The American Dream (Part 34) by DreamMLP

“Hey ‘uo!”

You lifted your head. For the rest of the day you’d followed the tracks, found a spot to sleep, woke, and again followed the tracks. Out of the forest and into an open field.

“Hoo ‘uo? Dis am smawty wand!”

You’d found them, faster than you thought.

You looked to the source of the voice, a dark blue stallion in the distance. You approached, hearing the voices and chirps of the rest of his herd nearby. As you got face to face with the smarty, you could see he was a unicorn, and taller than you. His mane was red, and his eyes orange, they peered down into you.

“Hoo ‘uo!? Ansaw smawty nao!” He yelled.

“Am Dweam,” you said with a blank expression. “Fin’ hewd hoofpwints on gwounsie, fowwow hewe.”

“Weww gu ‘way, dis am smawty wand!”

“Dweam wan’ join hewd.”

The smarty’s eyes widened a bit at that.

“Hmm,” He peered to the foal resting on your back. “Wai hab babbeh? Nu am mawe.”

“Hab babbehs wit speshaw fwiend. Meanie hoomin gib speshaw fwiend foweba sweepies, babbehs too, is wastest babbeh hewe,” The memory was still fresh in your mind, and it was hard to keep a straight face as you told it. “Wan join hewd to take cawe ob babbeh.”

He kept looking at the foal, you knew exactly what he was thinking. A young stallion carrying a lone poopie babbeh, the odds weren’t stacked in your favor.

“Nu can take. Nu hab nummies fo’ ‘uo. Gu ‘way.” He started to turn away.

“Dweam can hewp hewd,” you said. “Can be nummie findah, ow tuffie fwen.”

He was walking away. “Aweady hab nummie findah an’ tuffie.”

“Dweam hab mummah an’ sistah foweba ago. Awmost gon’ foweba sweepies…”

He stopped.

“…Dweam wen faw an’ wide. Hid fwom munstahs, got nummies. Weawned a wot.”

The smarty turned back to face you.

“Dweam wiww get nummies fo’ hewd,” You told him. “Dweam wiww do watebah smawty wan. Onwy wan miwkies fo’ babbeh.”

“Mmm,” The stallion muttered. “Fowwow Smawty.”

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That smarty better keep his word otherwise Dream will probably either A: Cut and run, B: Kill him, or C: Rat the herd out to hunters.


Mostly A and C because i don’t see him as a fighter. He is a surviver but that only means he knows when to fight and which he can take. And an older bigger feral Smarty and his Toughfies doesn’t sound like something he could take even if we as readers would want to see this. DreamMLP has at this point made sure that dream is capable but not a overpowered speciel snowflake.


He doesn’t have to overpower him but be sneaky about it. Look at Maggie’s kill of Crowley as an example. She drowned the prick in a river.

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Yes she has and we don’t know how that will backfire for her and I’m sure it will backfire as well as it would backfire for him if he tries it himself but yousing a Munsta or human to do it would be another thing.

I hope Dream stages a coup d’etat