plot twist: he takes a nuke to the face and becomes a mutant.
biggest huwties.
biggest huwties nebah changies
Great reference (replaying FO 3 right now), but I think this sounds better:
“Wah…wah neba changes…”
If he doesn’t show the photo to the other soldiers, he’ll be fine.
Showing someone a picture of your honey back home is a death sentence. Just like saying that you’re three days from retirement.
Lol, thankfully he’s already shown up in comics that are set after the war, so he’ll be fine. Momma fluffy tho…
Fluffy with an assault rifle.
Lol. Surely this won’t backfire.
Now do a follow up that’s based on the photo of that POW coming home after the war, with his kids ecstatically rushing to meet their father they haven’t seen in years, while he just looks dead inside because his cunt wife had been cheating on him since literally the day he got shot down and captured and she filed for divorce the day he was freed from a Vietnamese prison camp.
Hell, on the 'booru there were fluffies with tanks and airplanes. The devastation…
I’m gonna not do that, bud. Is there uh, something you wanna get off your chest?
OFF TO WAR LADS FOR THE QUEEN (I live in American but I see his helmet and it’s a ww2 British so it made me think that lol)
this post implies someone made fluffy sized and fluffy operable assault rifles. oh no.
Oh yes!
“Born 4 speshuw huggies” is hilarious XD
That wasn’t quite the era I was shooting for, but I guess that’s my fault for being generic. Besides that, helmet designs change a little bit when you’ve got a head shaped like a pumpkin
Ah true and now that I look at the gun I’m guessing you where trying to do the Vietnam war era?
It’s my go to, which may or may not be super offensive to like, actual Vietnam vets, but they don’t look at fluffies so I’m not worried
It’s not offensive to me I like war stuff and I have a veteran in my family