The American Dream (Part 3) by DreamMLP

The first thing you saw when you opened your eyes was the brick wall across the alley. On it stains, and against it, piles of garbage. And you were awestruck.

“Babbeh open eyesies!”

You turn you head back, anxious to see your mummah for the first time, witness her surprise at seeing your big red eyes for the first time. Yet she was looking down into her arms, to Yellow, her bestest. Yellow had begun to grow a pink mane, and had just opened her green eyes.

“Bestest babbeh hab bestest gween eyesies! Mummah wuv bestest babbeh!”

“And bestest babbeh wuv mummah!”

You lowered your head in disappointment, but it was nothing new. You were hungry, so you walked over for some milkies. Green drank next to you, now growing a blue mane. He finished and sat, just now opening his brown eyes.

“Byu bwudda?”

“Gween bwuddah?” You responded, “Wan pway?”

And so you chased each other for a bit. Still inside the fallen trash can, mummah still wouldn’t let you leave. You went in circles around mummah, occasionally stopping by for some milkies. At one point even Yellow was put down to play.

“Wut bwuddas playin?”

Green sat and smiled, “Me and byu bwuddah pway chasie gamsie! Wan pway?”

Yellow stood confidently, “Wan pway chasie gamsie!”

There was no plan, no predetermined choice of who would chase who, you just took off running. This lasted about a minute before Yellow slowed and stopped. You looked behind you, and saw her panting. No wonder, she had so much milkies she couldn’t get into a sprint for long.

“Best… bestest babbeh nu wike… chasie-“ She was cut off as a big dark shape appeared at the edge of the can.

Yellow darted behind mummah, Green gave a squeal and pushed out a clump of brown. You simply froze in shock.

But it was daddeh, he was back.

The blue stallion stepped inside, in his mouth an orange foal. Orange, she had been missing all day, how had you not noticed? You did notice her growing green mane and newly opened blue eyes. Daddeh let Orange down on the floor. “Miwkies!” she cheered as she moved towards mummah. You noticed one of her legs dragging on the ground as she did.

“Owanj babbeh open eyesies, but hewt weggie. Could nu find hooman too, am bad daddeh…”

Mummah, who had just woken from her nap, looked down to her orange foal as it scooted between her legs and began drinking her milkies.

“You gud daddeh, and gud speshaw fwiend… but been while since wast nummies… babbehs wiww nu hab miwkies soon.”

“I sowwy speshaw fwiend, I twy find nummies but nu nummies weft hewe. Is wy fwuffy twy and find nyu hooman.”

“Find nyu hooman soon pwease, before miwkies gone.”

“I twy speshaw fwiend. I twy show oranj babbeh fo hoomans but hoomans nu wan… need better babbeh…”

He took a step towards yellow, now emerging from behind her mother.

“Nu!” Mummah said, “Bestest babbeh need mummah, need to stay with miwkies. Take odah babbeh!”

Daddeh relented and looked to the two of you. Green stepped back.

“Nu wan go outside!” Green said, “is scawy!”

You simply sat and looked up at him, and so you were the chosen one.

“Byu babbeh wiww make hoomans understand…”

Daddeh grabbed you by the neck and stepped out of the can, into a new world.

“…Wonchu byu babbeh?”

You said nothing. For the first time, you saw the sun.

And it was blinding.

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Kinda hoping the mom and dad get mulched


Bestesh wont last added the mother wont be parted with it

Hope blue survive the trial its gonna be rough world.