The American Dream (Part 37) by DreamMLP

You and Scout ventured back to the herd.

Scout was silent, only looking forward, and occasionally taking glances at you. He was wondering what exactly had happened in the forest. You wished you had an answer.

You walked down the hill and caught sight of the herd. Smarty was rummaging through the nummie pile, taking stock of what they had. Tuffy was sprinting circles around the herd, as if trying to protect them. Blossom was playing with her three foals. Sunny was nursing, nursing her pretty purple foal and…

Where was he?

You dropped the fruit you’d been carrying, and ran to her. Her eyes went wide when she saw you approaching her, and she retched back as you stopped an inch from her face.

“Wewe am Dweam babbeh!?” You yelled, “Teww Dweam nao!”

“Dummeh poopie babbeh?” She said, “Sunwy gib poopie babbeh miwkies, Sunwy nu cawe wewe poopie babbeh go.”

You stomped your hoof into the ground, leaning forward, giving as much a growl as you could.

“Dweam!” It was Smarty. You turned around.

“Babbeh am wite hewe.” Your babbeh was curled up at his feet. “Babbeh cwawl ‘way an’ sweep aftah miwkies.”

You ran to him, taking him in your mouth and setting him on your back. Smarty wasn’t done with you though.

“Smawty nu wike wen nyu fwuffy gib scawdies to hewd.” He approached you, “Smawty nu tink-“

“Smawty!” Scout yelled. He arrived with the juicy fruit in his mouth, dropping it so he could speak. “Scowt an’ Dweam fin’ nummie in fowest, but wed munstah came!”

Smarty raised his eyebrows.

“Wed munstah find Dweam, but nu gib Dweam foweba sweepies… maybe Dweam keep hewd safies?”

Smarty thought about it for a moment. Scout was not one to lie. He looked to you.

“Dweam can stay in hewd. Bu’ nu gib hewd scawdies. Dweam wiww fin’ nummies an’ pwotect hewd fwom wed munstah. Dweam nu do dat, Dweam nu can be in hewd.”

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