopie pwace!”

Splat! Something landed on the small patch of cardboard behind the mare.


Splat!.. Splat!..

The mare continued to huff and puff, even as another landed with a Splat!

“One mowe!” A voice said behind her.

She knew the voice, “Speshaw fwiend back!” She hadn’t even noticed him stumble in, following her calls.

“One mowe babbeh! Am daddeh!”


With that the now mummah finally felt empty… and exhausted. Too exhausted to even turn around, yet she kept herself alert, listening.

“…Chirp!.. Chirp! Chirp!”

Babbehs okay… With that she closed her eyes, ready to at last rest, when something was plopped in front of her face. Opening her eyes expecting a foal, she instead saw a rotten orange slice and her special friend. He stood above her, his coat shining blue with a mane of green hair and a horn on his head. He nudged the nummie closer to her.

“Mummuh need nummies fo milkies fo nyu babbehs.”

“Nummies nu smell pwetty.” The mare said.

“Can nu find mowe now. Daddeh hab to protect speshaw fwiend and babbehs fowe dark time. Will go find mowe nummies when bwight time.”

With that the new daddeh strolled behind the mare, to the source of all the new chirping. There were five of them. Well… four. In the middle of the pile a red foal chirped, on its sides a pair of wings, and on its head a pointy horn.

“Scawy munstah!” The stallion said, “Get away fwom babbehs!” With that he grabbed the alicorn by the tail with his teeth, strutted to the front of the can, twisted his head, and flung the “munstah” into the growing darkness. He strutted back in, to the litter.

Squirming where they were, eyes closed, the four foals chirped. The stallion saw a yellow female unicorn, a green male earth, an orange female earth, and another that caught his eye. A male, with a coat of blue the same as his. This fluffy would one day be known as Dream.

Now though, they were only four squirming foals. The new daddy began to lick them clean, something the mother would have done had she not passed out. The four chirped loudly with their new life, echoing around the metal walls.

Outside a weaker chirp could barely be heard. The cold alicorn crawled blindly, calling out loud as it could for mummah. Until it was abruptly silenced by something in the darkness.

Next Part


Cool story :heart:
Look forward to more
and welcome to FC


Sorry Red!





Damn to start to throw a poor alicorn :cold_sweat: poor thing.

I wonder what hold for them.


Bad dadeh, didn’t even chew the munstah head, make sure it didn’t hurt them babehs …


I hope that poor little red babbeh found happiness, I hope these others find their way into a meat grinder. Solid writing and set up.

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A waste of a “nummie babbeh”

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dream fluffies? where is wilbursoot?