The Bad Jail (By DelishDelay~)

“Nu! Nuuuu! Nu taek best babbeh!”

The mother of the litter squealed and yelped in a panic as the big scary man grabbed onto her precious best babbeh, a fat, spoiled fluff that clung onto his mommah crying along with her as he was snatched up.

“Das mommah bestestest Babbeh! Gimm’ back ow’ get wowsest owies foweba!” The mother stomped her hooves in protest, as the fatty fluff squirmed within the big hoomans hand. Mommah was rather bold to be talking back in that way to any merchant of authority, but when it came to the bestest babbeh, I guess anything at that point was on the table.

“Mommah!! Mommah!! Big scawies!” He squealed and screamed in his adoption box as the two young men paid no mind. Jesse, a man who’d adopted plenty of fluffs before this one, was used to the procedure; he wrote his name down on the certificate, and handed it to the fluffmart merchant.

“And to think, I didn’t think he’d be getting a home,” the seller noted. “You really do these little guys a service, Jess.”

“I think he can be fixed up. It’ll take some time, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” He smiled at the merchant and shook his hand, before finally heading out of Fluffmart.

“Stupid dummeh daddeh nu daddeh!!! Wan mommah right nowsies!! Get baddest poopies if nu see mommah nao!!” The chubby little brat yelled and stomped around in his carrier, rolling himself around as he’d hardly been able to keep his balance up. By the time they’d gotten home and walked through the front door, Jesse was greeted by his small herd of fluffies. Cherry, Sunny, Marshmallow, and Bonnie, to name a few.

“Daddeh! Nu fwen in bawks?” The few little fluffs chirped and hopped around excitedly around his feet, making it a tad hard for him to walk.

“We do,” Jesse explained. “Guys, I want you to say hello to Franklin. He’s new, so be gentle with him.”

The chubby fluff refused to come out of his hidey box, and so Jesse forcefully snatched onto him to lay him down on the hardwood floor; afterwords, he’d set the box up on the end table beside them, hoping his group would at least lighten up the blow of being in a new place.

“New fwen wan pway wite nowsies! Am Sunneh, I wike twees and biwds and bunnehs! Sunneh have hundwed toysies we can pway wit!” Sunny was already up in his face as she’d been in excitement all day, but Franklin was still cranky from the trip back home. He wasn’t having any of it.

“Go way dumb babbeh!” He snapped at Sunny. “Nu wan no fwuffeh but mommah! Yu stinky fwuffeh!”

A heartbroken Sunny backed up quickly from Franklin, “das meanie babbeh!” before scurrying off from the group.

Jesse knew it was gonna be tough trying to get this little guy to adjust. He’d dealt with smarties before in the past, but a spoiled bestest babbeh taken right from mommah was going to be tough. He was going to need new training in multiple ways, sharing, respecting… Jesse wasn’t giving up though, he was up for the challenge, or else he wouldn’t have committed as far as he did.


I wish I had a scanner. It would’ve made the image of the drawing a lot nicer.

I’ve also been heavily running out of ideas for fluffy drawings. I remembered that I wanted to draw @chungusmybungus 's idea of a laundry basket used as a discipline box because I loved the idea, but it took me this long because I’ve just been stuck. It isn’t a great feeling.

The drawing itself was fun though. I actually liked Franklin and how all his grumpiness came out. It was a fitting punishment for him. I should draw more of him in his … Bestest Babbeh Adventures. Lol


What a brat. Great expression work and hope to see/read more.


I’m glad you’re still making fluffy art.


Gae babbeh jaiw


What a heccin’ CHUNK


he a big boi

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Fat fuck nugget of a bestest needs to lose weight. Or be someone’s food.

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Happy to see the fluffy-jail idea is still getting some traction. Nice art too!


I just love how chubby and cranky you made him look.

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Fuck that fat little Fuck

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Honestly you draw chonk spoiled foals very good, you should do it more often cuz its very cool concept

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Aww thank you!! He was definitely a lot of fun to draw haha.

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Also look forward to your next comics too in the future i wonder what it would involve next

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