The ball of doom. (by: artist-kun)


So this is how Wakka hurt monsters with those blitzballs


While callousness is common amongst fluffy owners, some do still become overcome with empathy and find it difficult to hurt them due to their ability to understand death and verbalize their fear and pain. For these owners, having a fluffy that needs to be euthanized is a very emotionally taxing situation. This has caused a trend of “passive euthanasia” to become popular where the owner will give them dangerous items to play with and simply wait for the inevitable.


Thats me with my 4 children

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The best ball for good foals and smarties foals too

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You’re gonna write this into the fabric of the world right?

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Oohh, this one tugs at my heart. Babbeh just wants to have fun with the ball…

This is about as written in as I can think to do.

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